Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Simpsons 341-345

Midnight Rx

This episode premiered on January 16th 2005. The lead in show was Malcolm In The Middle and it was followed by Arrested Development. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, 60 Minutes and The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards.

The title is based on the 1988 movie Midnight Run

The couch gag is the family rushes in and sits down, there is a pause and Lisa says "What, can't we sit on the couch without something happening?", just then Homer is hit with a spear and said "D'oh!"

Mr Burns plans an employee day at the museum, Lisa complains. After everyone has a great time Burns announces that he's terminating the employee prescription drug plan. Burns and Smithers escape in a Sky Car, an early attempt at a helicopter. When Channel 6 cancels their health plan Krusty asks the kids to go to their parents medicine cabinet and send him Lithium Dibromide. Wiggum gives Ralph pills from the evidence locker. Dr. Hibbert appears on TV wearing logos from Allegra, Celebrex and Prilosec. Lisa and Marge go to the pharmaceutical company to complain, however the company just shows them a video. The nursing home cuts off the seniors from their prescriptions so Abe decides to fight back by going to Canada, Homer has dressed in a poncho and sombrero because he thought they were going to Mexico. Homer and Abe trade a DVD player for Canadian prescription cards. Everyone at the nursing home celebrates Abe and the family has a Hawaiian party for Homer. At the Kwik-E-Mart Apu calls Homer his favorite customer, he wants to go on a run, and Flanders asks Homer to smuggle some insulin for Rod. Homer gets mad when Ned tries to convert Apu while driving to Canada. Ned meets a Canadian that talks the same language but when the guy offers Ned a joint he says he was warned about the Satan of the north. On the drive home Ned gives Apu hot coffee, he burns his tongue and starts making Middle Eastern sounds, Ned raps a wet towel around his head to cool him off just as they reach the border checkpoint. The Mounties stop the car and Homer's pills spill out. The Canadians have a French translator to tell Homer that he has to leave the country and never return. Everyone is now mad at Homer and Abe for not being able to get more drugs. Smithers thyroid swells because he can't afford the pills. While imagining getting captured by King Kong Homer comes up with the idea to go to Canada by air. Burns shows up and offers to fly them in the Plywood Pelican. The plane is overloaded and going to crash so Burns bails out, Homer manages to make an emergency landing in Springfield. Abe gets arrested but everyone shows up to save him so Wiggum lets him go. Burns rushes home with the thyroid medicine but has to give Smithers mouth-to-mouth to revive him "wink wink". Burns revives the health plan but makes Homer a freelance consultant with no benefits, just then Homer finds a lump on his neck.

Springfield Air And Space Museum. Welcome Springfield Nuclear Plant Employees!

Exhibits: The Spirit of Shelbyville / a History Of The History Of Flight Museum video / Enola Gay plane / Agnes Skinner as a wing walker / The Plywood Pelican built and flown by Burn (based on the Spruce Goose) In the episode $pringfield Burns builds a model of the Spruce Moose

The invitation reads "Employee Outing Featuring Nasty Surprise."

When the family has to cut back Homer suggests getting a second job playing Rachel's Irish Cousin on Friends. Lisa points out that the show went off the air the year before. 

Springfield Employment Agency: When You Need To Show The State You Tried

The museum car Burns uses to try to escape is based on the 1915 "Sky Car", an early attempt at a helicopter.

Lithium Dibromide isn't a real medicine.

When Dr. Hibbert is promoting pharmaceutical corporations Sir Mixalot's song Big Butts plays. 

Pharm-er John's Pharmaceuticals (a spoof on Farmer John's, the maker of Dodger Dogs)

The Pharmaceutical company's video features I Want A New Drug by Huey Lewis and the News.

Welcome to Canada: Now Celine Dion-Free. Veterans Of One War

Dudley Do-Drugs Pharmacy Pharmacie (Based on the Dudley Do-Right cartoons)

White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane plays during the scene where Homer and Abe load up on Canadian prescription drugs. 

The Jacquitos show up to thank Abe for getting drugs and make him a member of the gang, they give him an Operation Dumbo Drop jacket.. The gang first appeared in the episode The Old Man And The Key. Operation Dumbo Drop was a 1995 film. 

Now Entering Winnipeg: We Were Born Here, What's Your Excuse?

Canadian News and Lost Mitten Update. The news refers to Homer as "Former Astronaut Simpson". This is from the episode Homer In Space.

Burns has Smithers in a glass coffin in a tower, this is a spoof on Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. 

This episode was based on the problem of the increasing cost of drugs in America and people going to Canada to get the same drugs at a much lower cost. The Bush administration's response to the problem was to create new Passport laws to cross the border. 

Mommie Beerest

This episode premiered on January 30th 2005. It ran in its usual time slot and opposite Extreme Makeover, Cold Case and American Dreams

The title of this episode comes from the book and movie Mommy Dearest.

The couch gag is the living room is a desert and the family is in rags. When the sit on the couch it turns out to be made of sand and collapses.

The family goes to Sunday Bruch to celebrate the paying off of their mortgage. Homer overeats on seafood (a repeat from the episode New Kid On The Block). Bart shoots a hot dog at Lisa and mocks her for eating meat, so she shoots a strawberry back and mocks him for eating fruit. They get into a food fight and Marge yells at them. Homer tells them off for embarrassing him so he goes to Moe. The health inspector shows up and threatens to shut the place down but he turns out to be Moe's old friend. The inspector eats a pickled egg and drops dead, just then Wiggum walks in but he flees the scene. A new health inspector shows up and shuts the place down. Barney sing Danny Boy in memory of the bar. Homer borrows money against the house to pay for Moe's bar, Homer imagines Moe disguised as Moe telling him to go through with it. When Marge finds out that Homer borrowed the money she insist on going to Moe's and run the place. Homer rushes to the bar only to find that Marge is running the bar, she orders Homer to go home and take care of the kids. Marge plans to turn Moe's into a British Pub. Moe's new pub is called The Nag And Weasel and has a Marge horse and Moe weasel on the sign. Moe thanks Marge for all her help but Homer starts to suspect that they are doing more than just running a bar. Homer and Marge go to the movies and Moe shows up, Homer starts to worry even more when Moe knows what's going on in his life. Lenny and Carl explain to Homer that Marge and Moe are having an intellectual affair, no physical intimacy but a mental connection (now known as a Work Marriage). Homer tries to connect with Marge but she's too tired, and her and Moe are going to a Tavern Owner's convention in Aruba. After she leaves Homer plans a last minute airport dash to save his marriage. Moe arranged for them to only have one room at Aruba. When Moe goes to watch the in-flight entertainment he sees Homer on the radar approaching the plane. Homer gets pulled over by the police for speeding, when Wiggum finds out what's going on he gives Homer a police escort to the plane. Homer chase down the plane on the mobile stairs. Moe sees Homer and confesses his love of Marge but Homer shows up after climbing through the toilet and confronts Moe. Homer plans on leaving and opens the emergency exit and almost gets sucked out, however Marge rejects Moe for Homer. When Marge finds out about the sleeping arrangements she makes Moe and Homer share the bed while she sleeps on the couch. Meanwhile the kids (unsupervised) enter a hot air balloon race in Paris. During the closing credits Marge and Homer sing Love With Keep Us Together while dressed like Captain and Tennille, Moe turns up the volume on the baseball game on the TV.

Deluxe Sunday Brunch, It's Breakfast With Booze!

The regulars who show up for the Moe's Tavern memorial: Jasper / Nelson / Larry / Sam / Homer / Barney / Moe / Lenny / Carl / Duffman / Surly / The Leprechaun / Dr. Nick / Kirk 

The bar across the street from Moe's The League Of Extra-Horny Gentlemen (a Gay bar) The title is based on the comic book series and the 2003 movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

First Bank Of Springfield: Vault Holds Less Than $20

The frames Springfield Shopper headline on the bar wall "Triple Murder At Moe's"

At the grand opening of the new pub "God Save The King" plays. 

Richard Blackwell makes an appearance at Moe's pub. He first appeared in the episode I Am Furious (Yellow)

When Homer finds himself alone in bed he plays Greensleeves on the trombone.

Springfield Googolplex movies: 3 Fast 3 Furious / Breast Camp / Dude, Where's My Prostate? / Michael Eisner vs. Michael Ovitz / Kill Bill Maher / Explosion 2 / Baby Cops 3: Tired and Cranky / Disney's "Stroller Rental: The Movie / Cards 

Itchy And Scratchy Land: Built By Imagination and Non-Union Labors. The park first appeared in the episode Itchy And Scratchy Land. On the Splash Mountain ride Ralph is hanging by his underwear from a Scratchy figure. 

Lenny has a Life magazine from the month he was born, the headline reads Bloodbath In Laos. 

Homer imagines the cuckoo clock bird with Moe's face saying Cuckold, Homer has no idea what that means as did most people before internet porn taught us all.

Regulars going to the convention, Luigi, Krusty, The Asian restaurant manager, Sea Captain. 

Homer's card: Homer Simpson Plus Size Butt Model

This episode was dedicated to the memory of Johnny Carson who had passed away on January 23rd and had appeared in the episode Krusty Gets Kancelled

Homer And Ned's Hail Mary Pass

This episode premiered on February 6th 2005. The lead in show was the Super Bowl Post Game Show. It ran opposite Desperate Housewives, Without A Trace and Law And Order Criminal Intent.

The title is based upon the 1997 movie Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion and the expression Hail Mary Pass from football.

The couch gag is the family forms a totem poll, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie on top. 

The family goes to Springfield Park but it's run down, trash everywhere and homeless camps, Lisa complains. Marge plans a charity carnival to save the park but the Junior League is already holding one. Homer loses the charity auction but when he goes to the Port-A-Squat he comes out with a stuffed bear. Bart wins a giant octopus at the frog flip, everyone laughs at Homer but when he knocks Bart's frog off the winning lilly pad he gets the prize and mocks Bart while the audience cheers him on. Ned videos Homer's antics and Comic Book Guy asks to load it onto his web site. People all over the world see Homer's video.  A bus "Italians Touring America" pull up to the house to laugh at Homer (Mario is in the front seat). Homer gets mad and throws trash cans at Mario until he climbs up into the treehouse and grabs a hammer, however he gets run over and spins. Deon Overstreet from the San Antonio Cow Skulls football team shows up, he also plays Stay-off-drugs-ia in a Disney Channel movie. He offers Homer a $1000 for the rights to the dance so he can do it in the end zone. Homer does another dance and smashes the sail boat painting over his head, Marge has a closet full. Ned decides to make more Christian videos with his new camera, his first video is Cain and Able. LeBron James calls Homer to help come up with a post dunk dance. Ned shows his movie at the church, everyone loves it except Marge. Burns has a plan to fund the movies to launder the money from his phony vaccine scam. Homer runs a camp for showboating and the sports figures make a mess out of dinner. Ned makes a 10 Commandments movie with bigger production. Ned's film has Jonah getting killed by the whale and Solomon actually cutting the baby in half before he cuts himself in half. Marge complains so Ned insults Harry Potter and Ashley Judd. Everyone stands up to Burns so he cancels the movie. Homer is mentioned on Jock Center where his coached players appear on their highlight reel. Homer is taken to the commissioner of football but they love him for increasing ratings and player fines, they ask him to produce the Super Bowl Halftime Show, he has no ideas so he goes to church for inspiration. He runs into Ned and they come up with a plan to put on a Biblical half-time show. Homer's half time show is about the Great Flood. Everyone boos the show and the nation is angry at religion being shoved down their throat. 

Tom Brady, LeBron James, Michelle Kwan, Yao Ming and Warren Sapp do their own voices in this episode.

Comic Book Guy's real name is Jeff Albertson. He has been a regular on the show since the episode Three Men And A Comic Book in 1991.

Dated reference, Neds camera uses VHS cassettes. 

CBG's website is Dorks-Gone-Wild dot Com "Best Website Ever" the videos on the site: Boxer Shot By Wife / Lute Fruit (Martin) / Beauty Pageant Diarrhea / Big-Ass Baryshnikov (Homer)

Homer's pyramid of success Obnoxiousness / Poor Sportsmanship / Showboating / Mooning / The Bird / In Your Face. He adds Crotch Grabbing as the sun. 

Jammitin, Erectile Disfunction pills. 

Ned has a script for Citizen Kane on his bookshelf. 

Springfield Stadium, Tonight: Football / Tomorrow: Simon Vs. Garfunkel 

Deon meets Timmy Thomas who has Timmy Thomas disease. 

Homer's client list: Tom Brady Mon. 1PM / Deion Overstreet Tues. 3 PM / Yao Ming Wed. 11 AM / Warren Sapp Thursday 2 PM / Michelle Kwan Fri 1 PM / Lenny Wed. Noon.

Ned's movie is The Passion Of Cain And Able, a spoof on the 2004 movie The Passion Of The Christ.

Springfield Shopper headline in Ned's movie: Massachusetts Okays Gay Marriage. / Stem Cells Cure Alzheimers

Bart reads The Bible For Wise-Asses. Based on the For Dummies series. The image on the cover looks like Dennis the Menace. 

Homer Simpson Showboating Academy 

Ned Fanders' "Tales Of the Old Testament" Running Time 800 Minutes. aka 13 hours.  Burns' Celluloid Whimsies

Self Aware Joke, Homer says he's the worst thing to happen to sports since Fox. 

The Yee Haw Texan plans to take his profits from fining rowdy players and make a musical about the J. Giles Band 

At Super Bowl XVI, 1982, Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man are married by Robert Schuller. Lets Get Physical by Olivia Neuton John plays. Up With People was the real half time entertainment that year. Paul McCartney performed at the Super Bowl in 2005.

First Church Of Springfield. Rapture Threat Level: Orange

The halftime show is sponsored by Ford, Citibank and Moe's tavern. 

In the episode Homer teaches the players about poor sportsmanship. Tom Brady says he stands for good sportsmanship, this was 10 years before Deflategate. 

Pranksta Rap

This episode premiered on February 13th 2005. The lead in show was Malcolm In The Middle and it was followed by Arrested Development. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, The 47th Annual Grammy Awards and Law and Order: Criminal Intent.

The title comes from the term Gangsa Rap.

The couch gag is the family is dressed up like chess pieces and has to hop across squares on the living room floor to reach the couch. Homer is the king, Marge the queen Lisa the knight, Maggie a pawn and Bart is the rook.

SLH eats the remote and changes the channel from the football game to Sunday Sitcoms, Homer panics. Lisa figures out that the dog ate the remote and changes the channel every time he barks. Homer tries to force him to puke it back out but gets stuck in the dog door, just as Selma and Patty show up. They cover him with makeup while Bart kicks him in the butt. Bart sees a commercial for a rap concert. He asks Homer for $50 to go to the show but Homer tells him to go to hell. Bart asks what if he pays for it himself and Homer says Go Nuts. Marge catches Bart heading out to the concert and forces him to wear his pants up around his armpits. Homer and Marge rap why Bart can't go to the show. Bart goes to his room and tries to write rap lyrics and decides to sneak out to the concert. The rapper drops his mic and when Bart catches it he gets into a rap battle. Bart almost gets caught but decides to fake a kidnapping. While interviewing Marge about the kidnapping Kent Brockman gets her to read a promotion for Hawaiian Getaway week on Channel 6. Bart tells Milhouse his plan and asks to hide out, so they go to Kirk's place. Wiggum gets depressed about what a poor job he does and falls asleep at his desk, he dreams that Barney Fife comes to visit him. Bart calls with demands, he tells Marge to not worry. Wiggum recognizes the sound of the Chintzy-Pop pop corn in the back of the tape, Apu tells them that Kirk is the only one cheap enough to buy it. The police bust into Kirks apartment and find Bart. Wiggum gets a parade with a float of him arresting Kirk, Milhouse has to march in the honor guard. Wiggum is promoted to commissioner, Lou is promoted to chief. Bart goes to Wiggum to confess however Wiggum wants him to keep the secret, Kirk is enjoying his time as a prisoner. Lisa discovers Bart's Murder 4 Life shirt and rats him out to Homer, however he has sold the rights to Bart's kidnapping story and tosses the shirt on the fire. Lisa goes to Skinner to try to expose Bart. Lisa goes to Alcatrazzz to see a video of the concert where they see Bart on stage. Wiggum bursts in but is outgunned by the rappers. Alcatrazz offers a solution to the problem, throw a house party. Chalmers is working for Alcatrazzz, they have him around for laughs but he needs the money for his sick wife. 

50 Cent does his own voice in this episode.

TV shows: Rueda De Fortuna / Mel Gibson's The Salad Of The Christ on Christian Carrot Theater /  Itchy / a tornado / golf / Hip-Hoppenings

Murders 4 Life concert featuring Da Glock Pointaz / Romeo Smoov / Queen Booty Shaykah / M.C. Champagne Millionaire / Assault Magazine's Man Of The Year Alcatraaaz 

Gravy Aficionado magazine: The new browns are in. 

Bart's Murder 4 Life ticket Row A Seat 7. How did he score something like that? And for only $50.

Best line of the episode "Son, your mother makes a very loud point".

Bart has a picture of Homer falling down the cliff from the episode Bart The Daredevil. 

Springfield Coliseum: Murder 4 Life Benefit. No Gang Colors (Except Red)

Milhouse plays frisbee alone in the park. In the last episode the place was a dump so I guess the fundraising was a success.

Bachelor Arms: Swimming Pool Now Corpse-Free

Kirk is now working as a scarecrow, but doesn't do a very good job. 

Springfield Shopper headlines about Wiggum: Wiggum Sleeps Through Riot / Top Cop Surrenders To Backfiring Car / Firemen Rescue Police Chief From Tree / Commission: Wiggum Sucks

At Kirk's apartment: Milhouse's room. Every Wednesday and alternate Saturday. 

Bart's Tombstone: Son, Brother, D- Student

Springfield Shopper headline: Wiggum Rescues Boy No, Really.

Wiggum makes Conspiracy 2005 jackets for Homer, Bart, Kirk and himself. 

This episode just ends with no resolution. I guess Wiggum remains police commissioner, Kirk stays in jail and Homer sells the rights to Bart's story. I really don't like the non resolution episodes. But I do like that Lisa lost in the end so that counts for something.

There's Something About Marrying

This episode premiered on February 20th 2005. The lead in show was Malcolm In The Middle and was followed by a Simpsons Repeat (Alls Fair In Oven War). It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, Cold Case and Law And Order, Criminal Intent

The title comes from the 1995 movie There's Something About Mary

The couch gag is the family skates around the living room with the Stanley Cup while the Charge theme plays. They are all missing a tooth and Homer has a black eye.

Bart sets up a Free Beer trap with a hanging melon. Barney comes along and grabs the beer as he runs by so the melon misses him. Bart complains that everyone in town is wise to his pranks and he needs a new victim, just then Howell Huser literally falls off the back of a turnip truck. Bart and Milhouse take him on a tour. He gets attacked by a swamp monster and then Milhouse tricks him with snapping gum. When he shames the town the bullies chase him and he hops on the back of another turnip truck. The guy turns out to be a traveling reporter and does a story about Springfield. A month later the town is boarded up. To save the town Lisa suggests legalizing Gay marriage. Reverend Lovejoy refuses to perform Gay Marriage, Marge objects but he drowns her out with the bell. Homer figures out he can make money off the marriages so he ditch his Death Before Gay Marriage sign and becomes an on line minister. When Homer runs out of Gay couples he suggests getting Lenny and Carl to get married. Lisa suggest straight marriages too. Cletus marries Brandine. Homer goes on Smartline along with Reverend Lovejoy. Krusty The Clown calls in to say that the Watchamacarcass sandwich uses not diseased meat from diseased animals. Patty shows up and asks Homer to perform her marriage, that's when she comes out to Marge, she's marrying Veronica, Homer mocks Marge for not figuring that one out. Veronica is a pro golfer, she met Patty when she threw her club at Krusty but hit Patty by accident. Marge starts to freak out so Patty tells her to accept her life or not show up at the wedding. Selma admits she married Disco Stu but he shows up with the annulment paperwork. Marge catches Veronica in the bathroom, the toilet seat is up and Veronica is shaving, Marge is happy because she thinks Patty is marrying a man. Marge speaks out during the marriage and tells Patty that Veronica is a man, and exposes her Adams apple. It turns out she is a guy who lied to get into the women's golf tournament. Veronica's real name is Leslie Robin Swisher. Patty can't go through with the wedding because she loves women. Patty and Selma head to the airport to leave unattended baggage. 

Bart and Milhouse play The Twist by Chubby Checker at a radioactive area, they claim it's the place they go to get active with radios.

Homer's map to the stars of Springfield: Lenny / Carl / That Dude I Hate / Red Car Guy / Hunny Tree / Scary Rock / Good Place for a Denny's / Isabella Rossellini (she was in the episode Mom and Pop Art)

The Gay Marriage ad uses the tune Jamaica Farewell.

WWW dot springfieldisforgayloversofmarriage dot com

Homer's church is the Li'l Chapel. This is based on the place in Las Vegas. 

There is a flier on a pole for jobs, $41 dollars an hour. Nobody has taken the number. I'd check it out. 

Homer's flier: Gay Weddings, Now that I've got your attention, I will perform Gay Weddings. Homer Simpsons 742 Evergreen Terrace. Knock Loud, I'm sleeping in back. 

Homer's church sign: The Church of Matri-Money. I will now marry anything to anything else--Diaper fee for chimp brides. 

Krusty's Watchamacarcass Sandwich. 

Que Sera Sera by Doris Day plays while they do a flashback of Patty's life, dressing up as a construction worker, while Marge hangs up a David Cassidy poster she hangs up Miss Jane Hathaway (The Beverly Hillbillies), Marge goes to see Sleepless In Seattle while Patty kisses a girl in front of the theater. 

In the episode Jaws Wired Shut Patty and Smithers appear in the Gay Pride parade on the float Still In The Closet. 

Self aware joke, Bart asks if Patty is on a realty show where a woman marries a fake millionaire and then has to honeymoon in a box full of snakes, Homer calls Fox to try to sell the idea to them.

Homer's wedding chapel customers: Ralph and a tiger / CBS and a cardboard cutout of Boobarella / Sea Captain and the masthead of a woman. 

This episode did a flip of the characters, in the episode Homer's Phobia he was afraid Bart might turn Gay and panics, becoming very homophobic. In this episode while Homer performs Gay marriages Marge freaks out when she finds out Patty is a Lesbian. 

I had the idea of setting up a Gay Marriage business but the minute my state declared it legal the local magistrate started marrying couples. He performed the first ceremony in New Mexico, there went my business. 

This episode would be condemned by Woke Culture. It uses the "if Gays can get married why can't anyone marry anything?" as a joke. There is the idea of a man pretending to be a woman to be better at a sport. All conservative talking points in the modern world.

Well this ends another 5 episodes. Almost halfway through, unless they keep making more episode.

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