The Simpsons 421-425
Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
This episode premiered on September 28th, 2008. The lead in show was the OT and it was followed by King Of The Hill. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Amazing Race and Football Night In America.
The title comes from the 1989 movie Sex, Lies and Videotape.
The couch gag is the family sits on the couch but are frozen in carbonite and Boba Fett comes and carries them off. A spoof on the 1980 film The Empire Strikes Back
It's St. Patrick's Day, the river has been turned green from the nuclear power plant. Quimby announces that they are having a booze free celebration, everyone is mad. The Pride Of Ulster show up, Lisa sings Toora Loora Loora to try to maintain the peace, however a fight still breaks out. When a group of children show up and steal Marge's cupcakes Patrick Farrelly saves them and offers her a job in his bakery. Homer gets arrested and his bail is $25,000 so he decides to become a bounty hunter. He tries to trap bail jumpers with a fake condo offer. Snake shows up and when Homer chases him he pulls a gun and tries to shoot Homer but Ned comes by with bulletproof glass and reflects the bullet. Ned tries to convince Snake to go straight but Homer stuffs a plastic bag over his head until he passes out and then turns him in for the reward. Homer gives Ned a cut of the reward and then offers to team up to catch bail jumpers. It turns out the bakery is an erotic shop, Patty and Selma come in to pick something out. Ned and Homer's first job is chasing down Sideshow Bob. They go after Fat Tony but get into a fight about how Homer arrests suspects and so he and Ned break up. Homer is mad that Marge lied about making erotic cakes but she offers to snuggle with him and an erotic cake so they make up. Ned goes to the bail bondsman to quit however he has one more job, pick up Homer. Homer and Ned get into a parkour foot chace that includes horses and jumping from planet to planet at the Planetarium. Homer and Ned get stuck in concrete and Ned recites the entire Bible. Marge sends Homer a special cake in prison, it says To The Love Of My Life. Meanwhile Sideshow Bob escapes.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns as Gloria, Robert Forster does the voice of Lucky Jim.
Gloria first appeared in the episode A Hunka Hunka Burns In Love
During the St. Patrick's Day celebration they have the River Dancers. This is a stage show that started in 1995, Michael Flatley became the star of the show.
Parade float: Irish boy most resembling a potato / Straight Catholic Priests (there are two of them) / Small Irish Family (A drunken father, angry mother and two dozen children)
The Green Hulk and Orange Thing get into a fight
Bail Bonds, We put criminals back on the street
The bail bondsman employs Wolf the Bounty Hunter. This is a spoof on Dog The Bounty Hunter that ran from 2004 to 2012
Homer's card: Thanks For Saving My Ass! Happy Anniversary Marge Nicely Done Ned
Ned and Homer's company: Good Neighbor's Bounty Hunters. Friend Catching Fiends.
Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant plays during the chasing criminals montage.
Ned listens to the Christian cover band AD/BC
Fat Tony almost escapes on the Monorail. It was first seen in the episode Marge vs. The Monorail.
Smither's orders "extra long Twinkies" for his commitment ceremony.
One of the bounty hunters is Cherry Darling from the 2007 movie Planet Terror.
Homer trying to escape from Ned is a spoof on the parkour scene in the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale.
When Homer remembers catching bounty skippers with Ned the Batman theme plays complete with words popping up when the bad guys get punched.
Lost Verizon
This episode premiered on October 5th, 2008. The lead in and following show were King Of The Hill. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, 60 Minutes and Football Night In America.
The title of the episode came from the 1937 film Lost Horizon and the Verizon phone company.
The chalkboard gag is "Teacher's diet is working" and the couch gag is the family rushes to a Mt. Rushmore type of monument but it's a stone carving of them on a couch. Bart says "ay caramba!"
Seymore runs out of gas. He put a $1's worth in and swears he only used 90¢ worth. He has to run across the freeway but forgets the gas can so he has to run back. Milhouse sees him and alerts everyone with his cell phone. A drunk Barney thinks Seymore is a giant beer can and chases him around. Meanwhile Bart is at a tea party with Lisa and misses the whole Skinner thing because he doesn't have a cell phone. While walking down the street, and complaining, Bart gets hit by a golf ball from the country club. When he returns it to Dr. Hibbert he gets a dollar and goes into the golf ball retrieval business. Willie gets mad because reselling golf balls is his territory. Dennis Leary is playing in the Pro-Am tournament and when his phone goes off while he's trying to putt he gets angry and throws it away, Bart finds it. Brian Grazer tries to call Dennis Leary and gets Bart, Bart agrees to star in the movie version of Everybody Poops. One week later, in Tunisia, Denis Leary is playing the king of the gorillas in the movie. Bart calls Leary's manager and tells him to buy Yankees merchandise, when it arrives Leary calls Bart and threatens him. Marge catches Bart with the phone, he refuses to say where it came from but Milhouse shouts out that it's Leary's. Leary tells Marge to keep the phone and activate the GPS tracker so she can keep a closer eye on Bart. Marge tracks Bart to a construction zone and then to an R rated movie, Sever. Then to the horse track and grave robbing. Lisa catches them tracking Bart and complains, meanwhile Moe is spying on Marge and the FBI is spying on Moe. Lisa goes to Bart to tell him about the tracking chip, he removes it and straps it to a bird. Marge and Homer track him to the Shelbyville bird sanctuary. With his parents gone Bart has the house to himself. The bird lands on the car and Lisa realizes that they are following a bird, however it's migrating south to Machu Picchu, where Lisa has always dreamed of going, so she doesn't tell them. Meanwhile Bart is having great days and horrible nights. Marge falls asleep and has a dream about overprotective mothers of Machu Picchu and how they didn't prepare their kids for the conquistadors. The bird lands on Homer's computer and Marge figures it out, when they get home they find Bart and he claims that he didn't notice they were gone but Bart gets overly clingy. Meanwhile they left Maggie behind and she's become the new queen of Machu Picchu.
This episode was dedicated to Paul Newman who had passed away on September 26th. He was featured in the episode The Blunder Years
Brian Grazer and Denis Leary do their own voices in this episode. Grazer also appeared in the episode When You Dish Upon A Star
Highway Sign: Principal crossing freeway: Expect delays.
Letter to Marge: Allied Peas. Account Overdue Final Notice (with a picture of the not so Jolly Green Giant) on the back says We're Not Kidding with an angry Little Green Sprout.
Continuity error, Dr. Hibbert is playing golf with Dr. Nick, even though Dr. Nick was killed in The Simpsons Movie.
Working Man Blues by Merle Haggard plays during the Bart gathering golf balls montage.
The Krusty Klassic Celebrity Pro-Am "Not a penny for charity"
Self aware joke: when Bart finds Leary's phone he says "Oh cool, you can even watch commercials on it" and then points it towards the TV, the show then cuts to the commercials.
Phone gag, Bart uses Leary's phone to call a bar in Hawaii to ask for Maya Normasbutt. An Australian bar looking for Drew P. Wiener. The Sweden bar he asks for Mr. Olaf Myfriendsaregay. The last phone prank was in the episode The Way We Weren't and the last Bart phone prank was in the episode 24 Minutes
The Australian bar is called Crocodile Drunkee's. The one in Sweden is called Inga-Bar Beerman's
Best line of the episode "Bart, where did you get a cellphone" Bart "Same way you got me, by accident on a golf course"
Watch Your Step by Elvis Costello plays when Marge is tracking Bart.
T shirt: Bart Simpson Sleeptacular. With a drawing of Bart, Milhouse and Nelson.
On a note, when the Simpsons first went on the air cell phones were still what was known as The Brick. Big, bulky, limited range and low battery life. In this episode everyone has a flip phone which has become outdated technology.
Double Double Boy In Trouble
This episode premiered on October 19th 2008. The lead in show was a Simpsons rerun (Treehouse Of Horror XVIII) and was followed by King Of The Hill. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, 60 Minutes and Football Night In America
The title of this episode comes from the witches speech in Shakespeare's play MacBeth.
The chalkboard gag is "There's no such month as 'Rocktober'" and the couch gag is the family gets sucked up into a tornado, with Wizard of Oz music, and lands in a B&W barnyard. (Should have been sepia tone)
Homer is about to buy the last lottery ticket on the roll when Bart goes to do a cannonball into a cart full of marshmallows. However Wiggum bumps the cart out of the way and while Homer is trying to catch Bart Lenny buys the ticket, which is worth $50,000. At Moes Lenny announces he's spending all the money on a party for his friends. Bart tries to spay Rod and Todd with cat pee but hits Marge instead. At the party Lenny planned on giving everyone a vacuum robot but Bart turns them all on and they attack the guests. The cops catch Bart and Marge takes away his non dice board games. While in the bathroom Bart runs into his doppleganger, Simon Woosterfield. They decide to switches places. Bart loves living Simon's life but Simon finds out the Simpsons eat weird food and Homer is loud, Lisa is suspicious. Bart discovers that Simon's siblings hate him because he will get half the inheritance. Simon is about to demand they trade places until Marge comes to tuck him in. Bart runs into Burns who tells him how his family "mysteriously" survived his family and became a soul heir, Bart realizes that he was set up. Lisa figures out that Simon isn't really Bart. The Woosterfield family is going on a trip to Aspen and Bart figures they are going to try to kill him with a ski accident. Bart is pushed down a Black Diamond slope but Homer shows up, gets caught in a giant snowball and rolls over Bart just before he hits a tree. Bart his happy to be home.
The plot of this episode comes from the Mark Twain novel The Prince and the Pauper.
Joe Montana does his own voice.
Tales Of The Kwik-E-Mart: Prices that will gouge your eyes.
Homer calls Bart a "Dennis Level Menace"
Woosterfield Hotel "Welcome friends of Lenny"
Lenny sings Thank You For Being A Friend (best known as the theme to the Golden Girls)
Vacuum settings: On / Off / Malevolent Sentience
Springfield Heights, Ethnic Names Bear Right. McMansion, McDreamy, McSteamy, McDonalds, Fleetwood Mac, Macaulay Culkin (in the Home Alone pose)
Continuity. In the Van Houten living room there is a photo of the family however it's Pyro's body with Kirk's face taped over it.
Simon has a three eyed fish in an aquarium.
Welcome to Aspen. Population White. Spiffanys / Vulgari / Marc-Up Jacobs / Trophy Wife Engraving
This episode was one of the "Well, it's over" ones. They set up the whole story of Simon Woosterfield but there was no conclusion. And there was no real punishment for Bart after he cost the family $50,000 or ruined Lenny's party.
Treehouse of Horror XIX
This episode premiered on November 2nd 2008. The lead in show was The OT and was followed by King Of The Hill. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, The Amazing Race and Football Night In America.
The show starts off with an overview of Springfield, it's election day '08 and half the town is covered in Barack Obama posters, the other half John McCain. (I miss those days). Grandpa is holding a sign that says "I Still Like Ike". Homer "I'd like to vote for President, Governor or anything that will take money away from our parks or libraries." He's too fat to fit in the booth so they send him to the doublewide, he pushes Obama and it registers it as McCain, every time he pushes the button it registers a new vote for McCain. When he complains he gets sucked in and killed. Once his body is tossed out Jasper puts an "I voted" sticker on his forehead. The opening credits are in red, white and blue.
Untitled Robot Parody (Morf Transers / Trans Morfers / Snort Farmers)
Bart is almost done with his Christmas shopping but still needs a gift for Lisa. He goes to a discount store full of junk, a toy truck blinks at him and he says "girls don't like toy trucks, come back as something else" so it transforms into a Malibu Stacy car. Homer gives Grandpa an oxygen tank. Lisa's car transforms into a robot and melts the angel on top of the tree with it's laser eyes, only Maggie sees it happen. That night it shoots all of Lisa's electronics and says "Pos-I-Bots, transform!" When all the appliances transform Homer asks if there is something different about the kitchen and they all tell him "no" so since the toaster never lied to him before he figures everything is OK. His car transforms with him in it, and poops him out. It gets into a fight with Ned's car. Lisa decides that two races of aliens have chosen the Earth to fight on. An AMT turns into a robot and shoots money at Otto. Carnage Destructicus and Bestimus Mucho have their final battle, however Marge shows up and tells them off for destroying Springfield. They realize that they can't remember why they were fighting, and instead turn humans into slaves. The Simpsons end up as figures on a Foosball table, Homer introduced them to the activity.
This sequence is a spoof on the Transformers.
The shop is You Forgot-Me-Nots. The Last-Minute Gift Store. The store has a Montreal Expos Jersey / Somber String (it has a picture of someone hanging themselves on the label) / Jacks with no ball / Slunky, "It Doesn't Do Anything"
Pos-I-Bots: Snooze (alarm clock) / Threeway (desk lamp) / Melody (boom box) / Sex Toy (O...K...)
Springfield Shopper headline: Christmas Occurs
Homer gets Seinfeld Season 7 for Christmas. There were 9 seasons of Seinfeld and it ended in 1998.
How To Get Ahead In Dead-vertising
The show starts off with the Mad Men title credits but Homer as the silhouette. Marge and Homer are dropping Maggie off at daycare. Maggie is scared but the wall has a Krusty mural, however he has shown up to sandblast it off since it's unlicensed. Homer tells off Krusty and shoves him on to the swings, after a series of events Krusty ends up in a nearby tree shredder. Advertisers show up to hire Homer to kill celebrities so they can use the dead actor's images in advertisements. Homer kills George Clooney during his handprint ceremony at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood by switching out the cement for Extra Deep Quicksand. He stabs Prince with his symbol shaped guitar. At the National Air And Space Museum he kills Neil Armstrong by flying a wind up toy plane into the Apollo capsule, which crashes into a jet launching a missile into the Spirit Of St. Louis, which then crashes into a statue of Alan Shepard playing golf on the Moon. The club flies out and hits Armstrong in the head. After their images are used in advertising the dead celebrities are angry at Homer. Jimmy Stewart tries to stop the mob but they run him over. Edward G. Robinson shoots Wiggum for stealing his voice. Rip Taylor shows up to beat up CBG even though he was still alive at the time. After killing Homer the dead celebrities ride back to heaven but Homer has locked them out. He and Lincoln walk away, Lincoln grabs Homer's butt.
Crazy Ethel's Daycare Center. Where your child learns to trust strangers.
Krusty sandblasting the mural off the wall is based on the 1989 Disney lawsuit against a string of daycare centers that had unlicensed murals of their characters.
The ad men convert the end of Planet Of The Apes to sell Buzz Cola with Lemon.
Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads plays during the Homer murder montage.
Times Square advertising: George Clooney Brand Novelty Vomit "Now With More Chunks" / Prince's Choice Drought Resistant Grass Seeds / Country-Style Ragu "It'll Send You To Mars (with Armstrong in a space suit)
A John Wayne ad, several different movies are cut together to sell
Washington and Lincoln are getting married at the Springfield Chapple's President's Day Marriage-A-Thon
Celebrity Heaven has a huge golden gate, Regular Heaven is behind a wooden fence.
There was a popular story that Lincoln was Gay but there has never been any actual proof of that.
Although they were alive when this episode ran Neil Armstrong died in 2012, Prince died in 2016 and Rip Taylor died in 2019.
This episode was based on a fight over the rights to celebrities images after they died.
It's The Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse
The episode is done in the Peanuts style, Milhouse goes to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. Homer is asleep on the roof like Snoopy. He takes a food bowl in his teeth and throws it at Bart (who is wearing a Charlie Brown style shirt). Lisa complains that Milhouse says she has a nice witch costume, she says she Wiccan. There is the sound of a trombone in the background, Lisa asks "what did you say mom?" Marge says "Nothing, I was practicing my trombone". Milhouse says he's going to the pumpkin patch to wait for the Grand Pumpkin, Bart says he made up the story and there is no such thing. Milhouse still believes. When everyone goes to laugh at Milhouse Lisa decides to stay behind. After Lisa gets mad and leaves Milhouse cries and The Grand Pumpkin comes to life from his tears. However The Grand Pumpkin wants revenge on humans when he finds out what they do to pumpkins. Milhouse runs to the school to warn them the Grand Pumpkin is coming but he smashes through the wall just then. Lisa makes up a story about Tom Turkey so he prays to him, he shows up to fight with the Pumpkin. The Turkey kills the Pumpkin with a Horn A Plenty however when the Turkey finds out about Thanksgiving he goes on the rampage. Marge gives angry the viewers an address to write to but does it via the trombone.
This is a spoof on the classic Charlie Brown Halloween Special
Lucy and Linus by Vince Guaraldi plays during the opening.
SLH flies over the school on his dog house like Snoopy.
Kodos and Kang are part of the Peanuts dance.
The closing notes for the Shhh lady are done on a piano via Schroder.
Dangerous Curves
This episode premiered on November 9th, 2008. The lead in show was a Simpsons repeat (Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes) and was followed by King Of The Hill. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, 60 Minutes and Football Night In America.
The chalkboard gag is "I did not see teacher siphoning gas" and the couch gag is the family as a series of cuckoo clocks.
The family is stuck in 4th of July traffic, the radio station is playing their top sound effects. They decide to pick up some hitchhikers, the pimple faced teen and his girlfriend Beatrice.
Flash back to 20 years earlier when Homer and Marge are out riding bikes. Homer wants to do Biking out, make out while biking, Homer crashes into the ditch, Ned and Maude pick them up. Ned tries to talk them into getting married, Maude wants him to stop talking. It turns out they are on their honeymoon. Ned isn't happy that Marge and Homer are making out.
Return to the present where Homer tells off the hitchhikers for making out in front of the children.
Flashback to 5 years earlier. Patty and Selma are complaining that Homer ruined the family picnic, he peed in the pool off the diving board. Homer throws them out of the car however they had the map and Homer runs out of fuel. He and Marge have a fight, she won't walk on the same side of the road as him. They come to a house throwing a party. At home the kids are tickle torturing Grandpa for cookies. A woman starts hitting on Homer but he doesn't understand. Marge catches Homer limboing with the woman and tells him off but falls into the pool. The woman convinces Homer to start a sushi fight, Marge wishes she never met him.
Back to the present the family arrives at their destination. Homer bribes the kids to go off in a pedal car.
20 years earlier the Flanders and the Simpsons arrive at the same cabins but Ned refuses to let them sleep together since they aren't married. Ned and Maude snuggle.
5 years earlier. Homer is still at the party with the woman while the host, Roberto, tries to seduce Marge in his glider. Homer becomes jealous however the woman offers him pineapple and pepperoni pizza. Roberto lands the glider at the same cabins. The woman, Silvia, drives Homer to the motel where he sees Marge through the window, Roberto hides while Homer tells Marge that he's there to rekindle their old memories, he wants to snuggle, Marge says she doesn't like the trunk that Roberto is hiding in so Homer drags it outside. Silva comes up but Homer shoves her inside, her and Roberto hit it off. Just as Homer and Marge are going to snuggle Grandpa shows up with the kids, he's sick of them and they all fall asleep on the bed. Homer suggests going to the lake to "snuggle".
Modern time, Homer goes to unpack the car and gets tied up in the bungee cords. Just then Sylvia and Roberto show up with their kids and talk about what happened that night. Homer and Marge are pissed to find out that each of them had lied about the night 5 years earlier.
Flashback to 20 years earlier. Ned and Homer are fishing and talking about marriage. Ned suggests that Homer and Marge go for a walk however Maude is spying on them with a super soaker full of ice water. Homer carves their name on a tree but it's covered so Homer climbs up high to carve Homer & Marge 4ever.
The present. Homer finds the tree and tries to peel off the bark to show her. Marge shows up to say their marriage can weather any storm however it falls over and Homer ends up hanging over a river. The bark on the tree unwinds, Marge and Homer are plunging to their death however they reach the end of the bark and are hanging over the river. Just then Bart and Lisa show up, having driven the pedal car into the river. Everyone falls into the car and Bart complains about his parents kissing in the back seat. The episode ends with all the cars going towards a roundabout, splitting in half and rejoining on the other side.
The episode was based on the 1967 film Two For The Road, including Bart and Lisa having a fight over getting lost in the pedal car.
Bart is playing a video game, Cereal Killer, he shoots Cap'n Crunch / The Trix Rabbit / Toucan Sam / Count Chocula is hiding in a window
SUV Superstore "Going out of business, Thanks for nothing" 5 years earlier when the Simpsons drive by they are having their Grand Opening.
Continuity error, Homer and Marge have sushi at the party but in the episode One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish the family has sushi for the first time.
They sing The Limbo Song at the party.
The family drops the pimple teen off at Tongue Kiss Point.
The family goes to Kozy Kabins for the Fourth Of July.
Patty and Selma have a file cabinet full of Homer insults. Up To's / Uncle. Monkey's / Unclean / Ugly As
The Bullies are reading Esquire, The Women We Love.
This is the end of another 5 episodes. Overall they were OK, I wouldn't say any stand out. There is a change coming to the series but I'll save that for the next blog.