Friday, February 3, 2023

 Revenge is best when the victim thinks it's just some random event. Bwa ha ha ha ha.

Normally I'd post a story like this on Twitter but it's too long and has too many details. Also I seem to have been shadow banned by muskrat since I mocked him, a lot. So instead I'll turn it into a blog post that nobody will read since nobody follows this blog, and then link it to twitter where nobody will see it. Lets get started, shall we?

It all began 5 months ago when my boss forced me to leave my happy job where I worked alone and go to another station, gas station, where I have to work with other people. The people are OK, a little weird and yes they get in my way at times but overall things are going right along. Since the place is open 24/7 the days off are broken up. One guy takes Monday and Tuesday off, the second guy gets Wednesday and Thursday off and I get the coveted Saturday and Sunday off (since I've worked for the company the longest and the boss owed me that much). Anyhow this means everyone works on Friday. The thing is there are two registers and three people on shift, the third person ends up doing odds and ends around the building and can go home early. The result is every week there is a struggle to be the person who doesn't have to deal with customers and can take off when they want.

In the entire time I've worked there I've only been the third man once, and I used the day to go around and clean all the graffiti everyone else was conveniently ignoring, and other such tasks. Eventually I ran out of things to do and left two hours before the end of the shift. My coworkers on the other hand will take the time to watch videos on their phones and piddle fart around until they leave 4 to 5 hours early. I don't know why they bother coming in at all. It's fine by me, I don't care, after all I'm not the one paying them and I like to get my full 8 hours, mostly.

So I showed up last Friday and found both my coworkers sitting in the parking lot, and it wasn't until I went in the building that they decided to come in, and there was almost a fight over who would get the second drawer. Seriously,  I was told that they had been sitting outside for 15 minutes, waiting for me to show up so at least one of them could leave early. Hello, if you show up to work, go to work. I decided I was going to show up 10 minutes late today just to see if they would still sit outside until I got there, but then the fates stepped in, my water heater quit working.

It took me a full week to finally hear back from a plumber and he said he could come by, on Friday. Perfect, I was going to have to wait for the plumber, possibly all day and that meant that I was either going to be late to work or not be able to go in at all, depending on how long it took to fix the problem. I told the manager and she said she understood and the trouble she was having getting a plumber to come over to her mother's house. The thing was, neither of my coworkers were within earshot when I had the conversation with her, so they don't know I'm not going to show up. Oh, did I mention that regardless of what happens I'm taking the day off? I can just picture them, sitting in the parking lot, waiting, the morning people getting pissed off because they want to close their shift and go home. The two guys finally giving up, going inside and both of them having to get on the register and spend the entire 8 hours at work! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

Maybe next week I'll show up 10 minutes late. 

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