The Simpsons 26 though 30
Homer Vs. Lisa and The 8th Commandment
This episode premiered on February 7th 1991 in it's usual time slot, followed by Babes and ran opposite Father Dowling Mysteries, Top Cops and The Cosby Show.
The chalkboard gag is "I will not make flatulent noises in class" and the couch gag is the family dance number that had run previously.
The show starts at Mt. Sinai: 1220 B.C. (we know this because of the Intertitle) (ps, I looked up the technical term) The Israelites are having quite the party. Aaron the carver of golden idols is talking with Homer the thief and and Zolar the adulterer. Moses shows up with the 10 Commandments and puts them all out of business. The show jump to the present day (1991) and Flanders is mad at the cable guy who offers to hook up all the cable channels for $50. Homer stops the guy and pays him. He watches so much TV he has peel himself off the couch on Sunday morning. At church the kids learn about the 10 Commandments which starts Lisa on a moral crusade. Bart is happy they are finally getting to the topic of hell. Back home they watch an infomercial with Troy McClure, I Can't Believe They Invited It. The show is selling gum that cleans and straightens your teeth (invented by Dr. Nick). Lisa catches Marge eating two grapes at the store and so Marge offers to pay for them at the register. Later Homer sees an ad for the big fight, The Bout To Knock The Other Guy Out. He invites the gang at work over to watch. Burns overhears Homer on the security camera and invites himself to the Simpson's house. When Homer invites the bar crowd Barney asks Moe why he didn't get cable, he says he went with the mechanical bull (a reference to the Urban Cowboy craze) Lisa goes to Lovejoy to ask about stealing cable and he tells her to set an example by not watching. Back at home Bart watches Top Hat Entertainment, an adult movie channel. Homer catches him and makes him promise to not watch again. Lisa comes home to tell them that she's not watching on moral grounds. Marge and Homer have a fight and Homer literally puts his foot down. The next day the Cable guy shows up in the living room to sell Homer stolen radio so he puts on extra locks and bars on the window. Bart charges the kids 50¢ to watch the adult channel, "Must be 8 years old to enter", Homer catches them. On fight night Lisa continues to protest, Moe shows up so Homer has to hide stolen mugs from the bar and then when Burn's shows up Homer has Bart hide all the stolen power plant stuff. The cops show up and ask Homer about the illegal cable hookup, it turns out they just want to watch the fight. Homer hears the story about how Tatum when to jail and he starts to imagine himself in jail for stealing cable. He joins Lisa outside while everyone else watches the fight. After the fight Homer goes to cut the cable and blacks out the neighborhood, when he finally finds the right one the screen goes fuzzy. (He could have just disconnected the box from the TV.)
In this episode we have the first appearance of Try McClure (voiced by Phil Hartman along with Cable Guy and Moses). His catch line is "You might remember me from..." and on this episode it's Cry Yuma and Here Comes The Coast Guard. It's also the first appearance of the fighter Drederick Tatum, based on Mike Tyson and his manager Lucius Sweet, seen in ring at end of the fight but doesn't speak, he's based on Don King.
The pamphlet gag is So You've Decided To Steal Cable.
Dated Reference, Homer watches the show Davey and Goliath, a stop motion series produced by the Lutherans. In his sermon Lovejoy talks about the hi fi, boob tube and frozen pizza pie. The first time I've noticed that there's a cigarette machine in the background at Moe's. Burns mentions Gentleman Jim Corbett (late 1800's boxer, know as The Father Of Modern Boxing). Bart mentions Joe Franklin, a talk show host who was on the air from 1951 to 1993 (longer than Johnny Carson).
Message on the First Church of Springfield board "God, The original Love Connection" reference to the dating game show of the era.
Second appearance of the devil.
First mention of Section 7G.
The shows on the Top Hat Adult Channel are Stardust Mammaries, a take on the Woody Allen comedy Stardust Memories and Broadcast Nudes, from the title of the movie Broadcast News.
In this episode Burns thinks Barney is Homer, a long running gag about him not remembering who Homer is despite their numerous adventures.
Principal Charming
This episode first aired on February 14th 1991 (Valentines Day) It ran in it's usual time slot and against the usual programming.
The chalkboard gag is I will not belch the National Anthem and the couch gag is a repeat of the sofa bed popping out.
Barney calls Homer to tell him about a new place, Greasy Joe's BBQ Pit, all you can eat. They call Patty and Selma to babysit but they are going to Stanley Peterson's wedding however it's during the day so they will have time to sit that night. Selma remembers back to when she almost met Stanley but Patty ran him off. Selma asks Marge to set her up, later Marge reminds Homer about their vacation at the bowlers hall of fame, she now wants him to return the favor by having him finding Selma a husband. Marge says Patty chose a life of celibacy, we later find out the truth. Bart's class is using tetra-sulfate and he plots an evil plan. Homer searches for a date for Selma at work but fails. Skinner finds out the boys are planning on synchronized pencil drop at 2 and warns them they will be expelled, so Bart writes his name in the grass with weed killer. Skinner has Bart call his dad, at Moe's but Bart asks for Homer Sexual. Moe starts telling him off but it's Skinner on the line and he asks for Homer, at the school Skinner asks to punish Bart by making him reseed the grass. Homer invites Skinner to dinner to meet Selma but he meets Patty first and falls instantly in love. Skinner invites Patty to see Space Mutants V as part of the Parents Advisory Board review. Skinner lets Bart off punishment and the school runs amok. Skinner plans to ask Patty to marry him, meanwhile Homer sets up Selma with Barney. Skinner writes out Marry Me Patty in grass killer. Patty tells Skinner that she can't get married because of her sister, later we learn....something. Patty goes to the bar and rescues Selma from her date with Barney. Bart ends up having to do twice as much work.
This episodes Phone gag Homer Sexual
This is the first appearance of Groundskeeper Willie and Hans Moleman (name on driver's license is Ralph Melish, dob 2/2/21) It is also the first time we see Patty and Selma working at the DMV. (Both Hans and Otto are at the DMV, in a later episode they'll both be there at the same time again.)
Springfield Background Stuff:
Message on church sign 2:00 Peterson Wedding 8:00 Hayride To Heaven (reference to the TV show Highway To Heaven)
Moe's Happy Hour 5:00 to 5:30
At the Springfield revolving restaurant the view out the window is a billboard for the House of tires. A ledge jumper that Wiggums is trying to talk down and a riot at prison. The Mall Stores are The Family Jewels and the Discount Meat Hut
Selma is reading book Kiss Me Shoot Me Again!
When Homer is looking for potential dates for Selma, they are seen in Terminator vision
Karl, Cons: Too Attractive
Smithers, Cons : Jerk (we'll learn about him later too)
Ms. Finch Cons: Not a Man. (if only he was looking for... well we'll learn about that later)
Apu Pros: discounted Snack Treats Cons: Dangerous Profession.
? Pros: Nice Stride, Cons: Complete Stranger
Laramies Billboard Cowboy Pros: Smoker Cons: Just a sign
Skinner Pros: Uses Big Words *Dislikes The Boy *Well Groomed Cons: Possible Homer Sexual.
Pop culture references, Marge is working out to a TV exercise show, popular morning programs in the 90's. When Skinner smells the grass killer he runs up the school bell tower and sees the stair image from Vertigo. When Patty leaves Skinner and he realizes what a mess the school has become we see the As God As My Witness sunrise scene from Gone With The Wind and he says "After all tomorrow is another school day." Mustache remover Gee your lip looks hairless in reference to the shampoo Gee your hair smells wonderful. When Patty gives her excuse why she can't see Skinner anymore she says she a Catch-22, a reference to the book.
School numbers for Homer
Work KL 5 6832
Home KL5 6754
Moe's KL5 1239
Selma stays home and looks through scrapbook, Pyramids, Lenin's tomb. It's part of the running gag about their many trips.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
This episode ran on February 21st in it's usual time slot and against the regular programs.
The chalkboard gag in this episode is I will not sell land in Florida and the couch gag is a repeat of Maggie hiding in Marge's hair.
Grandpa Simpson goes to a McBain movie. When complaining at the pimply faced theater manager he has a heart attack. At the hospital Dr. Hibbert says Abe had a mild arrhythmia. Grandpa confesses that he had another son with a woman from a traveling carnival. Homer tries to track down his brother but when he arrives at the address of orphanage he finds it was torn down and is a gas station now, Homer says title of show "Oh brother, where are thou?" The gas station attendant tells Homer that the orphanage moved across the street. Director of the orphanage tells Homer he sympathizes and keeps dropping hints about the location of Herb but Homer doesn't get it. Homer gives the guy $20 and finds that he lives in Detroit. Homer calls all three Herbert Powells but doesn't call the H. Powell, who turns out to be the guy he's looking for. On the way to visit, Homer gets pulled over by a cop but the guy lets him go. Homer arrives at at Herb's house he finds out his half brother is the president of Powell Motors and is stinking rich. They call Abe who begs Homer to not do anything stupid. Herb offers Homer a car but none of them are big or have a lot of pep, so Herb puts Homer in charge of designing a new car. The car designers put Homer in charge of coffee, when Herb finds out he demands that they build the car the way Homer wants. The kids introduce Herb to Itchy and Scratchy. The new Powell car The Homer is a financial disaster. Herb loses his business and is bought out my Kumatsu Motors. Herb rides off on the bus just as Abe shows up.
First appearance of Uncle Herb, voiced by Danny DeVito. The first time we see Homer's mother.
McBain movie, McBain throws Mendoza out a window, he crashes into a fuel truck and explodes. James Bond ending with But McBain will be back in "you have the right to remain DEAD"
Dated Reference Abe complains that the movie cost $2.50 The average movie costs $10.50 today. Gas in Shelbyville is $1.09 a gallon. Homer's car costs $82,000 dollars, adjusted for inflation that would be $184,000 today. Homer's salary is $200,000 which would be $450,000.
Director of the orphanage says he's looking for his long lost brother, Dr. Hibbert btw
Powell new car The Persephone.
Homer's car idea, big cup holder, ball on antenna so you can find it in the parking lot, tail fins, bubble dome, shag carpeting. Multiple horns that play La Cucraracha. Separate bubble dome for the kids, loud engine. A seat based on Homer's shape. Homer's car costs $82,000 dollars. (I have the Hot Wheels version)
Itchy and Scratchy cartoon Sunday Bloody Sundae, Scratchy goes to ice cream parlor, Itchy throws him in the blender.
Bart's Dog Gets An "F"
This show premiered on March 7th 1991. It was followed by a show called Yearbook, a real life program that followed around a group of high school students in their senior year, it was aired a year before MTV's Real World. The Simpsons ran opposite the regular programs.
The title of the episode is a version of a previous episode, Bart Gets An F.
The chalkboard and couch gags are repeats.
The shows starts with SLH (Santa's Little Helper) destroying the morning paper and eating Homer's food. We see the scene from SLH's point of view, everything Homer says sound muffled and like gibberish. Lisa has the mumps and has to stay home from school, Bart objects and claims she's faking. SLH tears up the yard and buries Krusty doll, he tries to chase Bart on the bus and goes off on an adventure around town. Steals jerky from Kwik-E Mart, ends up swimming in the neighbor's pool. Ned comes by and shows off his new shoes, Assassins, Homer becomes jealous. Marge shows Lisa the Bouvier family quilt. SLH destroys Homer's new shoes so Marge sends him to training school. Homer tries to return the destroyed shoes but the warranty doesn't cover Acts Of Dog. Homer buys a giant cookie at the mall but SLH eats it and then destroys Marge's quilt. Homer decides that if the dog isn't trained he's getting rid of it, he writes an ad for the dog and lies, when someone calls he pretends to be the dog saying "I love you". Guy wants SLH to pull carts at his farm. Bart tries to make a deal with Winthrop to pass SLH but she refuses. Lisa starts her own quilt, the first patch is SLH destroying the old quilt. Lisa tells Bart to enjoy his last few hours playing with dog however SLH actually starts obeying Bart and passes training school.
For Beef Jerky Lovers Only. Based on a commercial for Penn Hills resort, For Lovers Only.
Dog collar Nev-R-Break and costs 89¢
Sylvia Winfield appears by name in this episode (voiced by Tracey Ullman), she calls Homer to complain about SLH swimming in her pool. She first appeared in Homer's Odyssey and was happy to see Homer setting out to commit suicide.
Lisa's magazines Teen Dream Teen Scream and Teen Steam
After Homer sees Ned's shoes he writes Homer Simpson All Star on his sneakers.
Homer is left handed in this episode.
Quilt squares, King Tobacco, Woman riding sidesaddle hunting buffalo, Soldier getting shot, possibly a Rough Rider, based on Robert Capa's photo, The Falling Soldier. 1929 market crash. Marge's patch Keep On Truckin' with Yin Yang symbol. Lisa's square features Mr. Largo and Bleeding Gums Murphy and her saxophone.
Mall shops: Around The World News. Noah's, Fashion Pumps, Shoes For Dads. Cookie Colossus.
Assassins cost $125, ($280 in modern money) Giant cookie costs a $1.00 ($2.25 today)
Pop Culture Reference 8 Corys in the teen magazine, the 90's were the era of the Corys. Emily Winthrop is based upon British dog trainer personality Barbara Woodhouse. When Lisa develops her sewing finger her and Marge touch fingers while ET song plays. Where Are They Now segment featuring the graduating dogs at the end of the show, popularized by the movie Animal House.
Springfield Background Stuff:
Mrs. Botz appears on a news segment, Krusty on Joe Franklin show. Troy McClure on I Can't Believe They Invented It selling eyeball whitener.
Obedience schools: East Side Ruff-Form, Professor Bon Bowsers Sanatorium For Dogs "we taught a dog to drive", Dr. Marvin Monroe's Canine Therapy Institute "Your dog isn't the problem, You Are!" Emily Winthrop's Canine College.
Shoe selection at mall store, Bocci, Kick Boxing, Street Crime, Night Life.
Obedience School Levels, Rin Tin Tin's, Benjis, Totos and Cujos.
Winthrop reading JOCO Journal of Canine Obedience. The lead story is about airedales being the dog of the 90's.
Where are they now dog list:
Buddy: Ran Away From Home
Lao-Tzu: Ate Poisonous Toad, Now In Coma
Santa's Little Helper: Bite Bart, Homer Doesn't Mind
Old Money
This episode first aired on March 28th, 1991 in it's usual time slot and opposite the usual programs.
The chalkboard gag is "I will not grease the monkey bars" and the couch gag is a repeat of Grandpa sleeping.
It's the family day with Abe and they take him to the liquor store for beef jerky, he has a drawer full. They decide they need to do something better for the Third Sunday Of The Month and plan to take Grandpa to the discount lion safari. Meanwhile at the nursing home Abe and Beatrice get their pills mixed up so they sit together and get to know each other. They go on a series of dates. It's Bea's birthday so Abe goes to Herman's Military Antiques for a gift, Herman sends him to Grandma's World instead. Homer shows up and insists Abe come with them thinking Bea is in Grandpa's imagination. At the Discount Lion Safari Homer drives in the wrong direction and gets stuck. The next day they get rescued and by the time they get back to the nursing home they discover that Bea is dead. Bea left her money to Able $106,000. Abe calls Homer to rub it in that he is now rich. Abe buys' "Napoleon's hat from Herman, an old fez. He tries to have fun but is bored, Bea's ghost shows up to ask him why he's not happy, she suggests spreading the money around and going to see Homer. Abe decides to give his money away to people who need it, but he won't give it to Homer. Everyone shows up to beg for the money including Mr. Burns. Lisa shows up to say how people who are bad off need the money, and she wants a pony. Abe figures he needs to go on gambling junket to get enough money to help everybody. Homer shows up and stops Abe from betting everything on number 36, Double Zero comes up instead and Abe is happy not to have lost his money. Abe re-decorates the nursing home including The Beatrice Simmons Memorial Dining Hall.
Pop Culture References: Lucky Lindy all purpose Palmade, You'll never fly solo again. A reference to Charles Lindberg and his solo flight across the Atlantic. At Herman's Military Antiques he puts Abe hat in the window for sale with a sign that says "Just In, The HAT McKinley was shot in!" When they are found at the safari the guide says "Mr. Simpson I presume", a reference to Stanley finding Livingston. Grandpa Quotes Kipling's poem A Man. When Grandpa is walking around thinking about how to distribute the money he is seen in Nighthawks painting by Edward Hopper. Otto shows up trying to get Grandpa's money with a Rat Fink based drawing on how he wants to deck out the school bus. Abe goes to Diz-Nee-Land "Not affiliated with Disneyland, Disney World, or anything else from the Wall Disney Company
Episode firsts, We learn that Kent Brockman married the weather girl Stephanie. (in Homer Vs. Lisa and The 8th Commandment Homer mentions that they are dating). First appearance of a Krusty Burger when Homer hits the drive thru on his way to the casino. The first mention of The Springfield Mystery Spot. First appearance of Professor Frink (but not by name), he needs Grandpa's money to build a death ray.
Signs: Springfield Retirement Castle "Where the elder can hide from the inevitable". Discount Lion Safari! tm So'll think you've driven to AFRICA! "If you can find a cheaper lion, you must be in Africa"
The Larry Davis Dance Kings make an appearance at the nursing home.
Grandma's World "For the old lady in all of us"
Aisle listings.
Hard Candies
Doilies-Picture Frames
Cookies Buy 1 get 1 free
Seashell Soap
Grandpa buys a wool shawl, the guy needs a price so he pages "activewear"
Lionel Hutz makes an appearance with Bea's will. the guy with Bronson accent is driving a cab. Princess Cashmere waiting in line for Abe's money along with Guy in Joker costume(?) Trekkie, Darth Vader.
Marge calls Dr. Marvin Monroe's help line.
Abe goes to Club Mud and parasailing,
Things people want Grandpa's money for:
Otto's bus
Moe's treasure map
Dr. Monroe's isolation chamber, wants to buy a baby.
Bart wants a Radioactiveman #27
Signs at the casino:
State line One Mile, Casino One Mile One Foot
Plato's Republic "Welcome To The Golden Age of Gambling.
Dated reference the entrance fee to the Discount Lion Safari is $18.50. That would be $41 in the modern world.
We've reached episode 30, 720 to go.
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