Sunday, November 17, 2024

 The Simpsons 396-400

The Boys Of Bummer

This episode premiered on April 29th, 2007. The lead in show was King Of The Hill and it was followed by a Simpson repeat (Jazzy And The Pussycats). It ran opposite Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Amazing Race and Dateline NBC. 

The title comes from the 1972 book The Boys Of Summer.

The couch gag is a repeat of the game of musical chairs.

Bart is in a little league game. A player on the other team his a high fly and Bart shoves Milhouse out of the way to catch it. He lets the fame go to his head but Ned warns him about vanity. Homer gets tired of shopping with Marge but all the Husband Chairs are occupied so he lays down in the bedding department and falls asleep. When he gets caught he says the bed is the best he ever slept in and the YaaHoo Texan buys 5, the store manager hires Homer on the spot. Lisa complains about people loving baseball. The Shelbyville team hits an eazy pop fly but Bart drops the ball and then fumbles it, the team loses the game and Bart becomes the villain. Bart, Dolf and Kerney sing "Bart stinks Yeah Yeah" to the tune of Love Stinks by J. Geils Band, Bart's favorite song. Lisa takes Bart to meet George LaBoot, a former baseball player who dropped the winning ball of the 1943 World Series, and then threw it into the stands and hit Eleanore Roosevelt. However the player recognizes Bart, tells him off and the whole convention boos him. Homer sells the Lovejoy's a mattress but it fails to rekindle their love life. When Homer is writing them a check they start making out on the Simpson's mattress and trade it for their new one, that night Homer and Marge can't snuggle. Someone has covered the town with graffiti "I hate Bart Simpson" including a passed out Barney. It turns out Bart is the one doing it. Bart falls off the water tower and LaBoot fails to catch him, he winds up in the hospital. A crowd shows up at the hospital to heckle Bart, Marge tells them off. Moe says it's not like they can just play the game over, giving Lisa an idea. Homer and Marge break into the Lovejoy's to steal back their mattress however they start to fool around and get caught. Lovejoy brings up the story of King Solomon and they cut the mattress in half, diagonally. Homer and Marge "snuggle" on the mattress behind a billboard. During the replay of the game Milhouse almost tells Bart the truth, that they aren't replaying the game due to a non regulation home plate brush but to make him feel better about himself. They have to keep coming up with reasons why they keep rehitting the ball including Moe streaking. At one point Bart almost catches the ball but Homer comes rushing over and leans over the wall to catch it. After several hours Bart finally catches it and they all leave. 60 years later Bart and Milhouse are in the retirement home and Milhouse tells him the truth, however he then claims that he lied. A ghost Homer and Marge are watching. 

Springfield Little League Park. Warning: Your Child Is Not As Good As You Think He Is

The scoreboard Visitors 3 / The Isotots 5 / Inning 9 / Ball 1/ Strike 1 / Out 2

Springfield Shopper sports section headline: SHAME! (with a photo of Bart chasing the ball) / business section: Boy's Error Weakens Dollar (photo of Bart and graph of dollar going down)

Self Aware Joke: when Marge asks Homer doesn't he have to get to his job as a mattress salesman he says "Oh yeah, let's see where that goes".

Shelbyville Grand Wailea Hotel. Baseball Card Show Today- See How Your Childhood Heroes Have Aged. / Meet Your Favorite Greedy Agent / Wack -A- Mascot 

Joe LaBoot lost the 1943 World Series in game 7 however the real World Series that year only went 5 games with the Yankees beating the Cardinals 4-1.

Lenny has written a series of mystery novels "The Murderer Did It". His last name is Leonard, have they ever mentioned that before? If not, this is the episode where we learn Lenny's last name.

Springfield: The Meanest City in America!

During the replaying of the game Bart is hit by a line drive, spins around and his clothes come flying off. This is a spoof on Charlie Brown. 

Eh, not the best episode. 

Crooks And Ladder

This episode premiered on May 6th, 2007. The lead in show was King Of The Hill and it was followed by a Simpsons rerun (Moe'n'a Lisa). It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, The Amazing Race and Deal Or No Deal. 

The title comes from the name of fire departments Hook and Ladder

The chalkboard gag is "I Will Not Look Up What The Teacher Makes" and the couch gag is a repeat of the car wash.

Marge is reading an article about the dangers of letting your kid be addicted to a pacifier, Maggie spells out No FUTURE with the blocks. Marge throws out Maggie's pacifier, she starts to destroy the house with a nerf gun. Lisa complains about the magazine. Marge sends Homer to get a new pacifier but she hates them all and starts crying uncontrollably.  SLH gives her a chew toy but the squeaking drives Homer crazy. Homer sees a commercial for Nappien, a sleeping pill. The first night he sleep eats everything in the house. The second night he breaks into the Rock 'N' Roll Wax Museum and reorganizes the displays. Bart decides to use Homer so they pick up Milhouse. They get Homer into a street fight, ride him down a grassy slope, dress him up as a woman and send him into Moes. Homer wakes up while driving and crashes into the fire department, he skids in chili, goes through the pole and sets off the alarm. When the firemen slide down they all crash into the Dalmatian cage and wind up in the hospital. Homer, Apu, Moe and Skinner decide to volunteer. Lenny and Carl show up late and get turned away. The fire department saves Luigi's and he pays them in food. When they save Renier Wolfcastle he gives them film jackets. They save Burns but he doesn't give them anything, instead he insults them for being poor. Moe blows an ember into Burns' priceless treasure room and they all steal stuff. They start taking stuff from everywhere they save. Skinner starts having second thoughts so they threaten him. The family catches Homer in the act of stealing from fire victims and Marge tells him off. Moe gets trapped under a solid gold grandfather clock so Homer save hims and Apu. Homer becomes a hero. Homer sends his stolen segways to skid row. 

Marge reads Smothering Mother Magazine. The cover has a crazy woman with a gun holding a baby.  Are bees building hives in your diaper genie? / The Deadly Truth about Oxygen / Is Your Baby a Suckaholic? "Experts see new links between pacifier overuse and low achievement" (a photo of three homeless guys gathered around a burning trash can with pacifiers in their mouths)

Sheep in the Nappien commercial: Mortgage / Car Problems / Secret Other Family / Strange Lump. The commercial is a spoof on the Serta mattress commercial. 

Someone lined up all the family's video tapes as dominos. When Bart pushes them over they form the image of Homer with Matt Groening signed underneath (self aware joke). The first video tape is C.H.U.Ds which Homer references in the episode The City Of New York vs. Homer.

Secret dirty joke: Homer's domino's knee pad is Dominex. 

Nappien, may cause dry mouth, mood swings and nighttime kookiness. 

During the montage of Homer's nighttime activities Frankenstein by Edgar Winters Group plays. 

Reiner Wolfcastle movies: Total Explosion / Father Of The Presi-Bot / I Shoot Your Face / I Shoot Your Face Again / Frankenberry The Movie 2: The Frankenberry Wears Prada (A spoof on the Frankenberry cereal)

The Sharper Mark-Up. A spoof on Sharper Image

Sad Eyes by Robert John plays while the kids give Homer their disappointed look.

This was an odd episode, it went from Maggie's pacifier to Homer on drugs to thieving firemen, and then just ended. 

Stop! Or My Dog Will Shoot!

This episode premiered on May 13th, 2007. The lead in show was King Of The Hill and it was followed by a Simpsons rerun (Ice Cream Of Margie). It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, Survivor and the NBC Sunday Night Movie (Shrek)

The title is based on the 1992 film Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!

The chalkboard gag is "Pearls are not oyster barf" and the couch gag is the family runs in and sits on the couch, then another Simpsons family runs in and so on until the house is overflowing. Homer says "Hey, don't shove!"

Homer is excited to go to Oktoberfest and even brought two beer steins, however it turns out to be Harvest Fest, an alcohol free event. Marge admires the winning Horn A Plenty but it turns out the guy used a styrofoam filler and is drug behind the barn. Bart points out the corn maze to Homer but he wants to leave, and accidentally leads the family into the maze. Marge suggests splitting up, Homer thinks she wants a divorce. Homer freaks out and runs off, getting even more lost. He tries to walk through the corn but discovers it is surrounded by an electric fence. Lisa uses Tremaux's algorithm to find their way out, but Homer is still lost inside. They send SLH to find Homer. When the police see how well SLH does they recruit him. SLH's first day on the job they have to go to Cletus's and gets shot. The second call is Snake selling steroids to the bullies. SLH catches him but the judge lets him go when SLH messes up the police report. Bart scares SLH and bites him so they tie him up in the backyard. They decide to send him home with Lou. Bart wants a snake to replace SLH. At Show And Tell Bart's snake eats Martin's rabbit and then escapes into the school. The police bring SLH to find the snake but instead he finds the frisbee in Bart's locker. The snake gets into the chemistry lab (in a grade school) and knocks over a beaker of Ethanol and Nitric Acid. When the building starts filling up with toxic gas the snake flees. SLH runs back inside to save Bart. Both the snake and SLH show up to save Bart but he goes with SLH, who quits the police force. Willie takes the snake.

Stephen Hawking and Rudy Giuliani do their own voices in this episode. Giuliani had announced he was running for President in 2007 so his part was cut out of the original broadcast and replaced in syndication after the 2008 election. He is currently awaiting trial in the Arizona Election Interference case.

The A-Maize-Ing Maize Maze. "Betcha Can't Solve Our Maze!"

What Lisa sees while being tossed into the air in the corn maze. Corn / More Corn / Another kid being thrown into the air looking for the way out / Witches Coven / Seattle Space Needle / Amateur production of You Can't Take It With You 

Freak On A Leash by Korn plays while SLH tries to find Homer. 

When SLH goes to the Police Canine Academy the theme from the 1984 film Police Academy plays. During the training they play the music from Patton and the 1975 TV series SWAT.

When Bart imagines SLH as a police dog he is attacked by Pinhead from Hellraiser, Jason from Halloween and a big math book. SLH shows up as RoboCop from the 1987 movie. 

The police hang out in a bar called The Mug Shot.

When they buy the snake the pet shop gives the family a pamphlet "Your Weird New Pet"

Martin trains his rabbit to hop to Mussorgsky's Pictures At An Exhibition. 

Alarms at the school: Fire / Bomb / Groundskeeper Drunk / Escaped Pet.

While trying to swallow the computer Clippy The Paper Clip pops up and says "You Look Like You're Trying To Eat Me. Need Some Help? Clippy was available on computers from 1997 to 2004.

At the end Willie says "That'll do snake, that'll do". This is a spoof on the 1983 film Babe.

24 Minutes

This episode premiered on May 20th 2007. The lead in show was King Of The Hill and it was followed by the next Simpsons episode. It ran opposite Extreme Makeover, The CBS Sunday Night Movie (Million Dollar Baby) and The NBC Sunday Night Movie (National Treasure). 

The title and plot are  references to the TV show 24, which was still airing at this time.

Since the show is themed on 24 there is no chalkboard or couch gag.

"Previously on The Simpsons" Skinner takes the smart kids to the school's new addition, the CTU (Counter Truancy Unit).  Security footage shows the bullies are missing from class. At the nuclear power plant the hazmat team is called in to deal with Homer's forgotten and overgrown yogurt.  Bart uses ketchup and mustard to create a graffiti image of Skinner saying "Put Me On Your Weiner!" Bart uses the mustard and ketchup to slide on in order to escape but crashes into the detention room. Marge finds a flier for the Springfield Elementary Bake Sale on Friday at 3 PM in Bart's shorts and it's 2:33.  At this point the Created By and Developed By titles pop up (normally these run after the couch gag) "The following takes place between 2:34 P.M. and 3:04 P.M." Homer tries to return his rancid yogurt to the Kwik-E-Mart, Apu lets Homer take any yogurt he wants as long as he gets rid of the rancid one, meanwhile the bullies take it to play a prank. Skinner sees the bullies on the store monitor and orders Milhouse to bring them in until Lisa spots them taking the yogurt, Milhouse is ordered to just monitor them. He is spying on the bullies when Homer rats him out and they throw him and Homer into the dumpster and then push it down a hill. Marge discovers she is all out of raisins and can't make her famous raisin sponge cake so she rushes to the store. Lisa needs to recruit Bart to find out what the bullies are up to, he doesn't want to do it but since the bake sale is coming up they have no choice. Bart steals Skinner's car to track down the bullies. A four way split screen shows the hamster the bullies used to test their stink bomb / Bart driving Skinner's car with his butt / Marge fighting Helen Lovejoy for the last box of raisins / Homer rolling down the street in the dumpster. The dumpster ends up in the middle of the railroad tracks but gets knocked out of the way by Otto, who is doing an air guitar and doesn't see the oncoming train. Marge gets her raisins while Lovejoy his hauled off on a stretcher, the bullies test the stink bomb on Ralph, he passes out. Bart finds out about the stink bomb. Martin turns out to be a double agent and tips off Jimbo. Bart sneaks into Jimbo's house but the bullies went out the basement door. Bart tries to call the school but gets Jack Bauer by mistake and does a phone prank (Ahmed Adoody). Marge puts her cake in at 1200 degrees and burns it, but coats it in pink frosting. The dumpster finally crashes into Moes so Homer goes in for a beer however Moe is drilling his own tooth so he and Milhouse hop back into the dumpster and head to the bake sale. Lisa wants to call off the bake sale but Chalmers shows up so Skinner decides to hold the sale, Martin searches the hall cameras and sees the bomb but covers it up. Maggie causes Marge to drop her cake but she just picks the bits out and takes it to the sale. The bullies plan to set off the bomb in the janitor's closet but Willie finds them and sets off the fire alarm. Bart catches Nelson not beating up Martin so he tortures him until he confesses. Bart is about to tip off Lisa but Martin knocks him out with a french horn. It turns out the the bullies were holding Martin's ant farm hostage, the bullies set the bomb for three minutes. In order to short out the ventilation fan Skinner releases the valve for the hotdog water retention valve and floods the room, even though Willie and Bart are still tied up. Martin thinks about what he has done, puts on his monitor sash, climbs on a chair and jumps off, left hanging. Cut to a wide shot and he's hanging by his underwear from the coat pegs. Bart manages to swim down and is seen through a window in the gym, Marge shatters the glass with her cake. Lisa gets hold of the bomb and shuts it off with one second left. Everyone is celebrating when Jack Bauer shows up, he congratulates Lisa and then arrests Bart for his prank phone call. A nuclear explosion goes off in the background but it's just Shelbyville, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. 

Kiefer Sutherland does the voice of his character Jack Bauer and Mary Lynn Rajskub does the voice of her character Chloe O'Brian from the show 24.

The members of the CTU, Skinner (Principal, Mama's Boy) / Lisa (Head Hall Monitor, Loves Ponies Hates Phonies) / Martin (Dink) / Database (Dingus) / Milhouse (Dork). Former agents Sherri / Terri / Wendell

On the CTU monitors: Willie and Ms Hoover making out / Nelson giving Mr. Largo a wedgie / Ralph picking his nose and getting hit with a dodgeball.

Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Available For Weddings

Homer Simpson (ATM User, Devoted Father Of Two) 

Bart Simpson (Two Months Sober)

Marge Simpson (Unemployed)

Stuff Marge finds in Bart's shorts: Switchblade / Voodoo doll of Homer / House of Blues matchbook from Anaheim (a Downtown Disneyland reference)

Big Chief Rotting Cheeks chewing tobacco 

Springfield Shopper headlines: Mayor's Breath Still Problem (another Simpsons prediction about Trump) / Corn Less Popular / Bake Sale Today

Jimbo's ringtone is the theme from the 1970 tv show The Odd Couple.

Moe is reading Be Your Own Dentist. 

Stuff in the school ventilation pipe: 1950's History books (Too Racist) / 1990's History Books (Not racist enough) / Uter in a giant spider web / Miss Hover passed out with SLH (whiskey bottle nearby) 

You Kent Always Say What You Want

This episode premiered on May 20th 2007. The lead in show was the previous episode of the Simpsons, (above) and ran opposite the same shows.

The title is a reference to the Rolling Stones song You Can't Always Get What You Want.

Instead of a chalkboard and couch gag opening the show pays tribute to the 20th anniversary of The Simpsons (the characters premiered on the Tracy Ullman show on April 19th in 1987. 20 Years Ago... The Tracy Ullman short of Homer trying to get a photo of the family runs. 

Marge is playing Pictionary with Maggie against Patty and Selma, Marge keeps guessing what Maggie is scribbling on the paper. Maggie sees that it's a quarter to three and draws Bart and Lisa getting home from school but Marge's car won't start so she has to run home because they have dentist appointments. Homer lies to the technician about flossing and then starts screaming, scaring everyone in the lobby. Skinner is at the dentist and Bart sneaks in to mess with his teeth. Homer takes the family out for ice cream and buys the 1,000,000th cone at Butterfat's ice cream parlor. Homer is the guest on Smartline, he compares buying the cone to the first kill in war. When he knocks Kent's coffee cup over Brockman curses live on the air. Marge misses it and asks the kids which word it was so Bart draws it on his Etch-A-Sketch and then can't get it to shake out. Kent apologizes but then finds out nobody watches the show and he got away with it.  Lisa complains. Bart says only losers sit around watching shows to complain about them, cut to Ned monitoring the TV, the only two videos not in his naughty pile are The 700 Club and Test Pattern (Non Indian). He sees the Brockman swear and goes to Online Christian Soldiers (a spoof of the song Onward Christian Soldiers) and reports his finding. The FCC launches an investigation into Brockman and he's demoted to Weekend Weatherman (Anie Pye writes "Kent Stinks" with a picture on the weather map before taking over the news desk). The FCC fines Channel 6 $10 million. Krusty has to cut the voice actors from Itchy and Scratchy so Krusty narrates it himself. Scratchy gets blown up by a dynamite cat and then Itchy juggles his various parts. Lindsey Naegle fires Kent. He gets caught in the rain and Nelson rides by to laugh at him. Brockman moves on to the Simpson's couch. Lisa gets mad at Fox News so she sets up Kent on a webcam where he exposes the media for being in bed with the Republican party. Channel 6 offers Kent a huge pay raise if he'll come back and stop running his YouTube channel, he accepts. Homer tells Lisa he knows Fox's deepest secret however there is a voice over when he tells her. He turns to the camera to tell the audience and they cut to the Fox logo. Homer shows up on the white screen to whisper his secret and they cut to the Shush lady. 

Ludacris does his own voice.

Homer's AAA card: The American Applesauce Association 429 004 86153624 6 4 Member since 1978. 

When Marge is running home to meet Lisa and Bart Way Out There by Carter Burwell plays, the scene is a spoof on the chase scene from Raising Arizona. Marge runs past Mrs. Krabappal, Ned, she hits CBG knocking over his box of comic books (Zoidzilla / Zebra Girl / Zillionare), through the Kwik-E-Mart where she has to dodge all of Apu's children, he hands her a Squishee, she runs into Snake who is trying to get away from Wiggum, she almost gets hit by a truck driven by Moleman but manages to duck underneath, through Quimby's yard (he's playing pool volleyball with a group of women, she falls down a manhole (the sewer is full of rats, alligators and a drunk Barney), through a Chinese parade (a lot of stereotypical characters in this one), and then head on into the St. Patrick's Day parade (the Leprechaun from Treehouse Of Horror XII is in the parade),  the Springfield dog park (Laddie from The Canine Mutiny is in the park along with Marmaduke). Helen Lovejoy tries to tell Marge some gossip but she doesn't have time and jumps through the front window just before the kids get home. 

St. Patrick's Day parade banner "How's My Marching? Call 1800 KL5 9595. 

Springfield Dental Complex "No Matter How You Brush, You're Doing It Wrong"

The U.S. Dental Association Presents: Menace Tooth Society, a rap video about proper dental hygiene. Luda-Crest shows up to save the teeth from street gangsters.

Self aware joke, Bart makes a comment about the losers that spend the whole day watching TV just to complain about the shows. Hey, I'm doing that.

While Kent is packing up his office the Theme Song from Midnight Cowboy plays. Pictures of Kent with the Ayatollah, dancing on the Berlin Wall, Interviewing R4-D4 from Star Wars

Homer has been watching Fox News and calls Kent part of the "Liberal Media", he then claims Mexican Gays sneak into the country to unplug brain dead ladies. I guess some things haven't changed over the years. 

The Simpsons Wall Of Casual Acquaintances Who Came. To Stay for A While: Artie Ziff (The Ziff Who Came to Dinner) / Apu (Homer And Apu) / Krusty (The Last Temptation Of Krust) / Willie (My Fair Laddy) / Nelson (Sleeping With The Enemy) / Sideshow Bob (The Great Louse Detective) / Otto (The Otto Show) / Kang / Gil (Kill Gil, Volumes I and II) / Stampy (Bart Gets An Elephant. Missing from the wall are Larry Burns (Burns, Baby Burns) and Chester J. Lampwick (The Day The Violence Died)

Fox's new reality show Landing Strip, about a group of strippers trying to run an airline. Lisa changes the channel where Birch Barlow is on Fox News. He's complaining about NASA aborting launches. Barlow first appeared in the episode Sideshow Bob Roberts.

Self Aware Joke, Lisa points out that Fox Entertainment runs trash shows while Fox News runs outrageously sexy shows. Kent Brockam claims Fox is funneling money through the FCC via fines that then end up in the Republican party. When Homer is about to expose Fox's biggest secret to Lisa there is a voiceover that says "programming shows that the whole family can enjoy". 

The Simpsons predicted the political channels on YouTube. 

This episode was originally titled The Kent State Massacre but was changed after the Virginia Tech shooting in April of 2007.

To quote Homer Simpson "Woo Hoo!" I've made it through 400 episode and 20 years. (although I have 17, so far, years to go) Up next, The Simpson Movie, I'm actually looking forward to it. So my next post will just be about that. Then we'll return to the regular episode. Wish me luck. 

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