Saturday, May 20, 2023

 The Simpsons 45 through 49

Flaming Moes

This episode premiered on November 21st, 1991 and was followed by Drexell's class. It ran opposite Gabriel's Fire, Top Cops and The Cosby Show. 

The chalkboard gag is "Underwear should  be worn on the inside" and the couch gag is the family gets home to find a couple of burglars stealing the couch, they hop on and are tossed off.

Lisa has a slumber party, the girls go after Bart, he gets his first kiss. They jinx him, he tries to get Homer to say his name but ends up getting punched in the arm for talking. When the girls try to chase him down for a makeover he jumps out the window. Maggie shows up in the living room covered in makeup so Homer heads to Moe's, however the bar is out of beer. Homer teaches Moe how to make a drink, one night when Patty and Selma shows up they drank all of Homer's beer. Homer mixed up all the remains of the alcohol in the house, and some cough syrup. When it catches on fire it comes out really good. Moe steals Homer's recipe and the bar becomes a success. A guy from Tipsy McStagers wants to buy the recipe and steals some of the drink for analysis. Moe changes his sign to Flaming Moe's and the place becomes famous. Aerosmith show up at the bar, Moe gets them to perform and he joins them in a version of Walk This Way. Krabapple hits on Homer. Homer tells off Moe for stealing his drink but it's too loud in the bar. Tipsy McStager offers Moe 1 million dollars for the recipe. Homer goes to a new bar on the bad side of town, the bartender is a one eyed tattooed guy with a shotgun. Moe is on Eye On Springfield. Homer goes to Lionel Hutz but he doesn't have a case. The bar waitress convinces Moe to sell the recipe and split the money with Homer. Homer goes nuts and gives away the secret ingredient, cough syrup, soon everyone is selling the drink and Moe's is back to normal.

Homer watches Eye On Springfield (a parody of Eye On Hollywood) The opening credits feature the Springfield sign, Jebediah Springfield statue, Larry's Chinese Theater complete with handprints in concrete. Sushi in a hot tub. The Nuclear Plant, The mini golf course (first seen in Dead Putting Society), Springfield Downs dog track (First seen in Simpsons On An Open Fire), The Jazz Hole (First seen in Moaning Lisa), Springfield War Memorial Stadium (first seen in Dancin' Homer) the Aztec theater "Closed for repairs" (first seen in The Telltale Head),  The Happy Sailor Tattoo Parlor "managers special up to 12 letters only $15.95 (First seen in Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire)

This show features the first mention of the Springfield tire fire which had been burning for 25 years. (the tire yard had been seen in the opening and wasn't on fire) and Topsy McStagers Good Time Eating And Drinking Emporium. Moe buys a love tester for the bar instead of paying his beer bill. The love tester will be seen in future episodes.

Continuity Error: Dredric Tatum is on Eye On Springfield where they say he grew up in Springfield but in a previous episode they said he was from Capitol City but went to jail in the Springfield Prison.

Pop Culture reference. Lionel Hutz mentions the Frank Wallbanger case of 78 , a joke about the Harvey Wallbangers drink.  Homer shows up at Moe's as Phantom of the Opera with half his face covered by his bath robe. Moe's new waitress leaves to pursue movie career in Hollywood, this was a dig at Cheers and the storyline when Diane Chambers (Shelly Long) leaves to go to Hollywood (The show Cheers ran on a rival network the same night as The Simpsons) There is also a take on the Cheers opening credits with a song that has the same tune but different lyrics and various scenes of Flaming Moe's bar. Krusty attacks photographer, a take on Sean Penn. Moe says "Its like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited" (sneaky dirty joke)

Patty and Selma bring slides from their Czechoslovakian vacation and it includes a visit to the Dead Sea. The mention of Czechoslovakia is a dated reference since the country broke up in 1992, a year after the episode aired.

At school they have Inventors We Admire Martin talks about AJP Martin the inventor of the partition chromatograph. later Professor Frink uses one to analyze the Flaming Moe. Bart brings in alcohol bottles to show how to make the Flaming Homer.

Headlines about Moe:

Wizard of Walnut Street

Timely magazine, One Moe for the road

Bar and Stool Magazine Through The Roof!

Bart wears a shirt that says "I got toasted at Flaming Moe's"

Self Aware comment: Homer says "If there was any justice it would be my face on a bunch of crappy merchandise." (just like the Simpsons merchandise in real life)

Phone gag Mr. Jass, first name Hugh. Hugh Jass is at the bar and Bart has to talk to him.

Springfield Background stuff:

Krusty's Non-Narkotik Kough Syrup For Kids

Moe's sign: Bartenders do it till you barf.

King Toots seen next door. 

Dive bar called The Aristocrat.

New Bars that pop up after the recipe gets out.

Flaming Moe's Now Here

The Original Flaming Moe's

Flaming Moes in script

Flaming Meaux

Famous Moe's, Best Moe's In Town

Street cart called Flaming Moe's.

In Homer's imagination Maggie says "Moe" part of the running gag about her not talking.

Instead of the usual closing credit song it's Aerosmith's song Young Lust.

(This is one of my top favorite episodes)

Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk (Burns Sells The Power Plant)

This episode premiered on December 5th 1991 in it's usual time slot. It ran opposite the regular programs except for The Claymation Christmas Celebration on ABC

The chalkboard gag is "The Christmas pageant does not stink" and the couch gag is a repeat of SLH asleep on the couch. 

Mr. Smithers is washing Burns hair, he's upset with his lost youth and considering selling the plant. Homer has a crappy old dollar bill but Smithers gives him a handful of coins. Homer's stock broker calls to tell him his stock went up 25¢ a share and he's up $25. Meanwhile Marge sees on TV that Burns Worldwide went up to $5200. Homer runs into a couple of Germans and tells them that Burns won't sell plant for less than $100 million. The stock closes at 51 7/8th. Homer is the only one who sold low. Burns sells the plant, everyone is worried. The Germans send the alcoholics to a facility in Hawaii. The Germans ask Homer for some safety ideas and he complains about the candy machine not taking old dollar bills, then fantasizes about The Land Of Chocolate. The only person the Germans fire is Homer. The family goes on a budget. Homer tries of fix toaster by jamming fork into it. The old timers laugh at Burns during Bocci Ball game. Marge sends Bart to Moe's to bring Homer home, just after he makes a crank call. Bart sings Teddy Bear Picnic at the bar. Burns shows up at the bar to go slumming but they tell him off and chase him out. Burns realizes that without the power plant nobody fears him, he decides to buy the place back. The crowd at the bar sings Na Na Na Goodbye to Burns. The Germans are desperate to sell so he buys it back for less than he sold it for. Burns insists on hiring back Homer so he can get his revenge on him, however Burns always forgets Homer by the next episode. 

Pop Culture References: Mayor Quimby says Ich Bin ein Springfielder. A reference to the JFK quote. Burns says "Smithers come here, I want you" A reference to the Alexander Graham Bell quote. Burns gives autographed photo of Elvis to Smithers. It's a take on the Nixon meets Elvis photo. Homer tries to build a Battlestar Galactica puzzle, based on the original 1978 series.

Homer's money fantasy

Deluxe hair cut

Deluxe car wash

New Hammer.

Bart's money fantasy

Bad Boy Bart monster truck

Frosty chocolate milkshakes in cement mixer, he drinks until his stomach expands

Jet pack, he writes Eat My Shorts across the sky.

Homer buys a bottle of Henry K. Duff's Private Reserve

Itchy and Scratchy Show, House of Pain or This Old Mouse. Itchy drives a nail through Scratchy's skull in order to hang a photo of the two of them.

Sign above plant drinking fountain Please do not put foreign objects in fountain.

Burns meets the Germans at The Hungry Hun. 

Mr. Smithers learns Sycophantic German

In Homer's fantasy the population of The land of chocolate is 1372

Carrot Cat Food 88% Ash, 12% Carrot

Phone gag "looking for Mrs. O'problem, first name Bea"

I Married Marge

This episode first aired on December 26, 1991 in it's regular time slot. It ran opposite the regular programs except for Entertainers '91 on ABC. (A show looking back at the top entertainers of the year)

The chalkboard gag is "I will not torment the emotionally frail" and the couch gag is the family does a gymnastic move ending up on the couch.

Marge goes to the doctor because she might be pregnant. While they are waiting Homer tells the kids about how he and Marge got married and Bart was born. Flashback to 1980, Homer is working at the mini golf, his job is turning the blade at the windmill hole. Homer and Marge fool around in the castle hole and she gets pregnant. Homer proposes via a card. After they get married Marge and Homer are living on her mother's couch. Homer applies at the Power Plant but the other applicants were in the same frat as Smithers. Homer and Marge get married at Shotgun Pete's, 10th wedding is on the house with punch card. Homer can't get a good job and all their stuff gets repossessed so he runs away. Patty and Selma discover Homer is working at a taco stand. Homer is standing outside the power plant when he see a donut truck roll up. Selma finally tells Marge that Homer is working at the Gulp N Blow. Homer gives Marge an onion ring for a wedding ring but has to take it off because it's hot. Homer decides to try to get a job at the power plant one more time, he barges in and tells Burns that he's a wimp and will take any job. Burns vows to remember Homer's name. Homer goes to Marge but she's at the hospital giving birth. He tells Marge he has a job and then tells off Patty and Selma. Bart's first act is to set Homer's tie on fire. Back in 1991 Marge comes home and announces she's not pregnant. Homer jumps up in celebration and knocks kids to the ground.

The title of this episode is a parody of the 1952 sitcom I Married Joan.

In this episode Homer 24 in 1980.

Homer buys a Barnacle Bill's Home Pregnancy Test because it comes with corn cob pipe. "Ahoy Matey If the water turns blue a baby for you, if purple ye see no baby for thee". The water turns pink.  "If the test should fail to a doctor set sail."

The 1980's references, the candidacy of John Anderson, the band Supertramp, Marge and Homer go to see The Empire Strikes Back at the Aztec Theater, Homer spoils the Big Reveal to the people standing in line for the next showing. Space Mutants I is showing. Homer's bumper sticker says Disco Sucks. They listen to Debby Boone sing You Light Up My Life. Marge calls it their song. Homer and Marge drink Champale. Homer and Barney watch Charlie's Angels. Homer is wearing a I shot JR t shirt, a reference to the Dallas tv series. Mr. Burns plays Ms. Pack Man even though the show is suppose to take place in 1980 and the video game didn't come out until 1982.

Homer says the the first thing Bart will see is a man with a job, Patty and Selma say "Yeah, the Doctor.

Marge refers to the night she got pregnant as when her and Homer Joined the Castle Club. A clever way to sneak in a reference to the Mile High Club.

Continuity Error, in this episode Homer and Marge get married at Shotgun Pete's, a discount wedding chapel across the state line however in The War Of The Simpsons he talks about the big party they threw with all the guests and religious people, Marge points out that it was their wedding. 

Phamplet joke: So You Ruined Your Life with pregnant woman on cover.

Marge works as car hop at Berger's Burgers. First mentioned in Homer's Odyssey

Lisa wants to name baby Ariel a reference to the Disney film The Little Mermaid, Bart wants Kool Mo Dee Simpson, a rapper of the era.

Homer and Marge pick out their ring at The Family Jewels

Marge mentions her dream husband was Ted Bessel, the actor who played Donald Hollinger on That Girl.

Homer's jobs:

Candle Maker at Olde Springfield, "what a crappy candle" "You sir, have ruined our vacation"

Shash-Co Knives, hands knife to woman blade side first.

The Pitiless Pup Attack Dog School, as an attack dummy.

Homer goes to Millions for Nothing! lecture. It's a pyramid scheme. Guy runs off when he hears the cops.

The name of the donut deliver van at the power plant is Rolling Donuts.

Radio Bart

This episode premiered on January 9th, 1992,  it was followed by Herman's Head (a show about a guy's various personalities that lived in his mind, yes Disney stole this idea for Inside Out) It ran against Columbo 91, Top Cops and the Cosby Show. 

The chalkboard gag is "I will not carve gods" and the couch gag is the family jumps on the couch and then bounce around until they are on the opposite side of where they started.

Homer walks in and finds Lisa grinding to a show on TV, a version of Soul Train. Lisa asks for money to buy Bart a birthday gift, Homer see a commercial for the Superstar Celebrity Microphone and orders it for Bart's present. Bart paid $8 to get his name on Krusty's birthday list. Bart gets a label maker for his birthday and goes around the house labeling everything "Property of Bart Simpsons" including Homer's beer. Homer is upset to find that Bart is using the microphone to prop open a window so he duplicates the commercial. Marge convinces Bart to use the microphone and he starts playing tricks on people. First he convinces Homer that aliens are about to invade but Homer is happy that Bart is playing with it. Bart tricks Marge by pretending to be Maggie's voice saying Mama. Bart hide mic under Lisa's bed to listen to her conversation. He makes fart noises in school. Talks to Rod and Todd, pretending to be God and convinces them to bring cookies to his house. Bart pulls ultimate pranks by putting radio down an old well and pretends to be Timmy O'Toole stuck at the bottom. Krusty the Klown does charity song for Timmy. When SLH gets hold of Bart's microphone it's heard from the well and Lisa figures out what Bart is up to and reminds him he used the label maker to put his name on his radio. Bart tries to repel down the well but the cops come along and release his rope, he really becomes trapped in the well but nobody cares since he's such a bad kid. Homer decides to dig him out and the whole town joins in, Jasper says "it's an old fashion hole diggin'. The canary in the tunnel dies and everyone rushed out fearing gas, Dr. Hibbert tells them the canary died of natural causes so they all rush back. Sting breaks through well but is shoved aside by Homer and Marge. The city puts up a Caution Well sign to prevent future accidents. 

The plot of the well rescue is a combination of stories from the real life Baby Jessica who got stuck in an abandon well in 1987 to the movie Ace In The Hole, starring Kirk Douglass, about a cave rescue that literally turns into a media sideshow.

Dated reference The Superstar Celebrity Microphone a take on the Ronco Mr. Microphone including the commercial. Homer sings Convoy, a trucker song originally by C.W. McCall. The label maker Bart gets for his birthday, it presses letters into a sticky plastic strip that can be applied to things, replaced by printed ones done from the computer. 

Bart's birthday coupon book:

Phineas Q. Butterfat's 5600 Flavors Ice Cream Parlor "1 free birthday sundae" It's super small

Jakes Unisex Hair Palace "free birthday shave"

Free Tango Lesson

Wall E. Weasel's pizza place "We cram fun down your throat" (The name appears 16 years before Disney's Wall-E), Bart plays Larry The Looter video game. Other video games "Time Waster" "Coffee Fiend" The pizza place is a parody of Chuck E Cheese.

Bart's birthday presents.

Label Maker (dated reference) Bart prints out "this sucks" and puts on the label maker.

Wool socks

Dr Marvin Monroe's Guide to Etiquette

A cactus

Homer's microphone

Martin Prince gives him matching outfits of cap and jacket.

Rescue Plans;

Hawk, that flies away

Captain Quint from Jaws.  Hook bated with chocolate (pop culture reference)

Professor Frink wants to freeze the boy and leave him for future generations. 

Buried stuff near well:

Triceratops fossile

Buried Treasure with skull on top of chest

Alien spaceship with alien skeleton behind controls.

Singers on Krusty's charity song Sending Our Love Down The Well: Sting (real voice), Sideshow Mel (first time hearing his voice on the show), Rainer Wolfcastle (McBain). Dr Monroe, Lance Murdock, Capitol City Goofball, Dan Ackroyd, Troy McClure, Scott Christian (other newscaster) Stephanie Brockman (Kent Brockman's wife, first appearance) Bleeding Gums Murphy, Mayor Quimby, Krusty, Princess Cashmere. The song and video is a parody of We Are The World, a charity song for African aid. After Bart is exposed the song is topped on the charts by "I do believe we're naked" by Funky See Funky Do (Singers look like Kid and Play). The Countdown host is a version of Casey Kasem and his show American Top 40. Although Kasem is famous for doing cartoon voices like Shaggy on Scooby Doo the voice is done by an impressionist. 

T shirt "I survived Timmy O'Toole Getting Trapped In A Well"

Guy selling Timmy O'Toole baby teeth $6 a bag

After finding out Bart is down the well the reporter is writing a headline Town To Well Boy: "No more free food" by Dave Shutton, he is first seen in Three Eyed Fish In Every Pot episode (this is the first time his name has appeared in the show) . He's called away for another story. Squirrel Resembling Abraham Lincoln Found. Later Kent Brokman does a breaking story about the Lincoln squirrel being assassinated. 

Homer says "That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more", a reference to how Popeye talks. 

Lisa reads Non Threatening Boys magazine featuring various Coreys

Itchy and Scratchy Show: Cat Splat Fever. Itchy pretends to commit suicide by jumping into well. When Scratchy goes to save him he's eaten by alligator, then Itchy shoots his ghost in the head. " The show is dedicated to Timmy O'Toole with yellow ribbon image. 

Lisa The Greek

This episode premiered on January 23rd, 1992, once again followed by Drexell's class and opposite the regular programs.

There is no chalkboard gag in this episode and the couch gag is a repeat of Homer sitting on the dog.

Homer is watching Inside Football Today while he eats non stop snacks. Marge worries about his heart, which clogs up just then, Homer says "a little beer will put out that fire" (will become an episode at a later date) Jimmy Apollo calls the game for Denver so Homer calls Moe and puts a $20 bet down. Lisa interrupts him with the cardboard apartment she made for her doll Malibu Stacy. Lisa is upset when Homer doesn't care so Marge tells her to try out Homer's interest. Marge decides that since Lisa is hanging out with Homer she and Bart should go clothes shopping. Homer calls the Coach's Hotline for tips but they stretch out the conversation because it's $2.99 a minute. Lisa picks Miami and bets $50, meanwhile Krusty calls with another bet. Bart realizes that the security is watching so he writes Get Bent on a shirt cardboard. Marge opens the dressing room door and embarrasses Bart. Homer convinces Lisa to keep his gambling secret and Sunday becomes their special day. Lisa starts placing the bet with Moe. Bart wants to go bowling but the Super Bowl is the next Sunday so they plan for the next week. Homer tells Marge the truth about Lisa's gambling, she's mad but Homer tells her nothing bad will come of it. Lisa asks Homer to go hiking the Sunday after the Super Bowl but he tells her he has plans with Barney. Lisa has a nightmare about being a gambling addict in Vegas, she gets mad and gives away all her Malibu Stacy stuff. Homer apologizes and makes up with Lisa until he asks her who is going to win. She picks the teams based on whether she still loves Homer or not. Moe offers Barney a free beer to keep from telling Homer that he's still a bookie. The Redskins win and the next Sunday Homer goes on a hike with Lisa. The closing song is done in marching band style. 

The title of this show is a parody of Jimmy The Greek, a famous sports analyst and odds fixer. Jimmy was kicked off CBS Sports after making some disparaging comments about Black athletes. 

Pop Culture References: Smooth Jimmy Apollo, a spin on Jimmy The Greek. Smooth Jimmy has literal Big Lock for his Big Lock of the Week. The channel 2 guy has big shoe for Show In Of The Week. Homer says both guys make a good point. Professor Frink uses the Gamble-Tron to predict Cincinnati by 200 points. At Moe's Super Bowl Spectacular he has Super Bread which is a spin on Wonder Bread, complete with the dotted wrapper. Homer buys Marge perfume, Meryl Streeps Versatility, in an Oscar shaped bottle. Streep has three Oscars and has been nominated 6 times, it's a take on Elizabeth Taylor's Passion. The Duff Bowl, a parody of the Bud Bowl commercials which ran from1989 to 1997, Duff Dry wins. Homer tells Moe "I use to hate the smell of your sweaty feet, now it's the smell of victory", a spin on the Apocalypse Now line

Dated Reference: The Washington Redskins are now called the Commanders.

First appearance of Malibu Stacy, a spin on Barbie.

Springfield Background Stuff:

Moe's Tavern where the peanut bowl is freshened hourly.

Mall store Wee Monsieur

Springfield library signs:

The Hip Place To Be

Children's Story Hour Weekdays 2-3 

Give a Hoot Read A Book. 

Card Catalog

Football books Lisa looks up in the card catalog: Homoeroticism in, Oddball Canadian Rules, Phyllis George In

Lisa mentions the tire fire and at the end we see it in the distance during the hike.

Moes Super Sunday Brunch Spectacular. Bologna and white bread.

First Church of Springfield Sign: Every Sunday is a Super Sunday. Only two women in church. Continuity error, no Flanders family.

Super Bowl Halftime Show, Aliens who sing Rock Around The Clock. The 1992 halftime show was a salute to the Winter Wonderland with special guest Gloria Estefan. Meanwhile In Living Color, on Fox, ran a special halftime show complete with a countdown so people could return to the game. The next year the Super Bowl features Michael Jackson as the halftime performer.

At the fancy restaurant Bart asks for the freshest bottle of wine and Lisa requests The Broken Neck Blues.

In the show we see the French guys who Bart was forced to work for in The Crepes Of Wrath, they change the channel from the Super Bowl to a Jerry Lewis movie. Anti Freeze box in the background.

Troy McClure's new show. Handle With Care, Jack Handle a retired cop who shares an apartment with an ex con, "The original odd couple"

Bart destroys solider with magnifying glass three years before Syd in Toy Story.

Lisa tells homer to bet her entire College fund on a game, $23.

Coach's Hotline 1-909-WIN-BIGG (946-2444)

We've reached the 50 episodes mark. In most shows this would mean we were anywhere from one quarter to halfway though. In The Simpsons we've barely scratched the surface.

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