Life Without Twitter
The first full day. Monday is a tough day to start on since I always wake up late and spend the morning running to catch up. So I didn't really miss Twitter. After work I checked the site to see if I got any comments, I didn't, and noticed that they changed the logo to a dog, that crappy dog Muskrat used for his failed digital coin. The bird made sense since you Tweeted. What are you suppose to do now? Bark? That site gets worse and worse by the day. Perhaps I should go to bed early so I can get up early and do stuff.
Tuesday. I went to bed a little earlier and did get up a little earlier, but the wind is ripping and it's suppose to snow, so I didn't do much other stuff. I feel like someone recovering from addiction, I still want to post my boring life story on the internet in little chunks but I'm not doing it. I still want to mock politicians in a public forum but again. And on the day trump has to show up for his official indictment none the less. Oh well, perhaps tomorrow will be creative.
Wednesday. Nobody has called me an idiot for three days. I don't know how to handle that. Nobody has tried to convince me that up is down and black is white, I'm not use to logical discussions with real adults.
Thursday. No cravings today.
Friday. Crap, I saw a great video explaining the trump indictment and I had to share it. Oh well, I said I would post occasionally to make sure twitter couldn't claim it had become inactive and delete it. Nobody looked at the tweet so I guess it still counts.
Saturday. I could get rid of Twitter on my saved bar. There are a couple of people I miss seeing but lets be honest, with Muskrat's new system I had to go track them down and missed most of it to began with. Plus it's not like anyone is trying to find me. It's kind of a shock to discover that if you found yourself in a It's A Wonderful Life situation you wouldn't have made any difference at all.
Sunday. I woke up with zero interest of seeing what was happening on Twitter. We'll see how the day progresses. Later in the day I was tempted to check out Twitter but it won't open, a common problem these days. Kind of a sign.
Monday. An official full week and again, nobody cares. The bad part is Al Jaffee of Mad Magazine passed away and I can't share my RIP with the world, but then again, nobody cares that I left Twitter.
Tuesday. I received two notifications from Twitter this morning! Only it turns out it's just another way muskrat is ruining the site, they were "here's something someone posted and we want you to know about it even though it has nothing to do with you". Such crap. When I'm alerted that I received some kind of notification I'll know it's not really for me.
Monday, the 17th. Wow, it's been almost two full weeks since I cared about Twitter. I did tweet something to a person I follow to keep my account active but it's been days since I even checked in there. I've started a new project where I'm going through all the Simpsons episodes, I use to live tweet the stuff but since I was shadow banned nobody was reading it and since the powers that be want to permanently ban me they'd probably say it was some kind of copyright violation. Instead I'm doing a blog that I link to on Mastodon. Nobody reads anything I post there either but at least I don't have to worry about getting banned. And nobody gets angry at me for what I say.
Tuesday 4/25 Tucker Carlson is fired from faux "news", Harry Belafonte passes away, my niece's moronic husband crashes his motorcycle and is in the hospital because he thinks he's a free 18 year old instead of the father of four children with a wife and responsibilities. I would be all over Twitter with this stuff but instead I kept it all to myself (except for this of course). The Fates are really testing me but it's a matter of principal.
Wednesday 4/26 One of the odd side effects of not caring about Twitter is I'm starting to not care about Instagram either. Perhaps I'm starting to not care about social media at all.
Monday 5/1. One month and as time goes by I care less and less about twitter. Good going muskrat, you cured my addiction.
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