Saturday, February 18, 2023

 Five things about The Big Bang Theory that bugs me.

Number one, really everything started with a singularity?

Wait, I mean the TV show, lets start over. 

On Thursday night from 2007 to 2019 the gang on Big Bang Theory became part of our lives. It started off as a When Worlds Collide storyline with hot blond actress Penny living across the hall from uber nerds Leonard and Sheldon. Eventually it morphed into a domestic comedy about three couples and their friend who may or may not be Gay. Although I liked the show there were certain things about it that bugged me, and here are the top 5, in no particular order.

1) Everything. OK not everything about the show but Big Band Theory came out at the height of Nerd Culture so the characters were heavily involved in everything nerd, well most everything. They collected comic books, and action figures. They played all kinds of games from card to table top to video to on line multiplayer. They cosplayed, they LARPed, they were well versed in all forms of nerd media from comic books to graphic novels to regular novels, also movies and TV shows. And lets not forget the model trains and the YouTube channel about flags. They did pretty much everything except Steam Punk, which was too bad because it would have been perfect for Raj. At the same time they were college professors heavily involved in research and development. How did they do all that? I mean I've known plenty of nerds in my life but they generally geek out to one thing. Seriously, I knew a guy who was in to Star Wars action figures and that's all he did, his house was covered in just about every action figure available. Howevert he didn't collect anything else Star Wars or any other genre of action figures. How did they find the time for all that?

2) Stuff. For everything they did, the guys also had all the equipment and costumes to go with it, where did they keep it all? I know what you're going to say "well Sheldon had a storage locker" but that brings up another question, he didn't drive so how did he secretly get it all there? But that's a discussion for another time, what I'm talking about is any time the guys needed anything they just ran back to their room to get it. Question about a storyline in a comic book series? Run back to the room to grab a specific issue. Planning on playing Quidditch? Run back to the room for costumes and their brooms. Getting ready for a round of paint ball? The guns and pads are readily available.  Gonna set up for a night of playing WOW? Bust out the PC. They live in a two bedroom apartment, where did they keep all that stuff?  Again, I knew a comic book collector and he had an entire room in his house dedicated to his collection. It was both light and temperature controlled to ensure they were in optimal mint condition. Did the BBT gang just stuff them in the back of their closet or was their apartment secretly a TARDIS.

3) Taking about paintball equipment lets talk about the sport of Paintball itself. The storyline is that these guys are all nerds and lack basic athletic abilities, yet on weekends they go to play paintball, a sport that requires running, dexterity, eye/hand coordination and so forth. The Big Bang Theory guys are doing this? I highly doubt it. I figure they needed an excuse for Penny to ruin Sheldon's spot but not totally destroy it so they came up with the paintball thing, and then they kept doing it. I had a hard time believing that super nerds who never play sports and run away from bullies played paintball, the sport of being chased by bullies.

4) The previous three complaints were about generalities in the series but this one is specific. In the episode The Spoiler Alert Segmentation Leonard is reading Harry Potter for the first time. When he comments about how much he's enjoying it Sheldon spoils the fate of Dumbledore resulting in a big fight. I know the writers needed the two characters to have a fight over a minor issue for the episode's plot line so they chose the spoiler story but I had a basic problem with the reason. Lets be honest, in the world Leonard lives in it would be nearly impossible for him to have avoided the spoiler for eight years, surely he would have been at a party with people talking around him, or someone mentioning the movie, or an argument over who was the better wizard, Dumbledore or Gandalf. And I know that I said it bugged me that they were well versed in all forms of nerd media and it was a nice refresher that there was at least one thing that a character didn't know, but seriously, Leonard didn't know about the spoiler, I mean, if you're going to love fiction you have to have the suspension of disbelief, you have to accept that kids waving sticks and speaking latin can cause magic to happen but Leonard never heard about Dumbledore?  C'mon! 

5) So, up until this point everything I've complained about can be explained away by "it's just a TV show, it's not real life, get over it" but the fifth one is a real world situation, Howard in Space. In the 6th season on the episode The Countdown Reflection Howard goes to the International Space Station to work on one of his projects. However in the very first season he said he had transient idiopathic arrhythmia, a genetic heart condition. Sure, with proper monitoring he could live a long healthy life, however when a NASA doctor saw that on his medical report he would be immediately rejected. Even if there was an explanation as to why he didn't really have it the very hint of a possible heart condition would make NASA nervous, they don't need someone dropping dead on takeoff. As far as this plot line went it's a No, just No. 

So there it is, the five things about the Big Bang Theory that bugs me. Sure, I'm able to just write it off with that suspension of disbelief and enjoy the show, except for the Dumbledore thing, but it still bugs me. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

 Revenge is best when the victim thinks it's just some random event. Bwa ha ha ha ha.

Normally I'd post a story like this on Twitter but it's too long and has too many details. Also I seem to have been shadow banned by muskrat since I mocked him, a lot. So instead I'll turn it into a blog post that nobody will read since nobody follows this blog, and then link it to twitter where nobody will see it. Lets get started, shall we?

It all began 5 months ago when my boss forced me to leave my happy job where I worked alone and go to another station, gas station, where I have to work with other people. The people are OK, a little weird and yes they get in my way at times but overall things are going right along. Since the place is open 24/7 the days off are broken up. One guy takes Monday and Tuesday off, the second guy gets Wednesday and Thursday off and I get the coveted Saturday and Sunday off (since I've worked for the company the longest and the boss owed me that much). Anyhow this means everyone works on Friday. The thing is there are two registers and three people on shift, the third person ends up doing odds and ends around the building and can go home early. The result is every week there is a struggle to be the person who doesn't have to deal with customers and can take off when they want.

In the entire time I've worked there I've only been the third man once, and I used the day to go around and clean all the graffiti everyone else was conveniently ignoring, and other such tasks. Eventually I ran out of things to do and left two hours before the end of the shift. My coworkers on the other hand will take the time to watch videos on their phones and piddle fart around until they leave 4 to 5 hours early. I don't know why they bother coming in at all. It's fine by me, I don't care, after all I'm not the one paying them and I like to get my full 8 hours, mostly.

So I showed up last Friday and found both my coworkers sitting in the parking lot, and it wasn't until I went in the building that they decided to come in, and there was almost a fight over who would get the second drawer. Seriously,  I was told that they had been sitting outside for 15 minutes, waiting for me to show up so at least one of them could leave early. Hello, if you show up to work, go to work. I decided I was going to show up 10 minutes late today just to see if they would still sit outside until I got there, but then the fates stepped in, my water heater quit working.

It took me a full week to finally hear back from a plumber and he said he could come by, on Friday. Perfect, I was going to have to wait for the plumber, possibly all day and that meant that I was either going to be late to work or not be able to go in at all, depending on how long it took to fix the problem. I told the manager and she said she understood and the trouble she was having getting a plumber to come over to her mother's house. The thing was, neither of my coworkers were within earshot when I had the conversation with her, so they don't know I'm not going to show up. Oh, did I mention that regardless of what happens I'm taking the day off? I can just picture them, sitting in the parking lot, waiting, the morning people getting pissed off because they want to close their shift and go home. The two guys finally giving up, going inside and both of them having to get on the register and spend the entire 8 hours at work! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

Maybe next week I'll show up 10 minutes late.