Saturday, April 29, 2023

 The Simpsons 26 though 30

Homer Vs. Lisa and The 8th Commandment

This episode premiered on February 7th 1991 in it's usual time slot, followed by Babes and ran opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cops and The Cosby Show.

The chalkboard gag is "I will not make flatulent noises in class" and the couch gag is the family dance number that had run previously.

The show starts at Mt. Sinai: 1220 B.C. (we know this because of the Intertitle) (ps, I looked up the technical term) The Israelites are having quite the party. Aaron the carver of golden idols is talking with Homer the thief and and Zolar the adulterer. Moses shows up with the 10 Commandments and puts them all out of business. The show jump to the present day (1991) and Flanders is mad at the cable guy who offers to hook up all the cable channels for $50. Homer stops the guy and pays him. He watches so much TV he has peel himself off the couch on Sunday morning. At church the kids learn about the 10 Commandments which starts Lisa on a moral crusade. Bart is happy they are finally getting to the topic of hell. Back home they watch an infomercial with Troy McClure, I Can't Believe They Invited It. The show is selling gum that cleans and straightens your teeth (invented by Dr. Nick). Lisa catches Marge eating two grapes at the store and so Marge offers to pay for them at the register. Later Homer sees an ad for the big fight, The Bout To Knock The Other Guy Out. He invites the gang at work over to watch. Burns overhears Homer on the security camera and invites himself to the Simpson's house. When Homer invites the bar crowd Barney asks Moe why he didn't get cable, he says he went with the mechanical bull (a reference to the Urban Cowboy craze) Lisa goes to Lovejoy to ask about stealing cable and he tells her to set an example by not watching.  Back at home Bart watches Top Hat Entertainment, an adult movie channel. Homer catches him and makes him promise to not watch again. Lisa comes home to tell them that she's not watching on moral grounds. Marge and Homer have a fight and Homer literally puts his foot down. The next day the Cable guy shows up in the living room to sell Homer stolen radio so he puts on extra locks and bars on the window. Bart charges the kids 50¢ to watch the adult channel, "Must be 8 years old to enter", Homer catches them. On fight night Lisa continues to protest, Moe shows up so Homer has to hide stolen mugs from the bar and then when Burn's shows up Homer has Bart hide all the stolen power plant stuff. The cops show up and ask Homer about the illegal cable hookup, it turns out they just want to watch the fight. Homer hears the story about how Tatum when to jail and he starts to imagine himself in jail for stealing cable. He joins Lisa outside while everyone else watches the fight. After the fight Homer goes to cut the cable and blacks out the neighborhood, when he finally finds the right one the screen goes fuzzy. (He could have just disconnected the box from the TV.)

In this episode we have the first appearance of Try McClure (voiced by Phil Hartman along with Cable Guy and Moses). His catch line is "You might remember me from..." and on this episode it's Cry Yuma and Here Comes The Coast Guard. It's also the first appearance of the fighter Drederick Tatum, based on Mike Tyson and his manager Lucius Sweet, seen in ring at end of the fight but doesn't speak,  he's based on Don King.

The pamphlet gag is So You've Decided To Steal Cable. 

Dated Reference, Homer watches the show Davey and Goliath, a stop motion series produced by the Lutherans. In his sermon Lovejoy talks about the hi fi, boob tube and frozen pizza pie. The first time I've noticed that there's a cigarette machine in the background at Moe's. Burns mentions Gentleman Jim Corbett (late 1800's boxer, know as The Father Of Modern Boxing). Bart mentions Joe Franklin, a talk show host who was on the air from 1951 to 1993 (longer than Johnny Carson).

Message on the First Church of Springfield board "God, The original Love Connection" reference to the dating game show of the era.

Second appearance of the devil. 

First mention of Section 7G.

The shows on the Top Hat Adult Channel are Stardust Mammaries, a take on the Woody Allen comedy Stardust Memories and Broadcast Nudes, from the title of the movie Broadcast News.

In this episode Burns thinks Barney is Homer, a long running gag about him not remembering who Homer is despite their numerous adventures. 

Principal Charming

This episode first aired on February 14th 1991 (Valentines Day) It ran in it's usual time slot and against the usual programming.

The chalkboard gag is I will not belch the National Anthem and the couch gag is a repeat of the sofa bed popping out. 

Barney calls Homer to tell him about a new place, Greasy Joe's BBQ Pit, all you can eat. They call Patty and Selma to babysit but they are going to Stanley Peterson's wedding however it's during the day so they will have time to sit that night. Selma remembers back to when she almost met Stanley but Patty ran him off. Selma asks Marge to set her up, later Marge reminds Homer about their vacation at the bowlers hall of fame, she now wants him to return the favor by having him finding Selma a husband. Marge says Patty chose a life of celibacy, we later find out the truth. Bart's class is using tetra-sulfate and he plots an evil plan. Homer searches for a date for Selma at work but fails. Skinner finds out the boys are planning on synchronized pencil drop at 2 and warns them they will be expelled, so Bart writes his name in the grass with weed killer. Skinner has Bart call his dad, at Moe's but Bart asks for Homer Sexual. Moe starts telling him off but it's Skinner on the line and he asks for Homer, at the school Skinner asks to punish Bart by making him reseed the grass. Homer invites Skinner to dinner to meet Selma but he meets Patty first and falls instantly in love. Skinner invites Patty to see Space Mutants V as part of the Parents Advisory Board review. Skinner lets Bart off punishment and the school runs amok. Skinner plans to ask Patty to marry him, meanwhile Homer sets up Selma with Barney. Skinner writes out Marry Me Patty in grass killer. Patty tells Skinner that she can't get married because of her sister, later we learn....something. Patty goes to the bar and rescues Selma from her date with Barney. Bart ends up having to do twice as much work. 

This episodes Phone gag Homer Sexual

This is the first appearance of Groundskeeper Willie and Hans Moleman (name on driver's license is Ralph Melish, dob 2/2/21) It is also the first time we see Patty and Selma working at the DMV. (Both Hans and Otto are at the DMV, in a later episode they'll both be there at the same time again.)

Springfield Background Stuff:

Message on church sign 2:00 Peterson Wedding 8:00 Hayride To Heaven (reference to the TV show Highway To Heaven)

Moe's Happy Hour 5:00 to 5:30

At the Springfield revolving restaurant the view out the window is a billboard for the House of tires. A ledge jumper that Wiggums is trying to talk down and a riot at prison. The Mall Stores are The Family Jewels and the Discount Meat Hut 

Selma is reading book Kiss Me Shoot Me Again!

When Homer is looking for potential dates for Selma, they are seen in Terminator vision

Karl, Cons: Too Attractive

Smithers, Cons : Jerk (we'll learn about him later too)

Ms. Finch Cons: Not a Man. (if only he was looking for... well we'll learn about that later)

Apu Pros: discounted Snack Treats Cons: Dangerous Profession.

? Pros: Nice Stride, Cons: Complete Stranger

Laramies Billboard Cowboy Pros: Smoker Cons: Just a sign

Skinner Pros: Uses Big Words *Dislikes The Boy *Well Groomed Cons: Possible Homer Sexual. 

Pop culture references, Marge is working out to a TV exercise show, popular morning programs in the 90's. When Skinner smells the grass killer he runs up the school bell tower  and sees the stair image from Vertigo. When Patty leaves Skinner and he realizes what a mess the school has become we see the As God As My Witness sunrise scene from Gone With The Wind and he says "After all tomorrow is another school day." Mustache remover Gee your lip looks hairless in reference to the shampoo Gee your hair smells wonderful. When Patty gives her excuse why she can't see Skinner anymore she says she a Catch-22, a reference to the book.

School numbers for Homer

Work KL 5 6832

Home KL5 6754

Moe's KL5 1239

Selma stays home and looks through scrapbook, Pyramids, Lenin's tomb. It's part of the running gag about their many trips.

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

This episode ran on February 21st in it's usual time slot and against the regular programs.

The chalkboard gag in this episode is I will not sell land in Florida and the couch gag is a repeat of Maggie hiding in Marge's hair.

Grandpa Simpson goes to a McBain movie. When complaining at the pimply faced theater manager he has a heart attack. At the hospital Dr. Hibbert says Abe had a mild arrhythmia. Grandpa confesses that he had another son with a woman from a traveling carnival. Homer tries to track down his brother but when he arrives at the address of orphanage he finds it was torn down and is a gas station now, Homer says title of show "Oh brother, where are thou?" The gas station attendant tells Homer that the orphanage moved across the street. Director of the orphanage tells Homer he sympathizes and keeps dropping hints about the location of Herb but Homer doesn't get it. Homer gives the guy $20 and finds that he lives in Detroit. Homer calls all three Herbert Powells but doesn't call the H. Powell, who turns out to be the guy he's looking for. On the way to visit, Homer gets pulled over by a cop but the guy lets him go. Homer arrives at at Herb's house he finds out his half brother is the president of Powell Motors and is stinking rich. They call Abe who begs Homer to not do anything stupid. Herb offers Homer a car but none of them are big or have a lot of pep, so Herb puts Homer in charge of designing a new car. The car designers put Homer in charge of coffee, when Herb finds out he demands that they build the car the way Homer wants. The kids introduce Herb to Itchy and Scratchy. The new Powell car The Homer is a financial disaster. Herb loses his business and is bought out my Kumatsu Motors. Herb rides off on the bus just as Abe shows up. 

First appearance of Uncle Herb, voiced by Danny DeVito. The first time we see Homer's mother.

McBain movie, McBain throws Mendoza out a window, he crashes into a fuel truck and explodes. James Bond ending with But McBain will be back in "you have the right to remain DEAD"

Dated Reference Abe complains that the movie cost $2.50 The average movie costs $10.50 today. Gas in Shelbyville is $1.09 a gallon. Homer's car costs $82,000 dollars, adjusted for inflation that would be $184,000 today. Homer's salary is $200,000 which would be $450,000.

Director of the orphanage says he's looking for his long lost brother, Dr. Hibbert btw

Powell new car The Persephone. 

Homer's car idea, big cup holder, ball on antenna so you can find it in the parking lot, tail fins, bubble dome, shag carpeting. Multiple horns that play La Cucraracha. Separate bubble dome for the kids, loud engine. A seat based on Homer's shape. Homer's car costs $82,000 dollars. (I have the Hot Wheels version)

Itchy and Scratchy cartoon Sunday Bloody Sundae, Scratchy goes to ice cream parlor, Itchy throws him in the blender. 

Bart's Dog Gets An "F"

This show premiered on March 7th 1991. It was followed by a show called Yearbook, a real life program that followed around a group of high school students in their senior year, it was aired a year before MTV's Real World. The Simpsons ran opposite the regular programs.

The title of the episode is a version of a previous episode, Bart Gets An F.

The chalkboard and couch gags are repeats.

The shows starts with SLH (Santa's Little Helper) destroying the morning paper and eating Homer's food. We see the scene from SLH's point of view, everything Homer says sound muffled and like gibberish. Lisa has the mumps and has to stay home from school, Bart objects and claims she's faking. SLH tears up the yard and buries Krusty doll, he tries to chase Bart on the bus and goes off on an adventure around town. Steals jerky from Kwik-E Mart, ends up swimming in the neighbor's pool. Ned comes by and shows off his new shoes, Assassins, Homer becomes jealous. Marge shows Lisa the Bouvier family quilt. SLH destroys Homer's new shoes so Marge sends him to training school. Homer tries to return the destroyed shoes but the warranty doesn't cover Acts Of Dog. Homer buys a giant cookie at the mall but SLH eats it and then destroys Marge's quilt. Homer decides that if the dog isn't trained he's getting rid of it, he writes an ad for the dog and lies, when someone calls he pretends to be the dog saying "I love you". Guy wants SLH to pull carts at his farm. Bart tries to make a deal with Winthrop to pass SLH but she refuses. Lisa starts her own quilt, the first patch is SLH destroying the old quilt. Lisa tells Bart to enjoy his last few hours playing with dog however SLH actually starts obeying Bart and passes training school. 

For Beef Jerky Lovers Only. Based on a commercial for Penn Hills resort, For Lovers Only.

Dog collar Nev-R-Break and costs 89¢

Sylvia Winfield appears by name in this episode (voiced by Tracey Ullman), she calls Homer to complain about SLH swimming in her pool. She first appeared in Homer's Odyssey and was happy to see Homer setting out to commit suicide.

Lisa's magazines Teen Dream Teen Scream and Teen Steam 

After Homer sees Ned's shoes he writes Homer Simpson All Star on his sneakers.

Homer is left handed in this episode. 

Quilt squares, King Tobacco, Woman riding sidesaddle hunting buffalo, Soldier getting shot, possibly a Rough Rider, based on Robert Capa's photo, The Falling Soldier. 1929 market crash. Marge's patch Keep On Truckin' with Yin Yang symbol. Lisa's square features Mr. Largo and Bleeding Gums Murphy and her saxophone. 

Mall shops: Around The World News. Noah's, Fashion Pumps, Shoes For Dads. Cookie Colossus. 

Assassins cost $125, ($280 in modern money) Giant cookie costs a $1.00 ($2.25 today)

Pop Culture Reference 8 Corys in the teen magazine, the 90's were the era of the Corys. Emily Winthrop is based upon British dog trainer personality Barbara Woodhouse. When Lisa develops her sewing finger her and Marge touch fingers while ET song plays. Where Are They Now segment featuring the graduating dogs at the end of the show, popularized by the movie Animal House.

Springfield Background Stuff:

Mrs. Botz appears on a news segment, Krusty on Joe Franklin show. Troy McClure on I Can't Believe They Invented It selling eyeball whitener. 

Obedience schools: East Side Ruff-Form, Professor Bon Bowsers Sanatorium For Dogs "we taught a dog to drive", Dr. Marvin Monroe's Canine Therapy Institute "Your dog isn't the problem, You Are!" Emily Winthrop's Canine College.

Shoe selection at mall store, Bocci, Kick Boxing, Street Crime, Night Life. 

Obedience School Levels, Rin Tin Tin's, Benjis, Totos and Cujos. 

Winthrop reading JOCO Journal of Canine Obedience. The lead story is about airedales being the dog of the 90's.

Where are they now dog list:

Buddy: Ran Away From Home

Lao-Tzu: Ate Poisonous Toad, Now In Coma

Santa's Little Helper: Bite Bart, Homer Doesn't Mind

Old Money

This episode first aired on March 28th, 1991 in it's usual time slot and opposite the usual programs.

The chalkboard gag is "I will not grease the monkey bars" and the couch gag is a repeat of Grandpa sleeping. 

It's the family day with Abe and they take him to the liquor store for beef jerky, he has a drawer full. They decide they need to do something better for the Third Sunday Of The Month and plan to take Grandpa to the discount lion safari. Meanwhile at the nursing home Abe and Beatrice get their pills mixed up so they sit together and get to know each other. They go on a series of dates. It's Bea's birthday so Abe goes to Herman's Military Antiques for a gift, Herman sends him to Grandma's World instead. Homer shows up and insists Abe come with them thinking Bea is in Grandpa's imagination. At the Discount Lion Safari Homer drives in the wrong direction and gets stuck. The next day they get rescued and by the time they get back to the nursing home they discover that Bea is dead. Bea left her money to Able $106,000. Abe calls Homer to rub it in that he is now rich. Abe buys' "Napoleon's hat from Herman, an old fez. He tries to have fun but is bored, Bea's ghost shows up to ask him why he's not happy, she suggests spreading the money around and going to see Homer. Abe decides to give his money away to people who need it, but he won't give it to Homer. Everyone shows up to beg for the money including Mr. Burns. Lisa shows up to say how people who are bad off need the money, and she wants a pony. Abe figures he needs to go on gambling junket to get enough money to help everybody. Homer shows up and stops Abe from betting everything on number 36, Double Zero comes up instead and Abe is happy not to have lost his money. Abe re-decorates the nursing home including The Beatrice Simmons Memorial Dining Hall.

Pop Culture References: Lucky Lindy all purpose Palmade, You'll never fly solo again. A reference to Charles Lindberg and his solo flight across the Atlantic. At Herman's Military Antiques he puts Abe hat in the window for sale with a sign that says "Just In, The HAT McKinley was shot in!" When they are found at the safari the guide says "Mr. Simpson I presume", a reference to Stanley finding Livingston.  Grandpa Quotes Kipling's poem A Man. When Grandpa is walking around thinking about how to distribute the money he is seen in Nighthawks painting by Edward Hopper. Otto shows up trying to get Grandpa's money with a Rat Fink based drawing on how he wants to deck out the school bus. Abe goes to Diz-Nee-Land "Not affiliated with Disneyland, Disney World, or anything else from the Wall Disney Company

Episode firsts, We learn that Kent Brockman married the weather girl Stephanie. (in Homer Vs. Lisa and The 8th Commandment Homer mentions that they are dating). First appearance of a Krusty Burger when Homer hits the drive thru on his way to the casino. The first mention of The Springfield Mystery Spot. First appearance of Professor Frink (but not by name), he needs Grandpa's money to build a death ray. 

Signs: Springfield Retirement Castle "Where the elder can hide from the inevitable". Discount Lion Safari! tm So'll think you've driven to AFRICA! "If you can find a cheaper lion, you must be in Africa"

The Larry Davis Dance Kings make an appearance at the nursing home.

Grandma's World "For the old lady in all of us"

Aisle listings.

Hard Candies

Doilies-Picture Frames

Cookies Buy 1 get 1 free

Seashell Soap



Grandpa buys a wool shawl, the guy needs a price so he pages "activewear"

Lionel Hutz makes an appearance with Bea's will. the guy with Bronson accent is driving a cab. Princess Cashmere waiting in line for Abe's money along with Guy in Joker costume(?) Trekkie, Darth Vader. 

Marge calls Dr. Marvin Monroe's help line. 

Abe goes to Club Mud and parasailing,

Things people want Grandpa's money for:

Otto's bus 

Moe's treasure map

Dr. Monroe's isolation chamber, wants to buy a baby.

Bart wants a Radioactiveman #27

Signs at the casino:

State line One Mile, Casino One Mile One Foot

Plato's Republic "Welcome To The Golden Age of Gambling. 

Dated reference the entrance fee to the Discount Lion Safari is $18.50. That would be $41 in the modern world.

We've reached episode 30, 720 to go.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

  The Simpsons episodes 21 through 25

Bart The Daredevil 

This show aired on December 6th, 1990. It ran in it's usual spot and opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cops and The Cosby Show. 

In this episode the chalkboard gag is I will not drive the principal's car and the couch gag is everyone hops on but it falls over to the left, Maggie falls off but lands on a cushion. 

The episode starts with Bart and his friends watching a professional wrestling match at home while Homer watches the same show at the bar. Bart steals Milhouses seat while Homer steals Barney's seat. They both see a commercial for a monster truck rally including Truckasaurus and make plans to attend, however they find out Lisa's band recital is on the same day. Marge points out that they have time to see Lisa's performance and still make the truck rally. When they show up at the  speedway they can't find a parking spot and accidentally end up inside the arena,  the car is attacked by Truckasaurus. The speedway pays off Marge for the damages and gives her a bottle of Truckasaurus champaign. Lance Murdoch makes an appearance jumping over a shark tank, that includes a lion. Everyone closes their eyes except Bart who shouts "He made it!" When Lance pulls back up on the ramp to salute the crowd he fall in and after the attack is hauled off in the ambulance. Bart dreams about being a daredevil jumping things on his skateboard. The next day his first real world attempt is to jump over the family station wagon, however he crashes, when the kids watching think he's hurt they run off. Bart is taken to the emergency room for stitches and then is shown to the ward where kids are injured by imitating stuff they see on TV, a common complaint by parents in the day. Bart learns nothing and tries the jump again with a better ramp and succeeds, he then goes on to do more stunts including jumping over Homer. Just as he is running out of ideas the school takes a field trip to the Springfield Gorge, Bart decides that this will be his next challenge. A worried Lisa takes Bart to meet Lance who is in a full body cast and traction. Lance's advice is pretty bad, "bones heel, chicks dig scars". Lisa tells the parents so Homer tells Bart he can't and to go to his room but he says he'll do it anyhow. Marge tells Homer to have a heart to heart talk with him. Homer gets series and Bart finally promises, however he lied. Homer finds out he snuck out and goes to stop him. Just as Bart starts riding down the ramp Homer tackles him. Homer decides he has to jump the gorge to teach Bart a lesson however Bart begs him to stop and sincerely promises to give up being a daredevil, however Homer is standing on the skateboard and rolls down the hill, Just as he thinks he's going to make it across he crashes to the bottom. A helicopter lifts him out but the ambulance crashes into a tree and Homer falls to the bottom again. In the end Homer ends up on the same ward as Lance and says "You think you've got guts, try raising my kids".

Flanders is also at the school concert, Todd has a violin solo. 

Bart and Homer are watching World Class Wrestling, The bout is between Rasputin the Friendly Russian (formally Mad Russian) vs Professor Werner Von Brawn from Heidelberg. The professor cheats by smacking the Russian over the head with a wrench. 

Pop Culture references, The Truckasaurus is based on Robosaurus, a popular monster truck show character. When the kids are watching wrestling one of the characters is Rasputin the Friendly Russian, he use to be the Mad Russian but after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 relations with the Soviet Union had changed. BTW, this show aired a full year before the final collapse of the USSR. Did The Simpsons predict the future? Captain Lance Murdoch is a version of Evel Knievel, a popular daredevil known not only for his successful jumps but his spectacular crashes. His big dream was to jump the Grand Canyon but the closest he got was a failed attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon. Many kids in the 70's and 80's attempted to imitate Knievel and have the scars to prove it.

A funny background sign, the speedway billboard lists the next attraction, Bear Baiting, a banned spectacle of a chained bear attacked by dogs.

This episodes first appearances are Captain Lance Murdoch and Dr. Hibbert.

Itchy And Scratchy And Marge

This episode first aired on December 20th, 1990. It ran in it's regular time slot and opposite the regular programs. 

The chalkboard gag was "I will not pledge allegiance to Bart and the couch gag was when they run into the house the couch is gone. (a note, where the couch was in the wall is the classic arched mouse hole)

The episode opens with Marge making her world famous pork chops, one of Homer's favorite meals. Homer offers to make her a spice rack, when he goes out to the garage all the tools are still in original wrapping or have price tags on them. When he finishes his project Maggie hits him in the head with mallet. As he's laying on the couch complaining, and the family is trying to figure out what happened Maggie tries to stab Homer with pencil, Marge notices the Itchy and Scratchy episode where Itchy tries to stab Scratchy, Marge blames violent cartoons for Maggie's actions and bans the kids from watching, however Bart and Lisa go over to other kid's houses to watch. Marge writes letter which is mostly ignored but she gets a rude letter from Roger Meyers Jr. which concludes with "and the horse you rode in on. Marge founds Springfieldians For Nonviolence Understand and Helping and starts a picket in front of the animation studio,  Bart changes his sign to say "Don't ban Itchy And Scratchy". As the protests pick up Marge has less time for the house,  Homer complains about having to eat TV dinners, he asks Marge to make pork chops the next night however she's leading a protest at the  Krusty show. As things get out of hand Meyers wants solution to the problem, his executives offer cartoon solutions like dropping an anvil on her. One of the animator sees Marge protesting and adds a squirrel with big blue hair to an episode, Itchy And Scratchy knock the squirrel's head off. Marge then appears on Smartline along with Meyers, Krusty and Dr. Marvin Monroe. During the debate Meyers brings up the Crusades as his example of violence before cartoons while Krusty just makes jokes to the camera. Marge asks people to write in and the studio gets flooded with letters Meyers changes the cartoons, they become boring. so all the kids go outside to play. Then when it's announced the Statue of David  will come to Springfield the mothers turn out to protest because of his nudity, Marge supports the statue and admits you can't censor other people's creations, Itchy and Scratchy goes back to violence and all the kids go back inside.

This episode has a number of Itchy And Scratchy cartoons, Itchy kicks football bomb to Scratchy blowing him up, There is a scene in a kitchenwith character hitting each other, Itchy pins down Scratchy and stabs him. Itchy knocks on Scratchy's door, when he opens it Itchy blasts him with a bazooka. Itchy hits Scratchy in the back of the head with a hammer, his eyeballs pop out, Itchy replaces them with bombs, When Scratchy looks at himself in the mirror he "sees" the bombs and his head explodes. There is the previously mentioned baseball game where Marge Squirrel appears and gets her head knocked off. Itchy blows up Scratchy's grave, he goes flying into the air on fire. Once the shows become non violent the first cartoon features the two characrters drinking lemonade, Another has them dancing. The third has Scratchy reading Itchy a bedtime story. Once they return to violence Itchy and Scratchy keep pulling out bigger and bigger guns until Scratchy is shot into the sun.

Pop Culture Reference. When Maggie hits Homer with the mallet they do the Psycho shower scene complete with the slasher music and a can of red paint running down the drain. When Homer is complaining about Marge's protests he claims he's married to Jane Fonda, who was known for her Vietnam protests. When the kids go outside to play The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky plays, a reference to the scene in Disney's Fantasia, during this scene we see Nelson whitewashing a fence in attire similar to the Norman Rockwell painting. When complaining about dinner Homer refers to them as TV dinners, in the modern world we call them frozen or microwave dinners.

This episode featured the first appearance of Roger Meyers Jr. voiced by character actor Alex Rocco probably best known for playing Moe Greene in The Godfather (he was a real life mafia character until he got out of prison and changed his life) Also seen, but didn't have a speaking part was Sideshow Mel, Bob's replacement on Krusty The Clown. This show also mentioned Janie (Lisa's friend) by name. We also see Smartline for the first time, this was the late night news talk show hosted by Kent Brockman and was a take on ABC's Nightline.

When we see Roger Meyers jr walking through his office we see various awards and posters including a Screaming trophy award, Golden Custard winner 1985, Duff beer featuring Itchy and Scratchy, Itchy And Scratchy On Ice and Itchy and Scratchy cologne 

In an interesting pop culture twist when a Florida principal was forced to resign because he showed a photo of the statue of David to students people pointed out that The Simpsons did it first.

The was the last episode of the 1991 season. 33 years to go.

Itchy And Scratchy And Marge is one of my top 5 Simpsons episodes.

Bart Gets Hit By A Car titled Episode 23: Bart Gets Hit By A Car

This episode premiered on January 10th 1991 and ran in it's usual time slot and opposite the same schedule.

The chalkboard gag is I will not sell school property and the couch gag is they all cram on but eventually fall off, except for Homer. 

While riding his skateboard down the sidewalk Bart gets hit by Mr. Burns's car. Bart dies and rides the escalator to heaven, seeing members of the Simpsons family along the way. Despite being warned Bart spits over the side, the escalator turns into a slide straight to hell. The devil says he came too soon and sends him back. When Bart asks how he can avoid returning and the Devil says he wouldn't like it. When Bart wakes up in the hospital the whole family is there, and Lionel Hutz, attorney at law. Burns offers Homer $100 in exchange for signing wavers. Hutz law office at the mall, he offers Homer a big cash settlement and a fake pearl necklace. He promises a million dollar settlement, which he will get half of. Two doors down in the mall is Dr. Nicks office. Dr. Nick claims Bart has whiplash and trauma. Burns wants to fire Homer but Smithers talks him out of it, Burns decides to put it off until later. Hutz coaches Bart to fake it in court. Bart tells his story in court, seen as dark and menacing. Burns tells story, colorful and happy and Bart intentionally ran into him. Burns lawyers want a settlement, he tells them to get Homer to his house, offers $500,000. Burns spies on Homer from peephole. and overhears Marge mention phony doctors. Burns's lawyer calls Marge to the stand, she honestly testifies and they lose. Homer is mad at Marge and goes to the bar, she insists he look her in the eye and tell her that he doesn't love her anymore. However he realizes he still does.

Escalator to heaven has announcement in both English and Spanish.

Pop Culture Reference: Hell looks like Hieronymus Bosch's Garden Of Earthy Delights. Devil says Bart not due until the next time the Yankees win the pennant that's nearly a century from now. They won in 1996 beating the Orioles. They went on to beat the Braves for the World Series title.

First appearance of Lionel Hutz, voiced by Phil Hartman., and Dr. Nick Riviera. First appearance of the devil. Burns lawyer. Burns says it's nice to meet Homer for the first time. This is the first episode where Mr. Burns actually says "release the hounds".

Dated references: When checking Bart's naughty list the Devil uses a 90's computer. Lionel Hutz's phone number starts off with Klondike (it turns out most Springfield numbers do, and the numerical equivalent is 55. 

Hutz talks about his education including the Sorbonne and the Louvre.

Dr. Nicks medical diplomas, Mayo Clinic Correspondence School, Club Med School, Official Body Inspector, I went to medical school for four years and all I got with this lousy diploma. 

Burns fantasy when told to think of the headlines. Burns Fires Ungrateful Employee, Another Smart Move By Burns, Hooray for Burns!

Barts testimony similar to haunted car movies like Christine. Burns story has Tijuana Brass song.

Burns brags about shooting last endangered Indonesian rhino. 

One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish

This episode, premiered on January 24th, 1991 and ran in it's usual time slot opposite the usual programs.

The chalkboard gag is I will not cut corners however Bart has just put " under the rest to denote a repeat of the line, the couch gag is they all sit down and it falls over backwards, Maggie pops up to watch TV. The opening credits skip everything from Lisa getting kicked out of band practice to Homer pulling into the yard.

It's meatloaf night at the Simpsons, Lisa complains that Thurday is always meatloaf and Friday is always pork chop night. She wants a change of routine and asks to go out to somewhere that isn't burgers, pizza or fried chicken so Marge suggest the new sushi place. When the Simpsons arrive at the Happy Sumo the Chefs yell a greeting, in Japanese, at the Simpsons so Homer yells "Hello" back. Marge and Lisa trie the sushi surprise, Bart orders squid and Homer picks random things off the menu. Homer tries sushi and likes it and proceeds to eat everything on the menu except fugu, the liver of the blowfish. He order it but the Master sushi chef in car with Mrs. Krabappel so the assistant tries to do the job. When master chef sees deflated blowfish he rushes to stop Homer but it's too late. Homer goes to hospital and told bad news by Dr. Hibbert, he'll be dead by the morning. Homer goes through all five stages of grief in a single conversation. He makes plans for his final day on Earth but sleeps until 11:30. When Homer calls Bart over to the bed Bart drops his pants and prepares to be spanked but instead Homer gives him three sentences to use in any situation and shows him how to shave including covering up cuts and aftershave, which burns. Homer then listens to Lisa play sax and gets extra sad until she plays When The Saints, Homer sings Over there. His next stop is at the Flanders house to borrow Ned's camcorder. Flanders invites them to bbq on Sunday, since Homer is going to be dead he agrees and offers to bring t bones. He makes a video for Maggie and then goes to see his dad in the nursing home. Homer tells Abe he loves him so Abe asks him to go fishing then play catch and wrestle, Homer has to keep crossing things off his list. To make up for lost time he rushes but gets caught speeding. He tells the cops his taxes pay their salaries and to just give him a ticket, instead they arrest him. Homer gets one phone call but calls Barney. Marge is waiting for Homer but doesn't want to tell the kids why. Barney begs Homer to have one last beer, at the bar Homer tries to call home but it's just when Bart is making prank call to Moe. Barney has flat tire so Homer runs home in order to be intimate one last time. Marge writes poem, it's really depressing. Homer listens to The Good Book on tape. The next morning Marge finds Homer in living room but he's still alive. Homer vows to live life to it's fullest, cut to him sitting on the couch eating pork rinds.

The title of the episode is based on the name of a Dr. Seuss book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

We find out Meatloaf night is Thursday night, the first mention of Meatloaf night was in the episode Some Enchanted Evening. First time Lisa uses the repetitive asking of a question until Homer gives in. It's the first time a character has been given a pamphlet, this one is called So You're Going To Die.

The suushi restaurant called The Happy Sumo with neon sumo fighters on the sign. At the restaurant Homer drinks a Japanese version of Duff beer, Duffahama. The Great Wave Of Kanagawa by Hokusai on beer bottle table. The bar at the restaurant is Karaoke, one guy sings Gypsies Tramps and Thieves then Bart and Lisa sing the Theme from Shaft. There is a scene where the ambulance is rushing to the hospital, it will be repeated many times in the series. When he finds out he's been poisoned Homer says "No one every died from poison pork chop." The joke is many people have died from tainted pork.The five stages of grief are denial, anger, fear, bargaining, and acceptance. This will come up again in the series. When Homer is in jail there is a guy playing a harmonica, Homer asks him what he's in for and he replies "atmosphere". (self aware joke)

Homer's Last Day On Earth List

Make list

Eat hearty breakfast

Make video for Maggie

Have man-to-man with Bart

Listen to Lisa play sax

Make funeral arraingemetns

Beer with the boys at the bar

Tell off Boss

Hang gliding

Plant a tree

Final dinner with my beloved family

adds Be intimate with marge and Watch the sunrise.

Homer's three all purpose sentences for Bart, Cover for me, Oh, good idea boss, It was like that when I got here.

Homer makes video take for Maggie like Michael Keaton did in the movie My Life. He's interrupted by a call from Milhouse.

We learn that Mr. Burns has a foot fetish. When Homer drives by and shouts an insult, Burns plans to tell him off on Monday morning.

When Moe answers the phone he says "Moe's, birthplace of the Rob Roy." It was actually created at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC. Bart's phone gag is asking for Seymour Butts.

Larry King reads bible, Homer fast forwards through the Begats part.

Dated reference, Barney's novelty answering machine tape. Homer listens to the Bible on tape on a cassette player. Larry King says the San Antonio Spurs will win it all, but the Bulls ended up winning the championship in 1991. 

The Way We Was

This episode premiered on January 31st, 1991 It ran in it's usual time slot and opposite the regular programming.

The chalkboard gag was I will not get very far with this attitude and the couch gag was the family crashing through the floor, a repeat. However this time Homer didn't say "D'oh". The credits skipped the middle part again.

The show starts with the kids sitting too close to the TV, the family is watching Yakkin' About The Movies and they are reviewing the McBain film. When the TV goes on the fritz Marge offers to answer questions so Lisa asks how Homer proposed, it turns out it was when he found out Marge was pregnant, Marge deicides to tell the story of how her and Homer met. We flashback to 1974, Homer and Marge are senior in high school. Homer skips class but gets caught smoking in the restroom and is given detention. Marge burns her bra after reading Ms. Magazine, detention. Homer talks to Marge but she's not interested. Abe has a beer and a talk with Homer and tells him to aim low. Homer goes to the guidance councilor for women advice, the councilor suggests Homer consider working at the new nuclear power plant since it won't require a higher education. Homer joins debate team and has to argue against the 55 MPH speed limit, when he's insulted by Artie Ziff he moons class for his rebuttal. Homer asks Marge out and gives references, the Coach, Shop Teacher and Barney. When Homer finds out Marge tutors French he pretends to be in the class and hires her. After the lesson Homer asks Marge to stick around and then asks her to the prom, she says yes. He then confesses that the whole tutor thing was a fraud, she storms out, Homer calls Barney to tell him he has a date to the prom. Marge is exhausted and loses the forensics meet. Artie asks her to the prom and uses debate topics, she says yes. When Homer shows up at her house he's embarrassed to find out she has another date. Marge and Artie win prom king and queen, Homer leaves heartbroken. Marge comes to talk to him but tells him to forget about her. At Inspiration Point Artie gets handsy and Marge slaps him. When he drives her home Artie says his reputation has to remain in tact for the good of the school so she shouldn't say anything about what happened. Marge goes and finds Homer to give him a ride home and they fall in love. The show ends with Homer singing The Joker. 

First appearance of McBain played by Rainier Wolfcastle (although he isn't mentioned by name), people will claim that these clips form an actual story. We also meet  Principal Dondelinger for the first time, he'll appear in other episodes. We learn that  Marge's maiden name is Bouvier. Artie Ziff makes his first appearance. We see Marge's father, I can't remember if he's in any future episodes. Homer's driver who sounds like Charles Bronson makes his first appearance, he'll show up as a service guy in other episodes. 

Pop culture reference Yakkin' About Movies  based on At The Movies with Siskel and Ebert

McBain movie, Police captain complaining at McBain for his reckless behavior, McBain tosses captain out the window who falls into fountain. 

Dated reference, the tv picture fades to a dot when it goes off.

1974 references Make Love, Not War with peace symbol graffiti. Homer driving Charger with large air foil and chain steering wheel, When the Carpenter's Close To You comes on Homer changes the station to The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. Keep on Truckin' graffiti on a school locker. Marge reads Ms. Magazine for the first time,  burns her bra, a popular protest in the day. A girl mentions Eliot Gould. Abe Simpson drinks from a pop top beer cans. Marge's debate topic is Butterflies Are Free, the name of the Goldie Hawn movie. The debate team argues the lowering of the national speed limit to 55 MPH which took place in 1974. Homer wears a digital watch, he has to push the button to read the time because the first ones had a week batteries and couldn't be on all the time. Marge and Homer dance to The Hustle. The Prom theme, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, the name of the Elton John album that was released in 1973. Barney streaks the prom, a popular thing to do in the day, the band plays The Streak, a Ray Stevens song released in 1974. The band plays Yellow Brick Road, Precious and Few and Just Like Me.

We see a Young Dr. Hibbert with a full afro, Homer also has hair.

Abe eats Shakespeare Fried Chicken in the bucket, Homer breaks wishbone but the middle pops off and he ends up with two short ends.

The Nuclear power plant brochure the guidance councilor gives Homer has Burns on the cover. The first time a character was given a pamphlet on a topic was in the previous episode, One Fish Two Fish.

The Larry David Experience plays the prom, they were first seen in Some Enchanted Evening.

That concludes 25 episodes. only 725 to go.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

 The Simpsons episodes 16 through 20

Treehouse of Horror (I), called The Simpsons Halloween Special in the opening credits.

This episode ran on October 25th 1990. It was in it's regular time slot and opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cop and The Cosby Show.

The show starts with an introduction from Marge warning parents that the episode has creepy elements and instead of complaining about it they shouldn't let their kids watch in the first place.

The storyline starts with the kids telling spooky stories in the treehouse while Homer listens from outside.

Bart tells the story about the Bad Dream House, the plot is taking from The Amityville Horror. The Simpsons buy a haunted house that wants them to leave however Homer wants to stay because of how much he spent. That night the family becomes possessed and try to kill each other until Marge stops them. They find an Indian burial ground in the basement and when Homer calls the realtor the agent says he mentioned it 5 or 6 times. Bart starts to tell the house to do tricks, when it refuses and tells him all the horrible things it is going to do Marge gets mad and yells at it and says they are going to have to learn to live together. The house asks them to step outside while it thinks about it and then sucks itself into a Poltergeist type of vortex.

The second story, Hungry Are The Damned is a version of the Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man. The Simpsons are abducted by alines from Rigel IV.  They are fed constantly and there are a lot of innuendos about eating the Simpsons. Nosy Lisa finds a cook book, How To Cook Humans, however the cover is dusty and it says How To Cook For Humans. then another dusting reveals How To Cook Forty Humans, a final dusting reveals How To Cook For Forty Humans. The aliens are upset that the family thinks they are going to be eaten and return them to Earth. 

The third story is a reading of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven with Homer as the main character and Bart as the raven. Marge is seen as Lenore, the dead woman from the story.

At the end the kids aren't scared but Homer has trouble sleeping and even sees the Bart raven outside of his window.

Instead of the classic opening with a chalkboard and couch gag this episode opens with a stormy night that pans through the Springfield Cemetery featuring a series of comical headstones. Edgar Allen Poe, the author of The Raven is given a writing credit at the first of the show.

Pop culture references, The graveyard headstones, Garfield, Casper the friendly boy, The Grateful Dead, Your name here, Paul McCartney and Disco. The Paul McCartney one is a reference to the death hoax in 1966 when it was claimed the Beatle had died and was replaced by a look alike. The Disco one refers to the night in 1979 when the Chicago White Sox held Disco Is Dead night that turned into a full scale riot. There are also headstones in Indian burial ground. Crazy Horse, Not So Crazy Horse, Tonto, Pocahontas, Geronimo, Sacagawea and Mahatma Gandhi. The aliens are from Rigel IV, which will later show up in Picard.

The show features the too much lighter fluid gag. And Homer is wearing an apron that says Mafia Staff Apron, I can't find what this is suppose to be a reference to, perhaps a writers inside joke. 

James Earl Jones does several voice overs and the dramatic reading of The Raven. This episode also including the first appearance of Kang and Kodos, the aliens from Rigel IV.

For dated references the alines get 4000 channels including Itchy and Scratchy, however they don't get HBO because it costs extra, a common complaint about cable TV of the day. Also the Aliens have Pong which the Simpsons mock because it was an old school video game in the 90's. Bart refers to Friday The 13 Part One as pretty tame compared to modern horror movies. It was released 10 years earlier and launched the modern genre of slasher films.

The book Homer is reading in the library is Forgotten Lore Part II as in there is a volume I somewhere.

The show might have been meant as a one time Halloween special but was so popular that they started doing it every year. It was one of the few that takes place in the actual treehouse.

Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish

This episode premiered on November 1st 1990. It ran in it's usual time slot and was opposite the regular lineup.

The chalkboard gag is I will not Xerox my butt the couch gag is when the family jumps on it, it turns into a sleeper bed.

The show opens with Bart and Lisa at The Old Fishing Hole, they are using homemade poles like you'd find in a Mark Twain story. A reporter shows up and asks them a few questions, just then they catch a three eyed fish. The local paper, The Springfield Shopper, runs a front page story asking if the nuclear plant is responsible for the mutation, Bart adds it to his collection next to when he got caught beheading the statue of Jebeddiah (The Telltale Head). Government inspectors show up at the nuclear plant and find the place is a mess. Burns tries to bribe the inspector but it doesn't work and he finds out it will cost $56 Million to bring the place up to code. Meanwhile Homer oversleeps at work and as he's heading out he finds Mr. Burns sitting in his car. As they talk Homer mentions that if Mr. Burns was the governor he could make up whatever laws he wanted, the next day Burns announces his run for govern with the slogan "A Three eyed fish in every pot". Despite his best effort he remains behind the current governor Mary Bailey so his election manager decides he has to have dinner with a common employee, they choose Homer.  When he arrives Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II both jump on Burns, because he doesn't freak out it helps him in the polls. The family has to ask softball questions for the camera, like a Fox News interview. Lisa complains but Marge says she's about to learn a valuable lesson, and then serves three eyed fish for dinner, Burns takes a piece of the fish but ends up spitting it out and loses the election. Burns start trashing the house but decides to go home and destroy something tasteful. As he's leaving Burns vows to make Homer's dreams go unfulfilled, however Marge points out his dreams are seconds on dessert, sleeping till noon on weekends and "snuggling" so they end on a happy note. 

In this episode when the reporter asks his name Bart replies "I'm Bart Simpsons, who the hell are you?" Early in the series schools announced that Bart Simpson t shirt would be banned so when this quote appeared they were super banned. The three eyed fish first appeared in the the episode Homer's Odyssey. We see the state's flag and the motto is Not Just Another State. When Homer is putting a campaign sign in the yard it says I'm a fool for Burns.

The dated reference The chalkboard gag uses the word Xerox for copies, way back in the 90's it was common to call copes Xeroxes after the brand name for the copier. The people at the nursing home the seniors are watching Movie For A Dreary Afternoon, before cable was everywhere local channels would show movies in the afternoon after the game shows and soap operas. Burns accidentally talks about how he hates the people while the camera is rolling and then spits out the fish on camera, similar to the movie A Face In The Crowd. $56 million would be $126 million in modern money. The title of the show comes from the Hoover campaign of 1928 when he promised A Car In Every Garage and a Chicken In Every Pot. 

In the pop cultures references Burns does the Nixon Checkers speech when trying to explain aways the fish. In the montage of Burns's campaign it shows him on the back of a train like Teddy Roosevelt and riding in a tank like Michael Dukakis. When Burns gives his big speech they take a scene from Citizen Cane with a giant image of Burns as the backdrop.

Dancin' Homer

This episode first aired on November 8th 1990 in it's usual time slot. It ran against regular line up.

The episodes chalkboard gag is I will not trade pants and the couch gag is when the family plops down on the couch Maggie is hiding in Marge's hair. 

This is a flashback episode and starts with Homer telling the story of how he ended up back in Springfield after going to Capitol City. The Simpsons go to the nuclear power plant family night at the ballpark. When Bart can't get an autograph from a player Marge goes and asks, he hits on her via the ball, and asks her to meet him at the Cosy Court Motel. Bleeding Gums Murphy does an extra long version of the National Anthem, a common complaint in the day about "artistic" interpretations of the National Anthem. Homer is upset when he ends up sitting next to Burns and can't act up at the game. However Burns wants to be "one of the people" so he treats Homer to beer and hot dogs. When the team is losing Homer gets up on the dugout and starts dancing to Baby Elephant Walk. Burns is embarrassed by Homer's antics and wants him banned from all company outtings but the team owner offers Homer a job as the mascot, Dancin' Homer. After a mostly winning season Homer gets called up to Capitol City to fill in for the Capitol City Goofball when he needs a break during the 5th inning. Homer does his bit and nobody cheers. "these cornball antics may play in the sticks but this is Capitol City." The Simpsons head back to Springfield and Homer is depressed until he realizes that everyone at the bar loves his story.

This episode introduces The Springfield Isotopes, the local baseball team, The Capitol City Goofball and Capitol City. Laramie Cigarettes and Buzz Cola are first mentioned on billboards in Capitol City.

Ned shows up at the Simpson's yard sale but doesn't really do anything, Milhouse and Bart become spit brothers.

At the War Memorial Stadium in Springfield we see several signs in the outfield, Springfield Savings Safe from 1890-1986 1988- (reference to the S&L crash), Royal Majesty Clothing for the obese or gangly Gentleman, Moe's tavern, "hit this sign and win a free well drink" (reference to Bull Durham and the bull sign) 

Other pop culture reference are when Homer starts dancing and a player hits a home run the song from The Natural play in the background. Marge says "A Simpson on a t shirt, I never thought I'd see the day". By this time there were hundreds of Simpson t shirts on the market and they were banned in numerous grade schools around the country. Mr Burns mentions Connie Mac and Satchel Paige, classic baseball stars. When leaving for Capitol City Homer gives the Lou Gehrig speech, Tonight I consider myself the Luckies Mascot on the face of the earth. While driving to Capitol City the Simpsons have a bear in a chair tied to the roof of the car similar to Granny in the chair in The Beverly Hillbillies.

As a flashback to Homer's Night Out in the player locker room you can see the photo of Homer dancing with the Princess Kashmir.

Tony Bennett does a guest voice and sings the Capitol City song. 

Pop Culture references, In Capitol City they drive across The Crosstown Bridge which resembles the Queensboro Bridge in New York City, The Penny Loafer which is a spin on The Brown Derby that was in Los Angeles. Fourth Street and D which is a take on every major cities famous intersection like Hollywood and Vine in LA or Broadway and 42nd Street in NYC. And they drive through a Times Square area complete with large billboards. 

Other sites in Capitol City are Street crime, the Memorial to the Army Reserve, The Original Frenchies, and the Duff Brewery. 

Signs in the Capitol City Times Square area include the first mention of Laramie's Cigarettes, a sign for Bancrofts English Muffins but the end is cut off so it just says English Muff (dirty joke slipped in), Buzz Cola, Neon signs for The Curvy Nail, Bootleg T Shirt Emporium, The Dew Drop Bar (instead of Inn) the Cha Cha Cha, St. Dominics Cathedral, Health For Less, The Apple Saucery and The Casbah Cafe

Simpsons stay at the Come Back Motel featuring color tv, cable and air conditioning.

Dead Putting Society

This episode first aired on November 15th 1990. It ran in it's usual time slot and opposite the regular line up.

The name of the episode came from the Robin Williams 1989 movie Dead Poets Society.

The chalkboard gag is "I am not a 32 year old woman (the joke being that Nancy Cartwright who does the voice of Bart was 32 at the time) and the couch gag is everyone hops on including the dog and the cat.

The show opens with Homer mowing the lawn, using the manual push mower first seen in The Call Of The Simpsons. Ned invites Homer over for a beer and Homer  gets both jealous and angry when he sees how nice Ned's house is. After insults are exchanged Ned kicks Homer out but later that night he can't sleep, so he calls Lovejoy on speed dial who in turn gives him a piece of Biblical advice, Ned decides to writes an apology to Homer and the Simpsons laughs at it. Homer wants to take the family to play mini golf but only Bart and Maggie go along. Homer can't make the gorilla hole so Todd Flanders, who just happens to be there at the same time, offers some advice and makes a hole in one. When the kids see the mini golf course is having a tournament Homer insists Bart sign up and pressures him to win. As part of his training Homer makes Bart name his putter, when Bart calls it Mr. Putter and then Mom Homer insists he call it Charline. Lisa offers to help Bart, they head to the library for some golfing information. She teaches him about golf and finding inner peace and then uses geometry to teach Bart where to hit the ball. Meanwhile Homer mocks Ned and convinces him to make a bet, the loser's father has to mow the lawn in a dress. Homer insists they write up a contract and Ned insists they say "the father of the boy who doesn't win", this will come back. Homer tries to get Bart to eat steak and eggs for breakfast even though Lisa thinks he should eat oatmeal. At the end of the tournament boys are tied with one putt left, they decide to quit and call it a draw. Homer insists Flanders keeps the terms of the bet, since neither boy won both men have to mow the lawn in their wives dress. A crowd turns out and Homer gets mad because Ned starts enjoying it.

Ned says the lord certainly given us this beautiful day. And then calls the Reverend for advice, This is the first episode where we see Ned as the overly religious guy. 

First appearance of Maude Flanders and Rod although the son isn't mentioned by name. First time Homer accuse Marge of taking Ned's side. 

In the show you can see Ye Old Off Ramp Inn sign in the background at the putt putt golf course, a call back to the Some Enchanted Evening episode. At the course there is a sign that says do not destroy or bang putters against obstacles or figures. Thank you the management. The course has a hole based on the nuclear power plant complete with cracked cooling tower. Sir Putt's-A-Lot's miniature golf tournament prizes 1st, $50 2nd $15, 3rd $5 4th 1/2 price sno-cone, there are Free Balloons for all participants.

There is a continuity error in the show Bart's room is on the second floor but Tod walks by the window.

Dated Reference, Lisa uses the card catalog to find the books at the library.

Pop culture references, Homer insisting Bart name his putter is in reference to BB King naming his guitar Nadine. Bart does Karate Kid pose on trash can. Homer says Jack Nicholson himself couldn't make that shot, mixing up the actor and the golfer Jack Nicklaus. The Radio announcer covering the game says the draw is the greatest example of sportsmanship ship since Mountbatten gave India back to the Punjab.

Bart Vs. Thanksgiving

This episode first aired on November 22nd, 1990. It ran in it's usual time slot and opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Prime Time Pets (a reality show about pets that stole the idea from Late Night With David Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks segment) and The Cosby Show.

In this episode the chalkboard gag is I will not do that thing with my tongue and the couch gag is Grandpa Simpson is asleep on the couch and they wake him up while he makes incoherent sounds. 

It's Thanksgiving a the family is gathering at the Simpsons. Homer is watching the game Lisa is making a special centerpiece and Bart tries to help by opening the cranberry sauce, Marge does all the work except pouring it out of the can. Patty and Selma show up with food and insult Marge's turkey. Homer picks up Grandpa at the nursing home but wants to leave quickly complaining that it is a depressing place. At dinner Lisa presents her centerpiece however Bart tries to shove it off the table to make room for the turkey. A fight breaks out and it gets tossed into the fire. Bart gets sent to his room as punishment but gets mad and sneaks out of the house. Santa's Little Helper tries to steal some turkey and gets kicked out so he goes with Bart. Bart tries to stead some pumpkin pie from Burn's house but sets off the invisible grid and has the dogs set on him. He heads to the wrong side of the tracks to donate blood but passes out in the street SLH eats his cookie. A couple of homeless guys take him to the mission for free food. Kent Brockman shows up and pretty much insults everyone in the room. Bart gets interviewed on the news where the family sees him and he comments that he didn't apologize. As they are leaving the mission Bart feels sorry for the homeless guys and gives them the $12. Homer calls the police but Bart already left the mission. The two cops show up to do the interview, they still don't have regular names. Bart comes home and fantasizes that everyone is glad to see him however it then turns to him being humiliated. He decides to not apologize and when he tries to climb up the tree into the house he ends up on the roof with all his lost toys. He overhears Lisa crying and they talk. Bart finally sincerely apologizes. Homer overhears them, the family gets together to eat turkey sandwiches.

Dated references, Bullwinkle J Moose and Underdog are features as balloons in the Thanksgiving Day parade (people of the day were complaining that they didn't have more contemporary figures in the parade) a Bart balloon also shows up both on the show and in real life. The Super Bowl halftime show features the Hooray For Everything singers, this was based on the Up With People who had performed at 5 halftime shows. Eventually, thanks to lots of complaints the entertainment changed to contemporary artists. The Super Bowl is played at the Silverdome, the stadium permanently closed in 2013 and was imploded on Dec. 3rd and 4th 2017.

Pop Culture references. Lisa's centerpiece features Georgia O'Keiff, Susan B. Anthony and Marjory Stoneman Douglass, famous female figures. At Mr. Burns mansion one of he guards is reading Les Miserables. Lisa has End Apartheid Now poster on her wall, the election on April 27th, 1994 is considered the date of the official end of Apartheid. 

Firsts on the show, it's the appearance of Marge's mother. Burns says "Release the hounds" for the first time. We see Mr. Burns address at the corner of Croesus and Mammon. Homer tells Grandpa that Kent Brockman's girlfriend is the weather girl.

When Bart goes to the wrong side of the tracks there are signs that read, "Massage" Parlor, Billiards, Liquor "Yes! We have rot gut"

Bart gets paid $12 to donate blood, that would be $27 in modern money, Bart uses Homer's ID since he's too young.

There is a joke about it being Bart's fault that Maggie can't talk.

The Simpsons Sing The Blues

On December 4th the producers of The Simpsons released their first album. It was made up of a collection of both cover and original songs and were sung by the characters on the show. Although it was panned by the critics for it's lack of original content and not being a Christmas album (despite being released in December) it still climbed to the #3 position on the Billboard Top 500 Album chart. It inspired other popular programs to release their own albums. The producers put out other Simpsons albums but none would have the success of the first one.

The album featured an original hip hop song Do The Bartman. The song was never released as a single in the United States and therefor was never tracked on any of the charts but was very popular. The producers even created a music video that played on MTV, the story was Bart was in a school pagent but Mrs. Krabappel shoves him off to the side so he won't cause any trouble. He plugs his cassettes player into the speaker system and busts out onto stage doing the song. It then turns into an elaborate song and dance number through the streets of Springfield and features many of the characters from the show. When the song reaches it's conclusion we find out that it was all just a fantasy and Bart is still off stage during the school performance. 

The dated references are Bart is using a cassette player and MTV still showed videos at the time.

The album and song will come up in future episodes.

This brings us up to episode 20, and a little beyond. Next we will get into 21 though 25.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

 The Simpsons episodes 11 through 15

The Crepes Of Wrath

This episode ran on April 15th 1990 in it's usual time slot. It was up against The Living Daylights (The James Bond Film), Murder She Wrote and The Wonderful World Of Disney.

Bart leaves his stuff scattered around the house including his skateboard, which Homer trips on and falls down the stairs, he's stuck at the bottom listening to the Krusty doll until Marge comes home. Marge orders Bart to clean up his room, while doing so he finds an old cherry bomb. The next day at school Bart flushed it down the toilet which causes a massive back flow of water, however Skinner's mother is on the toilet at the time. Skinner comes to the Simpson's house and offers to send Bart into the foreign exchange program instead of being expelled. Bart heads to France but instead of going to school he's forced to work for a couple of wine frauds. Meanwhile the Simpsons take in an exchange student, Adil from Albania. Homer is happy with the new kid without realizing he's a spy, The Sparrow. After months of working Bart sees the French guys mixing antifreeze into the wine to rapidly age it, this was based on a real scandal in 1985. The French guys test the wine on Bart and when he doesn't die they send him to town for supplies so they can finish bottling the now tainted batch. Bart goes to a police officer but he doesn't speak English, however Bart discovers that he picked up some French and complains about how he's being treated, and the antifreeze wine. The police officer jumps into action, after hearing about the wine of course. Meanwhile Homer brings home blueprints from the plant for Adil but before he can turn them over the FBI shows up and arrests The Sparrow. Bart becomes a national hero in France while Adil is sent back to Albania as part of a prisoner exchange program.

In this episode the chalkboard gag is Garlic gum is not funny, the couch gag is a repeat, Homer pops out and falls on the floor.

The show introduces Skinner's mother, but not by her first name. She calls him Spanky and comes across more kindly than in future episodes. This is also the first episode where they mention Milhouse and Lenny by name.

Another somewhat offensive joke the writers slipped in was when Bart says "the life of a frog, that's the life for me" just before he finds out he's going to France. If you don't get it, look it up.

While driving to the chateau in France they pass through several famous paintings, Monet's Bridge Over Pond Of Water Lilies, Van Gogh's Wheat Field With Crows, Rousseau's The Dream and Manet's Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe. Bart brings Maggie a red balloon, a joke relating to the 1956 art film of the same name.

The show features a joke about how Maggie might say her first word any day now. This will become a running gag throughout the series despite the fact that Maggie spoke in the Ullman shorts.

Now on to the next episode.

Krusty Gets Busted

The show ran in it's normal time slot on April 29th, 1990. It was opposite Tim Conway's Funny America (which only lasted 7 episodes), Murder She Wrote and 227.

The show starts off with the Krusty The Clown show, in honor of a girl's birthday they attempt to fire Sideshow Bob out of a cannon however he just fall out after the explosion. Later Homer stops at Kwik-E-Mart for ice cream. While there he sees a guy robbing the store. After a sketch artist does a drawing based on Homer's description they figure out that it is Krusty and he is arrested but claims he's innocent. After the trial Bart asks Lisa to help him prove Krusty didn't do it. They figure out the robber used the microwave despite Krusty's pacemaker and reads a magazine despite being illiterate. They go to the studio to talk to Sideshow Bob, Bart is invited up on stage and figures out, thanks to Bob's big feet, that he robbed the store and framed Krusty, Bart exposes him on the air. The police show up and drag Bob off in cuffs.

The chalkboard gag for this episode is "They are laughing at me, not with me" The couch gag is a repeat of Maggie popping up and landing in Marge's arms.

This is Kent Brockman's first appearance in the series and the first time Bob speaks, he is voiced by Kelsey Grammer

Patty and Selma brings slides from the Yucatan. Their various vacation photos will be seen in several episodes.

Krusty runs an episode of The Itchy And Scratchy show, in this one Scratchy sets Itchy on fire. Marge says she doesn't understand the senseless violence, Lisa responds that if cartoons were meant for adults they would put them on prime time, a reference to complaints the producers got about their show being too adult.

In this episode Krusty says "Don't blame me, I didn't do it." and his doll says "I didn't do it" This will come back as the plot of another episode. Also the reporter covering the crime claims that Krusty's show runs on a rival network however in later episodes they are all at the same studio. The show also mentions Krusty's pacemaker, it too will become part of the plot of future episodes.

This is the first time Apu gets robbed in the series. Krusty, aka Bob wears the classic robbers mask

Homer calls him Cruddy and Crummy before coming up with Krusty the Clown.

In pop culture references, at the lineup Wiggums says "Send in the clowns" this is from the song of the same title from A Little Night Music and a hit for Judy Collins. While he's being taken away Bart says "Say it ain't so Krusty" in reference to the the reporter asking Shoeless Joe Jackson about the Black Sox Scandal and uttering the phrase "Say it ain't so Joe". At the end of the episode Bob says "I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for these darn meddling kids." a reference to Scooby Doo.

This show set up a long running gag about Sideshow Bob and his many attempts to get revenge on Bart and Krusty. 

Some Enchanted Evening

This episode premiered on May 13, 1990 in it's usual time slot and ran against Tim Conway's Funny America, Murder She Wrote and 227. It was the last episode of the Spring seasons.

In the episode Homer overhears Marge on the radio talking about how she feels unappreciated. Later at the bar Moe tells Homer he has to do a grand romantic gesture so he plans a special night out including checking into a motel. Homer calls a babysitting service but finds out they've been banned so he calls back and claims to be the Sampsons instead. Mrs. Botz, voiced by Penny Marshall, shows up and the parents go out for the night. Bart watches America's Most Armed And Dangerous and sees Mrs. Botz, aka the Baby Sitter Bandit. They try to catch her and call the show but she manages to tie them up. Maggie comes downstairs and wants to rewatch a video but has to untie Lisa in order to do that. Mrs. Botz sees Maggie and follows the sound of her pacifier into a dark room where Bart hits her over the head. They tie her up and head to a pay phone to call the show. Meanwhile Marge calls home and can't get through so she and Homer head back. When they get there they find the babysitter tied up, Homer unties her and pays her off, after she leaves the cops show up and find out that he had set her free. He later appears on the news, listed as "Local Boob" and tries to make up a story about fighting with her during her escape. 

The chalkboard gag in this episode was "I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom." the couch gag was a repeat of the family sitting on the couch and nothing happening. There are two phone gags, first Bart calls Moe and asks for "Al Caholic" he calls back and asks for "Oliver Clothesoff"

This is the first show where we hear the radio station KBBL, it's where Marge calls to talk to Dr. Monroe and they also go to their helicopter reporter Bill Pie, The Pie In The Sky, later his name will be changed to Artie. We also see the band The Larry Davis Experience. Larry Davis will appear in other episodes with a different band name. In this episode Barney has blond hair again. Bart refers to Meatloaf Night for the first time and we are introduced to the Off Ramp Inn.

The show America's Most Armed And Dangerous is a reference to The Simpsons real world lead in show Americas Most Wanted.

There are two dated references in this episode. First is the VHS player they used to watch their video of The Happy Little Elves (a move that comes up a lot in both the Ullman shorts, the Christmas Special and the regular series) and they use a pay phone to call the Most Wanted show.

This was the last episode of the Spring season. The show had become very popular to the point where Bart Simpsons t shirts were being banned in schools for being offensive. Don't have a cow man.  Naturally it was scheduled for the fall season. 

Bart Gets An "F"

The show premiered on October 11th 1990.  During the spring season the show had run on Sunday night but now it was being moved to Thursday as the prime time lead in for Fox, and it was followed by Babes, a show about three overweight sisters living in New York City.  It ran opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cops and the number one sitcom of the day, The Cosby Show. It was ironic consider that the network had such little faith in the show that they insisted on a test of a Christmas special before approving the prime time series.

The opening credits are changed. When doing the pan over through Springfield the Mostly Painless Dentist sign is gone. Instead of a guy eating a sandwich with tongs we see Mr. Burn and Mr. Smithers checking out some plans behind Homer. When the quitting time whistle blows Mr. Burns checks his watch. Bart no longer skateboards past Moe's and steals the Bus Stop sign, instead he goes by several of the main characters, Helen Lovejoy, Apu, Moe and Barney at Moe's Tavern, Jacque (the bowling instructor Marge almost had an affair with), Bleeding Gums Murphy, and Chief Wiggums, who shakes his billy club. When Bart reaches the cross street we can see the statue of Jebediah Springfield in the background and Marge runs the stop sign. After the Marge honking the horn scene there is a fast pan across a lot of the other characters that I'm sure are listed out elsewhere. The part with Lisa on her bike is cut out and it jumps to Homer arriving at the house. In the original opening Lisa is seen riding with what look like a banjo case but now she goes by on her bike with her saxophone, and then it cuts to the couch gag. And another note, the crooked boat painting is now over the couch.

Martin gives a book report on The Old Man And The Sea complete with a costume. Bart has to give a report on Treasure Island but he didn't read it so he describes the image on the cover instead. When asked for the name of the pirate he runs through a list including Long John Silver but settles on Bluebeard. He is punished by having to write "I will not fake my way through life" on the chalkboard, a credit gag in the main series. Bart is warned that he has to pass his history test but instead of studying he goes to the arcade, watches Itchy and Scratchy and ends up hanging out with Homer while they watch gorilla movies on Gorilla Week. Later when he tries to read his homework the history book is so boring that Bart falls asleep. On the bus Bart tries to get answers from the other students, Terri and Sherri give him a bunch of false answers but Martin tips him off. Bart fakes getting sick to get out of the test and then calls Milhouse to get the answers however he also flunked the test and Bart gets another F. The school psychologist (first seen in Bart the Genius) recommends that Bart be held back and repeat the fourth grade. Bart has a vision about the future where he's older and in school and still can't name the pirate in Treasure Island. As his last hope Bart enlists the help of Martin to pass the class, in exchange he offers to help Martin become more popular. Unfortunately for Bart Martin does becomes popular and decides to go off and have fun instead of helping him. Bart prays to God for help and the next day there is a blizzard, instead of going out in the snow Bart has to stay home and study. However despite his efforts Bart flunks the test again but gives a couple of historical references to explain why he is so upset so Mrs. Krabappel gives him extra credit and he passes. 

The chalkboard gag for this episode is I will not encourage others to fly and the couch gag is the family all plops down, and then the couch breaks through the floor crashing into the basement, Homer utters his famous phrase "D'oh!"

Itchy and Scratchy do The Three Musketeers, Itchy is beheaded and then dynamite is shoved in his mouth.

We hear the Bill And Marty show on KBBL for the first time. It's the first time they mention Bill Pie but he is just heard on the radio, not seen. We also get a hint about the Simpsons basement when Bart goes downstairs to study. 

We have several pop culture references in this episode.  While everyone is out playing in the snow they all join hands in a giant circle and start singing like in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Then Patty and Selma go by in a horse drawn sled in a scene from a Currier and Ives drawing. When Bart fantasizes about founding fathers he imagines a snow storm during the signing of the Declaration of Independence and  John Hancock goes outside to write his name in the snow. When Homer and Bart watch Gorilla Week this is a reference to Shark Week on The Discover Channel, but instead of learning about Gorillas it's just a series of old movies.

The dated reference in this show is Bart going to the arcade and playing a coin operated machine instead of studying.

Simpson and Delilah

This episode first aired on October 18th in it's new regular time slot and ran opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cop and The Cosby Show.

While watching Grade School Challenge Homer sees a commercial for Dimoxinil, at the time Minoxidil, aka Rogaine, had come on the market and bald guys everywhere were lining up for the miracle hair growth formula. He finds out that it costs $1000 for a 6 month treatment but Lenny and Carl convince him to exaggerate on his company insurance form. The next day Homer wakes up with a full head of hair and goes running through the streets. Mr. Burns sees the new Homer and promotes him, according to the union contract. Homer has to hire an assistant and ends up with Karl, voiced by Harvey Fierstein, who then does a Pygmalion transformation on him. At his first executive meeting Homer suggests giving more tartar sauce to the employees, when Burns follows his advice accidents drop and production is up, equal to the number of accidents Homer causes and the production level of when he's on vacation. Mr. Smithers becomes jealous and investigates, only to discover Homer's faked insurance form, Homer wrote he needed the treatment to keep his brain from freezing. Karl pretends that he's the one who faked the insurance form and gets fired. Homer has to give a speech to the executives but doesn't know what to do, meanwhile Bart fantasizes about having a beard and uses the hair treatment. When he's caught he accidentally spills the bottle and the next day Homer wakes up bald again. Karl shows up with a speech for Homer however since he's bald again nobody listens. Mr. Burns takes pity on Homer and gives him his old job back.

In this episode the chalkboard gag is Tar is not a plaything and in the couch gag the family does a quick dance number.

This episode features the first appearance of Lenny. Also Barney has brown hair again. Mr. Burns mentions his age and at this time he's 81. Silvia Winfield and her husband appear in this episode, they shout at Homer to "get a haircut" on the morning he discovers the drug worked and is joyfully running down the street.

For the dated reference Mr. Burns mentions watching a show on The DuMont network. For those who don't know television history it was the fourth network however restrictive FCC practices kept it from growing. It also found itself stuck on the UHF bandwidth at a time when most TVs only picked up the VHF signal, in order to watch their programming you had to buy a DuMont TV. It went defunct in 1956. One of the reasons The Simpsons included this joke was because their market share, which included a thanks to the animated series, was growing and they were in a position to compete with the Big Three, especially thanks to the growing cable market. Adjusted for inflation the $1000 cost for the hair treatment would be $2345 in the modern world.

So that's another 5 episodes of The Simpsons, 735 to go, unless they stay on the air and then who knows.

ps, the next episode is a pretty important one in the history of The Simpsons.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Simpsons episodes 6 through 10

 Moaning Lisa

The 6th episode of The Simpsons ran on February 11th, 1990. It was still between America's Most Wanted and Married With Children. It ran opposite Elvis (a show about the early years of Elvis Presley), Murder She Wrote and Unsolved Mysteries.

The story is about Lisa who is sad for unknown reasons. She doesn't care about her home life or school and nothing seems to work, until she meets Bleeding Gums Murphy, a Blues Saxophone player. There she learns about the music and even writes a song about her feelings. Later Marge tells Lisa the same advice her mother had taught her, suppress your true feelings and fake being happy. When Marge sees the outcome of her advice she changes her mind and tells Lisa she can feel however she wants to, this actually makes Lisa happy. In the end they go to the Blues Hole club to see Murphy perform Lisa's song.

The show also had it's first sub plot. In it Homer and Bart are playing a versions of Punch Out!!! which Bart always wins, Homer even has a nightmare about being beaten up by Bart. He decides to get professional help and heads to the nearest arcade where the local champ teaches him some tips and tricks. The next time the two pay Homer is on the verge of winning when Marge unplugs the TV. Bart decides to retire undefeated and Homer is crushed. 

The chalkboard gag for this week is "I will not instigate revolution." and in the couch gag, Maggie gets popped out of the overcrowded couch but Marge catches her on the way down. Bart's phone gag is to call Moe and ask for a Jacque Strap, Moe calls out for a "Jock Strap".

One of the site gags is that Lisa is using Glum toothpaste, to go along with her sadness. And one of the continuity errors is when Homer bangs on bathroom door even though there is a bathroom off the master bedroom.

The music teacher, Mr. Largo has been seen in the opening credits but has a speaking roll in this episode. Janey Powell talks to Lisa during food fight but isn't directly named. There is a gym teacher in this show but she isn't named and later will be replace by the character of Mrs. Pommelhorst. As previously mentioned this is Bleeding Guns Murphy's first appearance on the show. And although they don't show it, Barney's Bowlorama is mentioned on the news, the report is the place burned down however in classic cartoon logic it will become one of the regular spots in Springfield. Of course Lisa plays the saxophone as part of the regular show, not just in the opening credits.

We're moving right along through the early years of The Simpsons.

The Call Of The Simpsons

The next episode premiered on February 16th, 1990 in it's usual spot. It ran opposite Elvis, 60 Minutes and The Goonies, a movie special. (It actually got better ratings than the classic movie or the King of Rock and Roll)

In this episode Bart is mowing the lawn with a manual push mower while Todd Flanders is using a riding mower complete with an umbrella. Homer warns Bart about the dangers of trying to keep up with the Flanderses but when Ned shows up in a top of the line RV Homer becomes jealous and sets off to the car lot to buy one of his own. 

At the lot Homer wants the ultra deluxe RV but finds out that he has lousy credit and has to settle for a small used one. The family then sets off to the woods for weekend camping trip, however Homer drives right to the edge of a cliff, when they all jump out it plunges to the bottom and explodes in a ball of flames. Homer and Bart set off to get help while Marge and Lisa remain behind, Maggie tries to follow Homer but ends up getting lost and winds up with a family of bears. Homer leads Bart over a cliff, into a running river and over a waterfall where they lose all their clothes. They make coverings out of plant life but when they get hungry Homer tries to get honey from the bees. He winds up with a stung mouth and jumps in a mud puddle, where a hiker videos him and mistakes him for Bigfoot. The story gets out and people swarm on the woods in hopes of capturing him and claiming a reward.

When Marge is found by the rangers she sees the photos and recognizes Homer, As she is answering questions tabloid headlines keep popping up such as "I Married Bigfoot" "His Name Is Homer" and "The Bigfoot Pork Chop Diet". A hungry Homer smells food and follows it to the source, the bear's cave where he finds Maggie. The three set out and stumble across the crow searching for Bigfoot.  Homer is shot with a tranquilizer dart and taken to a research center. After he is set free he worries about what the guys at work will say. The end.

This was probably the best Simpsons episode since the Christmas Special. The story was tight and all the different parts kept it rolling forward. They weren't afraid to be a little silly with the Bigfoot bit and it established both the nature of Homer, well meaning but not as prepared as he claimed to be, and the Flanders, who although they have it better don't really lord it over the Simpsons, it just turns out that way. Of course Ned would later change but at this point he was just an average guy. This show really laid the groundwork for future episodes and explains why the ratings started to go up.

The chalkboard gag is "I will not draw naked ladies in class", there is no couch gag, they just run in and start watching tv. 

We aren't introduced to any regular main characters in this episode but it is the first time Ned says "Yes in deedle doodly" and Bart says "don't have a cow man" this would become one of his catchphrases for the early years. 

For the Then and Now the RV costs $350 a month, even though they don't say how many months, adjusted for inflation that would be $825 a month.

The Telltale Head

This episode premiered on February 25th, 1990 in it's usual spot. It aired opposite Challenger (a movie about the shuttle disaster), Murder She Wrote and A Family For Joe (a TV movie that would later be run as a sitcom)

The plot of this episode has to do with the statue of Jebediah Springfield, the founder of the town. Bart hangs out with the bad kids, sneaking into a movie and shoplifting at the Kwik-E-Mart. When they are in the park Bart makes a comment about a cloud that looks like the statue with it's head cut off. The bad kids say that would be cool but then tell Bart that he isn't cool and chase him off. In order to prove himself he sneaks out in the middle of the night and beheads the statue, however the next day he finds out everyone is angry, including the bad kids. When he finally confesses he and Homer attempt to return the head but are attacked by an angry mob. Bart explains that most people didn't care about the statue until he cut the head off and what he had learned from the whole incident so they let him go.

The show is a flashback episode starting off with Homer and Bart being chased by an angry mob and telling the story of how everything lead up to that point.

The title and plot of the show comes from Edgar Allen Poe's story The Telltale Heart. During the show Bart hears the voice of Jedediah Springfield telling him to do the right thing.

The chalkboard gag is "I did not see Elvis, perhaps referring to the short lived show that ran opposite The Simpsons for a while. The couch gag is a repeat of the first one where Bart pops up into the air, however this time he drops back down when the view changes to the writing credits being seen on the Simpson's TV. 

This episode will have the first appearance of Reverend Lovejoy and the bad kids Kearney, Jimbo and Dolph. Barney, whose first appearance was in the Christmas special is now seen with brown hair instead of blond. The show features the Aztec Theater and the Kwik-E-Mart with Apu behind the counter. Krusty The Clown had appeared in the Ullman shorts and in the background of the regular series but this is his first appearance on the regular show, Sideshow Bob also makes an appearance but not in a speaking roll.  We also see the statue of Jebediah Springfield in the town square and hear the story of his founding the town for the first time. There is also a hint to the background story of Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers when at the conclusion of Bart's town pride speech Mr. Burns says "I love you Smithers" to which Mr. Smithers replies "The feeling is more than mutual sir".

This was a good foundation episode and Jebediah will be featured in a lot of future episodes and even the plot line from this episode in the revamped opening credits later on.

Life On The Fast Lane

This episode first ran on March 18th 1990 in it's usual slot. It was opposite Elvis, Murder She Wrote and The Gifted One (a made for TV Science Fiction movie)

It's Marge's birthday and Homer gives her a bowling ball as a present, however he meant for her to not like it and keep it for himself. Instead Marge decides to go bowling where she meets Jacque, a bowling instructor and hustler. They start bowling together on a regular basis and Marge really starts to like the attention, meanwhile Homer and the kids start to worry that the marriage is in trouble. Jacque invites Marge to meet him at his apartment but in the end she goes back to Homer. The plot line of the show was taking from the movie Diary of a Mad Housewife.

There is no chalkboard or couch gag in this episode. 

We learn that Marge is 34 years old. It would mean that both her and Homer were 24 when they got married and Bart was born.

The restaurant they celebrate Marge's birthday at is The Singing Sirloin and each song matches the events at the table. Anniversary, pregnancy and funeral. 

In pop culture references Lisa makes macaroni art for Marge, it looks like Whistler's Mother. When Marge's sisters are complaining that Homer only gets gifts for himself they talk about the Connie Chung calendar, she was a popular reporter of the day and later married Maury, "You're not the father", Povich. The episode ends with the Officer And A Gentleman ending, complete with the Love Lift Us Up song and Marge taking Homer's hard hat off his head and putting on her own.

This was the first episode where Homer and Marge's marriage was in serious trouble. Unfortunately it would be used a lot in the future. 

The episode mentions the Rusty Barnacle that would appear in the next episode. Marge goes bowling at the New Barney's Bowlarama, since it burned down in a previous episode. An interesting note is a scene in which the Moon in the background looks like a bowling ball.

Characters introduced in this episode are  Helen Lovejoy, the reverend's gossipy wife who sees Marge and Jacque at brunch, and Lenny, although he isn't named directly.

There was a three week gap between this episode and the previous one. Fox ran reruns of the series during that time.

Homer's Night Out

This episode appeared on March 25th 1990 in it's usual time slot. It ran opposite America's Funniest Home Videos, Murder She Wrote and The Wonderful World Of Disney which featured the movie The Rescue. 

In this episode Homer is talking about his assistant Eugene Fisk getting drunk at an office birthday party and hitting on one of the women from the valve maintenance division. Jump 6 months ahead and Homer is going to the bachelor party for Eugene, his supervisor. Meanwhile Bart has sent away for a spy camera and after bugging the postal carrier it finally shows up. He takes a series of embarrassing photos, including one of his butt. Because Homer is at the stag party Marge decides to take the kids out to dinner at the Rusty Barnacle. Bart orders squid with extra tentacles but when it arrives it makes him ill, when he goes to the restroom he spies on the party and sees Homer dancing with Princess Kashmir, a local stripper. Bart takes a photo with his spy camera and when he develops it all the kids ask for a copy, which then gets spread all over town. When Marge sees the photo she orders Homer to teach Bart that women aren't objects and insists he goes and finds the woman. After a tour of the various "Gentlemen Clubs" Homer finally finds the woman but accidentally winds up on stage where he then gives a speech about respecting women. 

The chalkboard gag is I will not call my teacher "hot cakes" which is a hint about the plot of the episode. The couch gag is a repeat from the third episode where it collapses when the whole family jumps on it. 

At the restaurant Bart changes the special on the board to Cold Pet Rat. Homer hops on the scale and weights 239 pounds and vows to go on a diet and exercise. 6 months later when he jumps on the scale again he still weighs the same and again vows to give up snack foods

The only new character is Princess Jasmine, the stripper. She won't appear again for a long time.

This is the second episode in which Homer and Marge's marriage is in trouble. I should keep a running count to see how often they go back to this plot line.

So that completes 10 Simpsons episodes, 740 to go.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Simpsons 2-5 

Bart The Genius

On Sunday night, January 14, 1990 The Simpsons regular series premiered between America's Most Wanted and Married With Children, the show ran opposite 60 Minutes, Disney and Free Spirit (a show about a family that hires a good hearted witch as a nanny/house keeper) Although the network was worried about running an animated sitcom it became an instant hit and would launch the new era of prime time shows and even open the door for copycat programs from King of the Hill to the original programming on Cartoon Network. Welcome to the new era of animated television.

The plot was pretty straightforward, Bart is taking an aptitude test but switches his paper with the smart kid in the class, Martin. When the test is graded they discover he has an IQ of 216 and they want to move Bart to a special gifted school, Bart loves the idea of being in an unstructured class, however he soon finds that he is in over his head. He tries to confess to Homer but for the first time his dad is truly proud of him so he doesn't. When Bart mixes two chemicals together and causes an explosion that turns the whole school green he confesses to the principal and finally to Homer. In the end he's hiding in his room, naked and green btw, while Homer tries to lure him out for punishment.

Being the start of the regular prime time episodes the show has lots of firsts. We see a pan over shot of Springfield including the nuclear power plant, the tire dump, the Semi-Painless Dentistry and then Springfield Elementary. For the first time we see Bart at the chalkboard writing out his punishment, ironically it says "I will not waste chalk". Behind Homer we see a guy eating a sandwich with a pair of tongs (considering it's a nuclear power plant that probably isn't very safe). Marge is at the grocery store where Maggie gets scanned at the register (the price is blurry but the creators of the show said it was the average cost of raising a baby in the first year of their life). Homer tossed a plutonium rod out of his shirt in front of Moe's Tavern as a skateboarding Bart steals the bus stop sign. On the side of the bus we see an ad for "Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff", this is a first introduction to the local beer. Lisa is seen twice in the original opening, once at band practice where she gets kicked out for playing a jazzy version of the song and again while riding her bike. The opening scene ends with the classic couch gag, in the first one the family crowds onto the sofa and Bart pops off, straight up into the air and doesn't come back down. Also at band practice we see two regular characters, the twin sisters Sherri and Terri however they won't be seen in the main episode.

The show featured a brief gag that would eventually become a regular thing, Maggie is stacking blocks and the letters spell out EMCSQU hinting at her being extremely smart. Of course nobody in the family notices. The show also has the Scrabble game where Bart plays the word KWYJIBO and claims it's a fat balding stupid North American ape, an insult towards Homer, thus ending the game. 

The show introduces several characters, first is Martin Prince, the smart kid in school and kind of a suck up to the teachers. Interestingly enough when they find out it was his genius test he isn't sent off to the gifted school but remains at Springfield Elementary. We also meet Edna Krabappel, Bart's teacher. She is voiced by Marcia Wallace who at that point was best known for her roll of Carol, the sassy receptionist on The Bob Newhart Show. Interestingly enough she only took the part because her husband had become ill and she needed the money for his medical bills, she would end up voicing the character until she passed away.

On a "Back In The Day" note, Bart paints Skinner's image on the side of the school wall and they want Homer to pay for the damages, a total of $75. Adjusted for inflation that would come to $177 in the modern world.

And so we are now into The Simpsons. Two episodes down, 748 to go.

Homer's Odyssey

This episode premiered on January 21st 1990 opposite Full House, Murder She Wrote and Sister Kate

In this episode Bart's class visits the nuclear power plant on a field trip. While there Bart shouts at Homer who turns to look and crashes his cart into a set of pipes, rupturing one and causing an emergency, he is immediately fired. After a series of job rejections he decides to kill himself by jumping off a bridge while tied to a rock, kind of a dark theme for a primetime show. When Marge and the kids show up to stop him they are almost hit by a car and Homer decides that the street needs a stop sign. He finds a new purpose in life trying to make Springfield a safer place. Eventually he takes on the nuclear plant itself and to appease him Mr. Burns offers him a job as the safety inspector (a bit of a joke considering how incompetent Homer is).

The chalkboard gag in this episode is "I will not skateboard in the hall" which Bart does as soon as the bell rings. The couch gag is they all crowd on and it collapse.

This show introduces Otto, the stoner bus driver, who manages to get lost on the way to the power plant. It also has Sherri and Terri in their first speaking roll. Milhouse is seen in the background but as of yet hasn't had any dialog on the series and is still an unnamed character and has only spoken in the Butterfingers commercial. At the plant the kids see a film featuring the plant mascot, Smiling Joe Fission, he'll appear in other episodes but mostly as advertising. We also get our first look at Mr. Smithers, who is Black in this episode, the producers later stated that he was always meant to be yellow like the rest of the characters but there was a mixup during production and they didn't have time to correct it. On a side note Groening said he originally created yellow characters so people at home would try to adjust their sets, something you could do with 1990 TV but modern TVs do automatically. Police Chief Wiggum makes an appearance at the City Council meeting to discuss the graffiti bandit El Barto. Sylvia Winfield and her husband first appear in this episode, they are an older couple happy to see Homer going to commit suicide. We also learn that Homer was originally a technical supervisor at the plant. Marge goes back to work in this episode and it turns out her old job was as a roller skating car hop at Berger's Burgers, the angry customer is Otto.

Other firsts on the show is the appearance of El Barto graffiti and the first time Bart pulls a phone gag on Moe, "Is Mr. Freely there? First initials I. P." You couldn't do that in the modern world with caller ID. We also see a commercial for Duff beer. 

The creators of the show got away with a clever gag, when Bart gets Homer to sign his report card his grades are UFUFUD, the animators slipped a F. U. into the show.

And so we've made it through the third episode of The Simpsons, fun times.

There's No Disgrace Like Homer

The fourth episode of The Simpsons premiered on Jan. 28th 1990, opposite the Super Bowl, 49ers vs the Broncos, the movie special Annie and Love With A Twist (a dramatic recreation of true love stories).

 In this episode the Simpsons go to the company picnic at Burns Manor. Homer tries to get his family to act normal but they almost ruin things, Lisa plays in the fountain, Bart tries to win the sack race against Mr. Burns (only being stopped when Homer tackles him at the last minute) and Marge gets drunk on the punch and leads the other wives in a song about alcohol. This will be the first musical number on The Simpsons. When leaving the party Homer sees another perfect family and in a vision they fly off to heaven while he drives through hell with his family. While waiting in the car Bart tells Homer "Room for one more" which is a line from a rarely seen classic Twilight Zone, Twenty Two.

After the picnic Homer tries to force the family to act normal from dinner at the table to spying on other families. He gives up and goes to Moe's where he sees a commercial for Dr. Monroe's family clinic and decides this is the solution to their problems. He uses the "college fund" and then hocks the family TV to come up with the money, which actually upsets the children. However they fail at getting cured and when they scare off the other patients Monroe is forced to uphold his promise of double their money back. In the end Homer decides to buy a new TV with a remote and wheels so they can watch it in the dining room during holidays.

The chalkboard gag is Bart writing "I will not burp in class" and the couch gag is when it's overcrowded by the whole family Homer pops out and lands on the floor. 

In this episode we see Mr. Smithers as yellow and he'll remain that way for the rest of the series. We also see the two cops but at this point they don't have names. Dr. Marvin Monroe also appears and will be seen in a few more episodes but doesn't really become a regular character. Although introduced in the Ullman shorts we see the first Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in this episode, Groening created the idea after the complaints about violence in cartoons so they get rather graphic, in this one Itchy shoves a bomb into Scratchy's mouth and blows his head off. At the end of the company picnic Mr. Burns issues the warning "The hounds will be released in 10 minutes", it is a precursor to his classic line "Release the hounds".

During the show Homer has to come up with $250 to pay Marvin Monroe for the treatment and gets $500 back. Adjusted for inflation that would be $592 and $1184 in the modern world.

So that's four episodes down and one more to go for tonight.

Bart The General

The fifth episode of The Simpsons aired on February 4th 1990. It ran opposite a Sammy Davis Jr. special, Murder She Wrote and the Disneyland 35th anniversary special. There was no chalkboard or couch gag.

In this week's plot Lisa was making cupcakes for Mrs. Hoover's birthday (her teacher), a couple of bullies stole them and when Bart stood up to the kid he found out it was one of Nelson Muntz's toadies. Bart takes a swing and accidentally punches Nelson, who then says he classic line "you made me bleed my own blood" and vows to beat up Bart after school. Nelson then beats up Bart every day after school. Homer gives him some advice on how to fight dirty but none of the tricks work so he goes to Grandpa Simpson instead, who in turn takes him to meet Herman, the slightly crazy owner of an army surplus store. Herman gets Bart to train up an army of kids and then plans an attack upon Nelson and his toadies. After a water balloon battle they force Nelson to sign a peace treaty and celebrate with cupcakes.

Although Mrs. Hoover is mentioned she isn't seen. This is also the first episode where they mention how smart Lisa is. Nelson, the school bully is introduced but his toadies will later be replaced by other bullies. In one scene Bart fantasies about shooting Nelson with a machine gun, that is something that wouldn't get past the censors in the modern world. Milhouse has lines in this episode but still isn't mentioned by name. This is the first episode with Herman, he'll make appearances in future episodes but only when the plot needs him.

A funny bit in the show is Abe writing an angry letter to TV complaining about stuff including the term The family jewels", something Homer had said when teaching Bart how to fight dirty. Abe uses a typewriter as this was the pre internet days.

All the training of the army scenes spoof Patton, Platoon and An Officer And A Gentleman. At the conclusion of the water balloon battle a kid in a sailor hat runs up and kisses Lisa like the famous Times Square photo from VJ Day.

Herman has only one arm and when Bart asks how he lost it he tells the story of hanging it out the bus window. Miss Krabappel had given the kids the exact same warning in the previous episode.

When they are plotting out their attack on Nelson they build a scale model of the town with includes the Kwik-E Mart although they don't go there or see Apu.

At the end of the episode Bart does a PSA about wars and includes talking about going to your local library, where they have books full of gory photos. This was a spoof on PSAs that ran in the day encouraging kids to read more books. 

Including the Christmas special this concludes my first five episodes of The Simpsons. When they first aired there was no telling which of the characters would return or what lines would become catch phrases. After all these years it fun to see how it all started knowing where it would go, for the most part.

Only 745 more episodes to go, and a few specials. Why did I decide to do this again?